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Everything posted by AlFHg

  1. Or maybe, since the Italian swimming team was absolutely bad for years, now better athletes are coming?
  2. How I feel while studying chemical synthesis AND reading olympic qualification criteria
  3. They’re considered to be lucky in Italy
  4. Questa è una sacrosanta verità. Anche se comunque c'è sempre il fatto da considerare che vivere di sport in Italia è complicato...
  5. I think (hope) that they will use tomorrow, (originally a reserve day), for the other 2 races, and then on Saturday they will hold the medal race. Other fleets in 49er have already done 12 races, so did the women, I think it will end this way.
  6. Fatta la dovuta premessa che io non sono un allenatore nè ne capisco di recupero fisico etc, i mondiali stanno fra 40 giorni, penso che si possa recuperare dalle fatiche. Soprattutto, non credo che la IJF organizzi un evento di prima fascia se si aspetta che tutti lo snobbano perchè ci sono i mondiali vicino. Inoltre, molte nazionali iscrivono tonnellate di atleti, l'Italia manco uno per categoria ne ha, ma 10 su 14. E dopo 3/4 competizioni che assegnano punti per il ranking, giusto per fare un esempio, non ci sono italiani in classifica nella 100kg + uomini, (il che non è un male in senso assoluto, ci sta che non in tutte le categorie si abbiano atleti competitivi, però se bisogna fare esperimenti, bisogna farli).
  7. Un po' come per il triathlon comunque, eh...
  8. Shouldn't there be two other races?
  9. Domani comincia il Grand Prix di Budapest di Judo, un'altra bella occasione per mettere in cascina punti per la qualificazione olimpic... ah no.
  10. Do you think Italy has any chance of beating Mexico?
  11. It looks like has been disqualified on the Laser Standard
  12. Finn is just men, (one person dinghy - heavyweight)
  13. GB is going to make a sweep of olympic quotas at the first chance
  14. La squadra di softball ha fatto un partitone, non so se per le condizioni atmosferiche o altro ma ha fatto un partitone. Del resto ho visto molto poco, però speravo in una vittoria nel nuoto di fondo
  15. It makes me feel better that other people agree with me on the need of vaccines. But my question was slightly different, I'll try writing it back in a clearer way. If the State obliges you to vaccine in order to attend schools/work/etc, (unless you may not due to personal and specific circumstances), how would you react? You will say: "It is absolutely necessary to vaccine, so it isn't a problem" or "No, the State has no right to decide of my personal health". For the sake of clarity, for me it isn't a problem, as quality and length of life had sharply improved after vaccines against polio and other diseases were developed. I personally think that vaccines are the best weapons against some diseases that may not be very dangerous in most of the cases, but that in other situations, (probably rare, but still with a chance different from zero), may have a bad outcome. There's no scientific evidence that vaccines may cause side-effects, and, from my knowledge, for the very rare people who suffered from them, it was essentially due to their specific physical condition. Obviously, I expect in return mainly three things: that vaccines are given free, that severe quality control is made for their production and last but not least, that if may happen that, by chance or not, vaccines may result side-effects on somebody, the State will take care of them.
  16. I was wondering: let's assume you can create new events for current olympic sports, (and for existing sports in general), how will they look like? For example, if I was in UIPM, I would develop laser-run so it may look like biathlon, somehow, with events like the individual, the sprint and the couple mixed relay. Another thing I thought, a kind of Endurance/Elimination event in archery: archers shooting their arrow to the target and, instead of counting the score, the distance from the center is calculated and summed up arrow after arrow, then once an athlete goes over 1 meter (for example), he/she is eliminated. Any other strange idea?
  17. I’d like to see at least 6 golf events, since a huge venue must be built for being used just 4 days, and golf is not a very popular sport, so not that much legacy. Obviously, unless the host city already has one.
  18. any results? Did the organizers cancelled the races?
  19. on my pc and mobile phone, ads are covering posts. I use Safari as browser. Plus, honestly, the scrolling advertisement on mobile phone is absolutely annoying (and sometimes it doesn't allow to switch between the forum sections)
  20. I was wondering about something that in the last year has been debated almost everyday in Italy. In your country, are vaccines mandatory? If yes, what do you think about it? ( yes, it is another sleepless night)
  21. And most of all because I stayed for some days on the top of the ranking
  22. Questo fatto di allargare l'Unione Europea ci è un po' sfuggito di mano
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