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  1. @phelps Our top-media paid attention to the story with the headline ""A group of corrupt officials". The winner of the 2016 Olympics in wrestling accused the judges of bias after the license tournament in Baku" But the story is far from the end! Bayramov stated in the interview for Azerbaijan IDMAN BIZ: "Chamizo should not forget that he won 5-6 matches by biased decisions of the referees, and as a result became a European, World and Olympic medalist." Counterattack is the best defence? But it looks he has no way to say that his own win was fair.
  2. У мене великі побоювання щодо того, як нас будуть судити в боксі. А от в боротьбі в Баку наших судили достатньо пристойно, як на мене.
  3. Я тільки за ) В теорії, ще навіть парусний спорт можливий. А що у нас з баскетболом 3 на 3 - в теорії, наче ще є шанс потрапити в останній кваліфікаційний турнір? У пляжному волейболі, як я розумію, треба буде вигравати кваліфікаційний турнір.
  4. Давайте спробую описати максимально оптимістичний сценарій добору спортсменів на Ігри (цифри не враховують вже здобуті квоти) 1. Лук - 4 (ж. команда, ч. індив.) 2. Бадмінтон - 1 3. Бокс - 4 (пару хлопці, пару дівчата) 4. Каное -4 (каное-2 ч., байдарка ж.) 5. Стрибки у воду - 1 (Науменко) 6. Фехтування - 2 (Рейзлін, Полозюк) 7. Дзюдо - 5 (3ч + 2ж) 8. П`ятиборство - 1 (ж) 9. Академічне веслування - 10 (дві парні четвірки, двійка легкої ваги) 10. Стрільба - 1 (може вистрілити будь-хто) 11. Настільний теніс - 1 (ж) 12. Теніс - 5 13. Важка атлетика - 1 14. Боротьба - 6 (+- по 2) 15. Брейкданс - 2 Разом 48. + Легка атлетика - ? Щоб дійти до 150 легка атлетика має додати мінімум ще 20 спортсменів, а краще більше - бо в пунктах 1-15 описаний максимально оптимістичний сценарій, який на практиці, звісно, дууууже складно буде реалізувати.
  5. Thank you very much for all the quotes. Its is a real didsaster. Hope, Frank will win his quota at the last tournament. But Lalovich has to go anyway!
  6. Are there any public texts to read it in detail?
  7. In my oppinion, B country will compete - they did not show any intention to follow R country in this field.
  8. So the quotas in Freestyle are 57 kg + 65 kg + (what a chance for quaota lost by our Arushanyan in the QF!!) 74 kg + (robbery of the day in the first SF) 86 kg + 97 kg + 125 kg + ------------------------------------- Important notes on AINs: 1. Sadulaev (FS,97) - we knew that he participated pro-war rally, but according to the latest decision bt UWW it turned out that he is active memeber of Dynamo. This club name is popular around the world, but in russia it means that he is conracted with Rosgvardija (Rus(sian) Guard). It is an internal military force of russian federation. Rosgvardija takes part in the war against Ukraine, but also it is responsible for illegal arrests, tortures, briberies, propagana among the children the occupied territories of Ukraine. Rosgvaria is "famous" for shooting civilan autos in Hostomel and e t.c. Sadulaev decided to stay in Rosgvardija, so as for me it is the finish of his international career. 2. Uguev (FS, 57), Sidakov (74 kg) - these quotas will be returned with high propability since both took part in the same rally as Sadulaev. The only question: when? If it happens before the final qualification russian will be able to send replacements and it will make the tounament harder. Otherwise redistribution will happen. 3. Semenov (GR, 130 kg) - 50/50 that he will lost the quota. He was suspended by UWW and then reinstated. But the reinstatement could not work for the IOC, since he supported war at the social networks. 4. Naifonov (86, FS) - discussion to follow. He had "a training camp" at the ouccpied territories of Ukraine. It is interesting that a lot of russian wreslters and weightlefters have "training camps" there. I wonder how anti-doping services can control them there? 5. All 4 women quotas are under investigation. The worst chances to go to Paris has Veleva (68, WW) - as a member of the Central Sport Club of Army. The cases of Sokolova (50, WW), Malysheva (53, WW) and Kasabieva (62, WW) are also on the IOC`s table. P.S. We are not so happy to spend our time on these investigations and calculations, but that was not our idea - all the questions should be addressed to the IOC and UWW.
