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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Bring them to me and never again will I insult you for being under 10.
  2. This does sound a little "I know more than you guys, only the things I like are actually good and your tastes are mediocre" to be entirely honest
  3. He is, but only on a moment when it's wildly inappropriate, like two hours too early.
  4. I don't see someone do that who doesn't even wanna take a simple painkiller when having a major, major headache If she ever goes that way, I will never watch sports again.
  5. The bottle swallows the tequila man....the bottle swallows the tequila
  6. So, Chile, Norway, Bulgaria and Turkey are the first ones who have now lost any theoretical chance to win.
  7. There's a difference between being ambitious and being utterly unrealistic Have you ever seen that Johaug lady ski? Yeah, gold's not gonna happen
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