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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Inside the Games reported a while back that Gymnastics would feature once again on the program as well.
  2. @Sindo I believe this is the logo for the Games (at least it’s the one that they’re using at present).
  3. Is this/will this be a permanent track, or will it only be used for the championships and then moved?
  4. Ooh, debut of Rugby 7. I definitely would welcome that inclusion to the program. I see that Canoe is whoring itself around to all the major European multi sports events . I would be awesome to finally have Canoe Slalom on the program. Overall, this sounds promising
  5. I’m not super impressed with this letter, but it’s a start I guess.
  6. Letter sent to the media by FIG President Morinari Watanabe: All voices matter Dear All, In recent weeks, we have witnessed many athletes in parts of Europe and Oceania taking to social media to tell what happened during their journey in Gymnastics. They have spoken out about how their passion for the sport has been damaged to various extents by humiliation, mistreatment and fear of retribution if they complain. As a man, each story makes me sad. As President of the FIG, the bravery of these athletes gives me hope. It means that there is a genuine will for change. It means that some old, authoritarian methods - however successful they might have been in the past - are not tolerated anymore. I want to tell the gymnasts who have the courage to speak out that their voices matter. I want to tell them that it is never too late to get involved and to push for reform, at any level. When I became President of the FIG in 2017, just months after the Larry Nassar scandal came to light in the United States, I promised to undertake whatever was needed to avoid that such cases of massive sexual abuse could happen again in our sport. We learnt, from the testimonies of those brave young American women, how a climate of fear was an environment for the perpetration of such crime. In the wake of this affair, the FIG has established the Gymnastics Ethics Foundation to encourage anyone to report any form of rules violation, abuse and harassment, and to provide a safe, confidential mechanism to do so. The task was not easy, but today the Foundation is fully operational and is investigating several cases. As well as any form of physical violence clearly being intolerable, insults and threats have no place in any training hall. Whatever is at stake, Gymnastics must remain, above all, a fun sport to practice. More can be done to draw a clear separation between what is acceptable and what is not. The FIG is working on initiatives to that end. We all know plenty of positive tales in the sport. Those are the ones that need to be shared and replicated. I invite all of you to consider what could and should be done at your own level. The FIG can provide the impetus; however, we will manage to foster a culture of respect in the sport only if we make the necessary efforts together.
  7. Are you living with anyone else at the moment? It’s probably too late already, but if you are, you need to isolate yourself from them immediately.
  8. Just wait until LA. We don’t really do rowing around here, so we’ll have to slop something together.
  9. Does “morriña” mean mourning in English? I never learned that word in Spanish.
  10. I hate how excited/hopeful I am after reading this. There’s still so much that could prevent this vaccine from being deemed viable. It’s a good moral booster though. I just hope we’re not rushing the trials for the sake of profit or being first. There’s a lot of assurances I need met before I take any vaccine developed in the US.
  11. Qatar’s economy has slowed a little as of late as well.
  12. Chinese Taipei had some youth sliders at the YOG, so they might actually be trying to create a program. Bosnia & Herzegovina have had a good amount of NTL sliders, but they finally had a ATL slider at the YOG too.
  13. And there’s a heightened importance placed on perfection. It also seems like gymnasts are taught to always show a lot of happy outward emotion, but instructed to basically crush any inner emotion, which as someone who studies this stuff in college, I can tell you is a very dangerous recipe for poor athlete health (and human health in general).
  14. It comes down to the coaching culture of gymnastics. It’s going to take a lot to change it too. It’s like I said on the podcast, the IOC/FIG need to take a strong stance on athlete abuse. Coaches caught engaging in this activity should be banned from the sport for life. Nations where this culture persists despite policing should be given sanctions in the form of fines, quota restrictions, and ultimately bans in necessary. Punishment shouldn’t be the only solution though, becuase then federations will just work tirelessly to hide this type of activity. There needs to be other “soft-power” solutions too, such as athlete/coach forms, safe sport support groups for athletes, classes that encourage more positive coaching methods for coaches, an anonymous web portal for athletes to report abuse, etc.
  15. That seems like overkill. Maybe 9 or something? It’s important to remember that people will have very little time to adjudicate these matches.
  16. Yeah...I don’t think a single competition can really replace the unique experience of the YOG. They only “substitute” I could see working would be for every IF to host a competition under the same name (and branding), but in different cities, with the medals all being the same design, and all be counted on an overall medal table. Even then, you’re not really getting an authentic multi sports games experience.
  17. While we’re on the topic of ties, what are you going to do about the elimination phase @OlympicIRL? 7 judges per match?
  18. I think the phrase “nostalgic longing” would appear to be the closest definition of what @kungshamra71 is trying to describe.
  19. Kind of, but you don’t generally look at something affectionately if it’s bittersweet.
  20. No, they would definitely retire. You’re right about Ferlazzo, and I would add that there probably won’t be luge program in Australia once he’s gone (unless they have some juniors I don’t know about). Australia does have a good amount of natural snow though, so a NTL team would be more feasible for them.
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