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  1. Valgren wins the real first race of the season ;)

    I missed most of the race but considering how big the group was at the end it seems like this was a really disappointing edition of the Omloop. Also, why the hell did they change the course. The old Omloop route was great and basically always led to great racing. No reason to include the crucial points of the Ronde in every single cobbles classic only because they are now not crucial in the Ronde anymore. 

  2. You really have to feel sad for alpine snowboarders nowadays. They just want to participate in a competitive sport but get mistreated by the ioc, the rules are ridiculous and the jury makes political decisions. 

    Why does every sport get more and more events but instead of making the logical step to include a snowboard team event they scratch a discipline? Why the hell would anyone think a parallel event without reruns is a good idea? That whole concept has "unfair" written all over it. And if you think there is still any dignity to safe for this event don't make the decision who gets into the final a political one. These olympics have simply been a disaster for parallel snowboarding. 

  3. vor 11 Stunden schrieb heywoodu:

    Yep, too bad Austria has no chance of beating Sweden :( 


    Well, both Liensberger and gallhuber were a lot better than expected,

    but I admit, my predictions were a bit pessimistic,

    although I still think sweden was the clear favorite in that duel. Anyway, my point that one of the best teams was eliminated early because of a bad bracket stands. 

  4. I get it, every freakin sport needs a team event nowadays so alpine skiing needs one too. But at one point the fis has to decide whether they want to make a team event which represents the strength of the whole alpine skiing team, or a team event which represents the strength of the nations slalom (or rather parallel slalom) team. Because right now the fis behaves as if the former was the case while everyone with a brain sees in fact the latter is. This leeds to the stupid situation that for the 2nd year in a row one quarter final of the team event will be Austria vs Sweden, or said differently a duel between two of the top favorites while one of the other quarter finals will probably be Italy vs France. Those two teams might have great alpine skiing teams, but their slalom teams this year are simply nowhere near the ones of Austria and Sweden. I actually calculated what a slalom nation world cup would look like and it would be 1.) Austria 2.) Switzerland 3.) Norway and 4.) Sweden. However Norway would only be in front of Sweden because of Jansrud's 15 points which he got at a city event just for starting which brings up the question why the hell points like that are taken into consideration for making the bracket for this event too. Still taking this order to determine the duels for the team event would be so much fairer. I really think Austria has a team with medal potential, but I just don't see how on earth they could beat Sweden as long as no Swedish skier makes a huge mistake. 


    Btw, I don't want to behave as if this problem only exists for Austria. Ofc Sweden is unlucky too to have such a strong opponent early on (although it's imo not as bad for them since I think no team other than Switzerland has a half decent chance of beating them anyway) and Switzerland will also have a pretty strong opponent in Germany or maybe even Slovakia. Talking of Slovakia, too bad for them Vlhova won two races, cause without those 200 points they swap places with Canada and all of a sudden Slovakia has a good chance to get into the semi final. (at least if Velez Zuzulova is in a half decent shape now, otherwise they don't have a chance anyway) 


    I know the fis is currently trying to renew alpine skiing but why the hell can't they use their brain for once. They are making so many stupid things it's unbelievable. Can't wait for the first major championships where we'll have a slalom, a parallel slalom, and a parallel slalom team event, but no super-g and no combined. 

  5. I recorded the race and WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST WATCH. 

    Ofc this result doesn't represent the strength of the teams but still it was hilarious. Wierer going from first to tenth and back to first, Finland for a moment looked like they could end makarainen's olympic nightmare, freakin poland leads at the last exchange, Öberg wins silver after Sweden completely fucked up the first 3/4 of their race. Domracheva almost gives away gold but rescues it with her three final shots. This race had so many crazy moments it's unbelievable 

  6. vor 3 Minuten schrieb Shiffrin:

    Ah, come on you can’t get a medal everywhere. Plus Matt still has a fair chance for a medal.

    Before today Austria dien' win a medal for three days in a row. It's not like we have perfect olympics. Also for matt to win a medal myhrer or kristoffersen would have to choke big time.

    anyway, congrats doppelmeter 

  7. vor 11 Minuten schrieb cypher:

    Interesting the frenchman Clément Noël who won junior slalom world championships by almost 3sec, will start the olympic slalom tomorrow.

    He's in very good shape. I wish he could enter the top 10

    I wouldn't be surprised. Noël is one of the best young skiers right now and might be the guy who'll challange kristoffersen when hirscher has retired. I know it's probably too early to tell but I was incredibly impressed by his performances in the last world cup slaloms. 

    You're talking about a top ten, but I actually think he could cause a huge upset and win a medal. I wouldn't be more surprised than about Gallhuber winning bronze

  8. vor einer Stunde schrieb OlympicsFan:

    If this is not overperforming, then there must be some websites that predicted this result. Tumulero, Windisch, biathlon mixed relay, Brignone, shorttrack team relay all weren't favorites for the medals, so you won tons of surprising medals. The only big disappointments so far were Windisch and maybe Wierer in the individual.

    You are 1 gold medal away from overtaking South Korea and Austria in the medal table, no chance that anyone in Italy expected this.

    What you are saying is basically "all medals which weren't almost completely certain are surprises". There are events in which you don't have three clear favorites and in some of those you'll make a medal, in some of those you won't. It's not surprising the Italian men's ski team didn't win a medal in the speed events but it also wouldn't have been surprising if they had won one. Same for the women in the gs. Seriously, calling brignone's medal a surprise is just ridiculous. 

    Btw, Arndt Peiffer's gold medal is not a surprise to you but Windisch winning any medal is?

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