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Everything posted by Federer91

  1. Also just pure coincidence that USA are being pushed for 2034, when we all know the NBC contract end with 2032. IOC salivating on the negotiations for the new rights already.
  2. France and USA having 2 Olympics in 6 years has a sour taste in my mouth. Especially when there are other options available. Like why don't France host the 38 or 42 ones.
  3. Looks like Germany have found their rhythm again, at least in biathlon and ski-jumping, at the start of this season. Very strong performance from their whole teams. On the other side, team Norge started a bit so-so. JTB with 2 misses would have easily won last season, while Laegreid and Christiansen would have been top 10. We shall see, if the new ski rules are being a factor. The women did better, given that most of them are newer names, with the exception of Tandrevold of course.
  4. A new season and "good" to see the old ski-jumping traditions still being present. As in continue to enforce dubious rules and DQ the little people, while the power nations jump with bed sheets and get high fives from the "officials"
  5. Westgaard with almost top 10 He has some Scandinavian in him i suppose
  6. Any particular reason why luge isn't using the tracks in La Plagne, Lillehammer, St. Moritz and Beijing, but bobsleigh / skeleton do?
  7. Jørgen Graabak be like: "Finally, i won't have to start half a lap after everyone"
  8. Not much expectations for team BG this season. Our best woman Milena Todorova is pregnant and will miss the season. The 20-year old Lora Hristova showed big potential, as she won 3 gold medals at the summer biathlon Junior Worlds in August, but as we know summer biathlon is very different from real biathlon. I'm hoping she can get some points here and there. As for the men, the situation isn't much brighter. The days of having a competitive relay and fighting for top 8-10 place is gone. Blagoi Todev, who was a junior prospect seems to be endlessly injured and it's not certain, if will even continue with his career. The veteran Vladimir Iliev will continue to push through, though his decline was seen last season. All in all, the ambitions should sadly be not to lose anymore quotas.
  9. Wintersport season is finally upon us in full force The Kuusamo festival is always a treat, combined with the biathlon opening and the expected snowfall here in Bulgaria, makes it a weekend of my desires.
  10. Italy doing very well on both sides Especially happy for one Stefania Constantini
  11. In the not so lovely Bulgarian sports picture lately, we had a gigantic proud moment yesterday. Our women's team won the European Team Chess Championships title. From 9 matches, we won 7 and had 2 draws. The feat is even more special for 2 reasons. One, our whole team, bar our captain, are around 20 years old. And two, this is the first time we are playing in the Team Chess Championships in 10 years, because you guessed it, we don't have a proper Federation and have a 7 year ban from ECU & FIDE. As a matter of fact we shouldn't have played here, but they gave our team a Wild Card, after the results our young girls are having this year. All other countries agreed to us participating as well. Captain Antoaneta Stefanova (2417) - former Women's World Champion; Nurgyul Salimova (2412)- Finalist at this years Chess World Cup and playing in the 2024 Women's Candidates Tournament; Gergana Peycheva (2287) - 2 Time BG Rapid Chess champion; Viktoria Radeva (2332) - 3 Time BG National champion; Beloslava Krasteva (2262) - Bronze medalist at the U20 Women's World Championships this year The team played the last 3 matches with a player down, as Radeva got sick with a fever and had to spend 2 days at the hospital. And all this without a single penny from the country. But today, those Ministers and whatnot were the first to congratulate them... Every chess player is financing their careers with personal finances, sponsors and crowdfunding. I'm ashamed my country doesn't give these brilliant people what they deserve. Maybe this would change now. Full Euro team summary: Serbia, Bulgaria Triumph; Carlsen Takes Gold On Board 1
  12. FIS are having a very bombastic start to the season...
  13. We still have an hour before they change their minds.
  14. Razzoli still going. Is he going to make a push for 2026
  15. I've seen some political protests in my lifetime, but the chaos that happens tonight is unparalleled... The dumb police threw down a journalist, who was recording the events and while down his camera was still on. One of the other journalist went towards him to "save" him and after 15 minutes the cops let him go. They mayor is also down and trying to blame the fans of course.. And if the shitshow wasn't enough, we are leading Hungary in a match, that no one is caring about and the pathetic players are celebrating like it's the World Cup..
