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Everything posted by AlFHg

  1. No medals for and no gold for I would have never expected it...
  2. Option E may be the first in general standing, the first in the event and the first to post prediction for that event So now is option F something I don't really know about
  3. Well, that is option A Option B may be drawing components of the team event per event Option C can be teams made up 1,2) the two best placed in general standing and 3) the best placed in the event Option D is more teams per country Option E is something I actually don't know
  4. As regards this, probably some rules for team composition should be introduced
  5. @Gianlu33 senza entrare nei meriti politici di quel che hai scritto prima, io la vedo un po' meno nera. Secondo me l'atletica italiana è in miglioramento, leggero, ma comunque diverso da zero. Finalmente sono arrivate prestazioni che sono vicine ai record italiani, dopo anni di oblio. Poi vabbè, certo che da qui a dire che l'atletica sarà fucina di medaglie/finali etc ce ne passa, ma il miglioramento di uno sport in un paese parte dalla capacità di migliorare i propri record innanzitutto, perciò secondo me questo è stato un anno discreto. Cambiando sport: la mia fonte tipica è OASport, che praticamente mai ha parlato della ginnastica juniores maschile (e il cui livello sta un po' scendendo eh...*), ma visti i risultati di oggi, secondo voi è ipotizzabile qualificare una squadra a Tokyo? Almeno mandare più di uno? * Spero che nessuno di voi scriva su OASport e se la prenda, ma ultimamente hanno un livello di imprecisione altissimo, di prese di posizione stupide e soprattutto di percentuale di articoli in cui c'è la nervosissima parola "italico/a" prossimo al 100%. Ammetto però che fanno un grande lavoro e quindi continuo ad apprezzarli.
  6. Arianna But Van Rouwendaal she has been absolutely the best in these championships
  7. Am I wrong or, up to 10 years ago, also 5km walking was an event at European/world championships?
  8. @Gianlu33 solo per curiosità, ma lavori anche su Wikipedia?
  9. Finally Tocci - Chiarabini together again in 3m synchro
  10. does anybody have news regarding 49er?
  11. I watched the entire match and honestly Mexico deserved winning it. Italy showed a rock-solid defense, absolutely stronger than Mexico’s, but the american were more able in conquering bases. Plus, the pitcher was absolutely unplayable. However, absolutely great results for Italy, we must be confident for the Olympic qualification, we can do it P.S. How it is sad to see men’s football with 16 teams and other sport with 12 or even less
  12. As regards track cycling and swimming, finally the italian federation are making investments in the structures and most of the athletes are now able to train also abroad. In athletics we are so strong that we are dominating the medal table. The answer is simple: as a teenager undergoes growth and development, its "feelings" (meant as adaptation to technique and physical stress) becomes different and requires time to calibrate, while this is not true for people in the mid 20s, as Panziera and Codia. As regards all the other swimmers you said, Quadarella, Vergani, Cusinato, Miressi and Zofkova did very well in Budapest and in the short course european championship, this is just a confirmation. As regards the other, honestly I don't know very much about them in terms of their history and their previous best, so I'm not saying anything. I don't know about Wellbrock or how it is written (by the way, is there a law in Germany that denies apostrophes in English words?), but how it is possible that a "kid" is now competing with the best in the world? (I'll answer for you: it is exactly what I told before regarding the others). In the end, as regards the Italian to be considered as talent: Italian young athletes are among the best in the world, but our system doesn't really help who wants to be an athlete and then keep on doing other things. PS: were you as suspicious as you now are with, for example, Laura Dahlmeier?
  13. I'm wondering why giving out mixed team specifically quotas, at this point. They seem so unuseful
  14. Can somebody tell me where to find tomorrow schedule, please?
  15. It would be epic, but for that time I think the leader will/should be Aru, Nibali is getting older
  16. Purtroppo non esiste una sorta di "università sportiva" in Italia, dove si possa studiare e lavorare. Non i gruppi sportivi universitari, ma proprio una specie di campus attrezzato. I gruppi militari sono una possibile alternativa, il fatto è che serve il professionismo per tenere i ritmi attuali delle nazioni migliori. PS: mi spiace per te, qualunque possa essere il motivo
  17. Yes, it is definitely. We can eat very well and this preserve us from getting older. Now, let's assume for a second that you may be right: why did you said that you would like that all other countries should adopt the same system, instead of saying that doped athletes had to be punished? Did you get a violation while writing on some Italian monument?
  18. Seems strange that an athlete qualified in the mixed team may not have access to the individual, unless to be considered as a double starter... By the way, do you think that teams that obtain a mixed team quota, will have to obtain two other quotas in the respective single event?
  19. The schedule I posted was deleted and it looks like no image of it exists So I wrote up this, that is referred only to the olympic events. The blue is qualification day only, the golden is the final. More info here: Just to briefly sum up olympic qualification criteria, the four best placed shooters in each event (max 2 per NOC) will obtain an olympic quota. As regards mixed team events, the best two NOCs will obtain a quota per gender in the relative event, plus the participation to the individual event at the olympics. * *Personal interpretation, but it seems to be logic, don't you think?
  20. If she really want to get a chance to win medals, she should try again 400m, in my opinion.
  21. Most of all, you cannot start doing fast races when you are thirty.
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