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Everything posted by avlar

  1. Both russian and belorussian AINs. Wrestling entries for them are closed.
  2. We had German version at the very beginning. But I prefered biathlon mostly ) We were much more successfull there than in tennis )
  3. TASS got a quote from the IOC press-officer: "The review process for wrestling, weightlifting and taekwondo is closed, as well as for trampolining and road cycling." So no more AINs will get invitation in these sports. It means that reallocation will definitely happen.
  4. Officially confirmed by the IOC according to TASS - AIN entries in wrestling are closed. No more AINs.
  5. All we need to know about these games in one photo)
  6. Yes, I watched that final ) He took part in Orange revolution in 2004. Than he was involved in car accident in 2011. He is acoach at a tennis club (may be of his own, I do not know exaclty). Then the war started but he stayed in Kyiv. Hіs photo with Stakhovsky after the start of the war
  7. ITF confirmed singles to our NOC Kostiuk, Svitolina, Yastremska, Kalinina. Pairs are to be confirmed: 1 or 2.
  8. So you have the same conclusion in this way of reallocation. Here one can find alternative 2 alternative ways of reallocation (including WW) discussed in detail in parallel thread. P.S. I wrote at the very beginning that UWW would produce a chaos in qualification... And they did it.
  9. Short answer )) : no decision by the IOC tennis players According to russian sources, they sent request to ITF about all their players in TOP-100 and all of them are OK for ITF (it means nothing as we could see in wrestling and taekwondo). Now they are working on their final entry. Medvedev is to be included according to the officials and he has intention to play. That final entry will be sent to the IOC by ITF. And the IOC will give final decision. That 3 others withdraw themselves. It is notable that withdraws activelt started after the decisions of wrestling and taeknowno. Looks like russians are trying to avoid of losing quotas - so they will keep in the list players with "clean records". Anyway, ITF has to get entries from russia finalize general quota distribution to proceed.
  10. What weights? Should we add more alternatives to the table? I do not think russians will be allowed to send substitutes. On the contrary, I expect some of the names on the current list of eligble wrestlers to be scratched. According to their recent statements IOC started sending invitations directly to the athletes yesterday. Taekwondo confirmed that the decision is final. Cycling said that they had sent substitutes for confirmed riders and they were approved alltogether. Mamiashvili declared that they will decide to take part in the Games on the 20th of June.
  11. Лук - є!!!! Питання в п'ятиборстві. Я так розумію, що Пермикіна має отримати квоту - на мою думку, треба було хоч раз доїхати конкур з тих трьох виступів. А щодо Чекана - там є реальні претенденти на ті 2 тристоронні місця?
  12. Finally! ))) Pavlova was 3 times one step from quota but Marchenko did it!
  13. Thank you. But I am still not sure about that reallocation, so leaved question mark there.
  14. If we have a precednt from 2021 it is a bad news for twice because you can get 2 quotas (Liuzzi and Chamizo) or nothing. I saw that way of reallocation (and it even gives Ukraine one more quota as @Art Art mentioned), but I am not sure what UWW will decide. Before your post I would say my way of reallocation was more natural. But precedent makes your way more real. At the same time, Italian wrestling federation has to find good lawyers to fight for these quotas, since even commas in the text can be crucial. (We had a fantastic example from Ukrainian football championship when bronze medals and place at the UEFA Cup were decided by the lawyers of the club which used a single word in the regulations). I will update lists with alternative re-allocation variant.
  15. They have really strange text. But I see that "maximum of eight place" is mentioned only at the section "Before the final individual or team qualification tournament". So it looks like quota may be won with 9th place or lower?
  16. You right, it is another case bit indirectly recent IOC decisions indicate some major shift which may be important to that case too. For a long time it looked like the IOC expected the war to be finished soon and kept door open for the quick russia reinstatement for the Games-2024. Now this quick finish does not look so real. The IOC was threatened by the alternative games in russia. But this week they saw an absolute catastrophy of the BRICS games in russia. The level of competition and international presence are so low (sometimes not enough athletes to award bronze) that they avoided of publishing protocols and real number of participated states. As a result Friendship games expected in september can be postponed for a year. The IOC is strong enough now. But at the same time we see that the IOC just evaluates entries sent by the IF`s (by now). So at the first step it is important to do all the best to solve Tugolukova`s case at the level of the IF. And the most important: the list of athletes expected to be excluded published in the 1 and 2 posts of the topic now looks much more serious now. We know that IOC really does not invite to the games war-supporters. So everyone can join the process and try to find evidences to allow his/her favorite atheletes to get quotas instead of AINs. Those who are allowed to compete are not safe - and I think some of them will be out too.
  17. You are right. I suppose even if is allowed to change selection they will not do this
  18. That will be a question for UWW to decide. EQT was earlier than WQT, so it would be natural to give quota to Baran. And then quota from Baranowski will be reallocated to UZB, I think.
  19. Так, але Туреччина була пізніше. Тому за логікою, боюся, цю квоту віддадуть Польщі, а далі її квоту з турецького турніру перерозподілять Узбекистану. Мені так здається, але я не заперечував би, якби була Ваша правда )
  20. Я теж так думав, але Ілля слушно підказав, що вона перейде не тому, кого обіграв росіянин, а кращому за рейтинговими очками на турнірі. Тому вона буде у Польщі. Тож питання тепер в компроматі на ноунеймів, яких допустили. За умови його появи їх так само відсторонять.