  9. Freestyle 57 kg vs + vs 65 kg vs + vs 74 kg vs + vs 86 kg vs + vs 97 kg vs + vs 125 kg vs + vs We were close to 4 men in SF. But Arushanian was not accurate enough at the very end, and Hotsianivski looked too tired. With these opponents I still unsure if we get can get the first freestyle quota for Paris today. But in genral our wrestlers looked not so bad.
  10. We have 5 men in QF but I wonder if we will be able to get a single quoata today. Our freestyle team was not good enough in recent years. Last Olympic medal was taken in London 2012.
  11. It is interesting, that too much money is not so good too. The hosts, Azerbaijan had all they need but did not win a single quota in the first 2 days.
  12. Women’s FS Quotas 50 Kg: & 53 Kg: & 57 Kg: & 62 Kg: & 68 Kg: & 76 Kg: & AIN quotas from russia are unsure: Today Irina Vinner (head of russian rhytmic gymnastics and wife of Alisher Usmanov, suspended head of FIE) proposed to have a meeting of a coach council of all sports. This council should decide whether to send athletes to the Olympics or not. Mamiashvili (head of russian wrestling) supported this proposal. In person he sounds like a proponent of participation, and he says that right now they are going to fight for licenses, but it does not mean that they will take part in the Olympics - they will decide later.
  13. We won and lost unexpectedly today. Hrushyna was so close to quota.
  14. I agree with the exception of Sokolova may be. She did not impressed in the QF. France was really good today. They deserved at least one quota. The hosts (AZE) did not win quotas yesterday. So they the only chance today with Stadnik against Livach. And this chance is almost 100%. Livach did not impressed in the QF,
  15. I am satisfied with our results. The expectations were not so high. Waiting for one more quota at the next tournament. Semenov`s quota is 50/50 right now. He was ruled out last year by UWW, but reinstated later. Waiting for the fincal decision by the IOC, his "quota" may be reallocated.
  16. And here we go. 77Gk - the first upset - Elmar NURALIIEV beated AIN Liakh.
  17. How it looks right now: UWW supported Sadulaev and allowed him to compete, but the IOC ruled out that he is ineligible for the Olympics. After that UWW panel quickly "found new information about his support of the Ukraine-Russia war and that he is still officially declared a member of the Dynamo club" and banned him. This quick ban allowed russians substitute him. The draw is available!
  18. The next in line are Sidakov and Uguev. They "won quotas" at the World Championship, but were at the same pro-war rally as Sadulaev. What is the way of potential reallocation of their quotas?
  19. I would say, this demand is fair enough. Let`s imagine - Sadulvaev "wins quota". But later he is to be potentially disallowed by the IOC`s commission. What about the rights of the athletes in his half of bracket? Ok, the IOC will redistribute the license to the man who lost to him in the Semifinal, for example. But the entire bracket would be totally different without him.
  20. russian swimming federation prepared a trick. Is there someone from Bosnia? According to russians - they "organized international tournament for their swimmers", where they can try to get OQT (since domestic tournaments are not allowed). A lot of tops like Efimova are expected to be present. The tournament is expected to take place in April in Banja-Luka. It is not a FINA tournament. Its status does not require from russians to get neutral status, so they expect to be allowed to take part under their own flag and get qulaification times without application for neutral status from FINA. Russians expecyed to set a qulaifying time there under their own flags and AFTER that decide whethe to applu for neutral status or not. But latest FINA`s explanation says: "The only Russian athletes who will be able to qualify for the Paris Olympic Games are those who are registered as Individual Neutral Athletes. Any Individual Neutral Athletes who compete at this event, or other events, would be able to set a qualifying time for Paris" Thus, the trick looks to be useless
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