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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. You’re gonna have to translate that article if you want people to know what it says
  2. Generally it means artists with a good following. Youtube creates those lists because people are interested in the topic. It could also just be a fan account since it only includes your latest song, but if someone went to the trouble to create a fan account, that’s probably a good thing too
  3. KALEO was big on the alternative/moody scene midway through the last decade. I remember hearing a couple of their songs in films and commercials.
  4. Here’s my biggest take away from the reporting I’ve seen: UK Sport asked WADA to clarify if what they wanted to do was legal, WADA said it was legal. Now, they may have not been fully honest to WADA, but WADA said the substance in question was legal under it’s laws, so... There are clearly multiple ethics issues here, as well as a debate around the substance in question. Plus it continues the argument about technology/science in sports, and the disparity between rich and poor countries. Let’s not pretend that every country isn’t developing dietary, medical, and technological advantages for their athletes though. I am definitely disgusted by the way UK Sport handled this, and that WADA never really seemed to investigate the issue further after London 2012. This makes me question WADA even further, as yet another scandal has undermined their ability to keep sport clean. I am definitely worried about the health of athletes who tried this substance. This only adds to the compounding issue of athlete abuse around the world. Plus, it sets a dangerous precedent for countries to continue to research into questionable methods of helping their athletes gain an edge.
  5. I’m pretty conflicted about this whole scandal. I’m going to continue educating myself before really coming to an opinion.
  6. That’s the most beautiful thing about Athletics, it often breaks that rule. Though now we’re just seeing the richer nations buy better athletes from poorer ones, so...
  7. I had high hopes for AMLO, but he has morphed into your run of the mill Central American corrupt socialist/communist. His policy has been to defund sports, and put the money towards programs that help the general populace if I’m not mistaken... I haven’t followed Mexican politics much lately, so @mrv86 could probably explain the sports thing better than me.
  8. Honestly, the sport I’m most sad about not being on the Pan Am program is Ulama. Obviously it doesn’t have an international federation, and it’s only played in a few places at the moment (though it is expanding), but it is the most Pan American sport out there. It’s the OG of Pan American sports, having been played by Mesoamericans for centuries. It’s a shame that there’s never really been an effort to develop it on the continent, and get it on the program
  9. In defense of Lacrosse, it is about as Pan American as a sport can get. In terms of origin and top countries. I do agree that it largely non-competitive at the moment, but maybe World Games inclusion will help with that a little.
  10. Women’s Baseball was a well loved addition it seems. People bring it up all the time when talking about Toronto 2015.
  11. Also, what type of Roller Hockey are we talking about here? Inline or Quad? If it’s inline the Americans will be the favorite for gold.
  12. I’m doing a complete rewatch of the 2017 Jeux De La Francophonie. Watched the Opening Ceremony last night. Watched Day 1 and 2 of Wrestling finals along with Day 1 of Athletics today. I’ve got the last day of Wrestling on the schedule tomorrow, along with more Athletics, and some Freestyle Football as well.
  13. Well they already made a pictogram for it last year, so it’s not much of a surprise Remind me how Roller Hockey is more cost effective than Bowling or Racquetball again? Don’t get me wrong, it’d be cool to see it on the program, but I can’t help but feel bad for some core Pan Am sports that have been cheated here.
  14. The Games were well attended by the way, the stadium was just built for larger football crowds. On this particular day there was a few thousand people in attendance, they were just sitting in the shade under where that camera was. I actually consider the 2017 Jeux De La Francophonie to be a highly successful event for what it is.
  15. 2017 Jeux De La Francophonie was 3 years ahead of it’s time
  16. I suggested that we do a “Reverse Festival of Music”. That being the nations users normally represent.
  17. Nah, it’s clear everyone has strong opinions on Despacito, so if someone choose it, they’re at the mercy of the crowd now.
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