  21. В 97 вони допустили Козлова з Білорусі, тому там ми поки без квоти (( В 57 - сподіваюся, що ні. Єдине, що вони можуть - це спробувати запхати цю Сазикіну в 57 замість 62. В цьому є ризик. Не перерозподіляти квоти - теж варіант від них, але це буде прямий конфлікт з МОК. Що думаєте з приводу дзюдо? В світлі чистки борців трошки оптимізму додається. Там росіяни свій склад оголосили раніше, ніж відбір закрився Judo TASOEV Inal M100+ Judo KANIKOVSKIY Matvey M100 Judo IGOLNIKOV Mikhail M90 Judo ARBUZOV Timur M81 Judo LAVRENTEV Danil M73 Judo CHOPANOV Murad M66 Judo ABDULAEV Ramazan M60 Judo STARTSEVA Elis W78+ Judo TAIMAZOVA Madina W70 Judo LILUASHVILI Dali W63 Judo KURBONMAMADOVA Daria W57 Judo GILIAZOVA Sabina W48
  22. Yes, according to the qualificarion rules it must go to Alina!! By the way, russian media said that the IOC started sending invitation letters to the athletes on the lists. So no substitutions to follow.
  23. Yes they will have it. I wrote "reallocation to another NOC" because the IOC did not specify who will obtain the license (other means not russian or belorussian). Reallocation will be done by UWW, but according to my calculations (thanks for correction from @Illya) these quotas will go to Poland.
  24. So, we have a list of reallocations for AINs frpm belarus Short notes from the IOC statement: 1. Decisions to reject quotas are final. 2. Decisions to approve quotas are not final - new facts may lead to the rejection of invitation. 3. Decisions cannot be appealed - NOCs were not invited to the Games, so it is a good will to invite individual athletes... or not 4. Unused quotas will be reallocated to another NOCs (not to be sunstituted by another AINs). Empty lines in the IOC Decision column means no decision yet. Reallocation to another NOC means that IF has to reallocate this quota to another NOC (not AIN) according to the IOC decision. The most probable reallocation is mentioned in the table. russians are on separate post (updated!) - some more potentially good news at that post - @copravolley @rafalgorka @zob79 @phelps belorussians: Sports Athlete(s) Discipline Possible Reallocation NOC IOC Decision Cycling Hanna TSERAKH Road AIN - Hanna TSERAKH Trampoline Viyaleta BARDZILOUSKAYA Women's AIN - Viyaleta BARDZILOUSKAYA Trampoline Ivan LITVINOVICH Men's AIN - Ivan LITVINOVICH Taekwondo Georgi Gurtsiev 58 kg Lev Korneev Reallocation to another NOC Weightlifting Siuzanna VALODZKA W71kg MIRABAL FERIA Yeniuska AIN - Siuzanna VALODZKA Weightlifting Yauheni TSIKHANTSOU M102kg DEHDAR Reza AIN - Yauheni TSIKHANTSOU Weightlifting ASAYONAK Petr M89kg SANTAVY Boady Robert Reallocation to another NOC Weightlifting ZIAZIULIN Eduard M102+kg Kamil Kučera Reallocation to another NOC Wrestling Aryan Tsiutryn Men's freestyle 57 kg Vladimir EGOROV Reallocation to another NOC Wrestling Mahamedkhabib Kadzimahamedau Men's freestyle 74 kg Miroslav Stefanov KIROV AIN - Yahor AKULICH Wrestling Aliaksandr Hushtyn Men's freestyle 97 kg Illia ARCHAIA AIN - Uladzislau KAZLOU Wrestling Dzianis Khramiankou Men's freestyle 125 kg Kamil Tomasz KOSCIOLEK Reallocation to another NOC Wrestling Kiryl Maskevich Men's Greco-Roman 87 kg Lasha GOBADZE Reallocation to another NOC Wrestling Abubakar KHASLAKHANAU Men's Greco-Roman 97 kg Mihail KAJAIA AIN - Abubakar KHASLAKHANAU Wrestling Pavel Hlinchuk Men's Greco-Roman 130 kg Mantas KNYSTAUTAS AIN - Dzmitri ZARUBSKI Wrestling Vanesa Kaladzinskaya Women's freestyle 53 kg Maria Prevolaraki AIN - Viyaleta REBIKAVA Wrestling Iryna Kurachkina Women's freestyle 57 kg Alina HRUSHYNA AKOBIIA Reallocation to another NOC Wrestling Veranika Ivanova Women's freestyle 62 kg Johanna LINDBORG AIN - Krystsina SAZYKINA Remarks: * - quota should go to JO Seongbin but has selected its maximum number of participant and it is unlikely that IWF or NF will revise that selecion. Thanks to @Jan Linha and @phelps ** - important precedent was found by @Faramir to show alternative way of reallocation supported by @Art Art: a) at a single tournament - quota goes to the first eligible athlete at the tournament where it was won by AIN, not taking into account those who won quotas later b) chronologocally - tournament by tournament - with cascading redistribution of quotas, taking into account those who won quotas later and redistributing their quotas from later tournaments. These alternative ways are shown in the table only for the quotas determined to the reallocation by the IOC.
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