  16. One of the police trucks was sent on fire. Also a garbage bin with glass bottles was turned over and now they are throwing them at the police. Meanwhile on an isolated island inside the stadium a match is being played like nothing is happening.
  17. The water canons were emptied and the police are now charging the people to push them away...
  18. The protest are in full force and the tensions are rising, as fans are surrounding the stadium. You can watch live streams from here: There are a 1000 police officers and heavy machinery involved, which angered the fans and they started throwing all kinds of stuff.
  19. In the end, the match is going to be played in Sofia after all, how it should have been intended from the beginning... The whole circus shebang in the last 6 days served no purpose, beside further establishing the BFU as a laughing stock and angering whos who here, all the way to the Prime Minister, who shared his opinion, that it's time they resigned. But since UEFA has strict regulations of Governments interfering in the National bodies, he can only share an opinion. I saw today the Hungarian Federation have rightfully belittled the BFU as complete morons. They should have done it earlier. The match is still going to be behind closed doors, but the fans are continuing with their protest plans. The Hungarian fans are also invited to join, which from what i've seen is guaranteed to happen.
  20. Today's news on the chaos. The mayor of Plovdiv has put his foot down and said that no match is going to be played there. And now the BFU is panicking and has picked a town, Kardzhali, near the Turkey border to host the match. Further, further away from Sofia There is a newly elected mayor there, who has no idea about football and what's going on. He just received a call a few hours ago to organize the match. But there is still no official decision from UEFA, if that stadium is eligible or not. I wish Hungary say they won't tolerate this circus, because 3 days before the match it's not known where it's going to be played. Their whole schedule is screwed from the idiots of BFU. They should make a stand to play the match in Sofia.
  21. Very good 5th place in women's team sabre We are regularly doing better than Spain and Azerbaijan now, so i'm certain we will finish ahead of them. The question is if it will be possible to catch Italy for the final spot. I don't know how many points was the difference today, but 27 aren't small. Probably will have to make a breakthrough top 3 placement in the next World Cups to have a chance.
  22. Part 2 of the story I have to mention, that when i talk in general "1994 guys" in the BFU, it's not for all of the players from that team. It's for 7-8 people with the rest, including Hristo Stoichkov and Krasimir Balakov keeping their names out of this debacle. The current and ongoing President since 2005 is the goalkeeper Borislav Mihaylov. He has become a meme for a decade at this point. He regularly started appearing drunk and uncoordinated at events and after matches. After journalists and people online started mocking him, he stopped giving any interviews, frequently didn't go to the National team matches (he never goes to club matches lol), or in the few cases he was there, he left through the back doors before the matches were over. There was one time, when a car drove directly to the pitch to take him and bypass everyone waiting. Going back to the 2017-18 years, there was an election, where the other candidates weren't allowed in the building, because they would "cause trouble" in the way the election is conducted. Then, i think in 2019 came the infamous game against England. We lost 0:6 at home and on top of that, there was a huge racist scandal, that broke in the West. The then Prime Minister finally forced Mihaylov to submit his resignation, for not only the humiliation on the football side, but because of damaging the whole image of the country. In this case the BFU has to organize new elections, but 6 months have passed and nothing happened. Then COVID hit, which was the blessing they always wanted, because everything is shut down and no one thinks about them. Another year and a half passes with dealing with Covid, the Governments have also changed and Mihaylov has casually returned to the helm of the BFU. With no shame he says, that he never submitted a resignation, but was just on an indefinite paid leave. Around this time a new candidacy was gaining ground, led by the last 3 great players we have had - Dimitar Berbatov, Stiliyan Petrov & Martin Petrov. With Berbatov at the helm, there was finally optimism, that things could change for better, as they made a great campaign around the country. But with the election coming the "1994 guys" weren't going to just give up the power. The BFU started excluding smaller clubs, who accidentally were going to vote for Berbatov. That election was 2 years ago, October 2021, no journalists were allowed inside the hall. They were watching from the corridors on monitors without sound, like a silent movie. Everyone was seeing people talking, but hearing nothing.. In the end Mihaylov "beat" Berbatov with 241 to 230 votes. Berbatov then appealed the election through the courts here, as he said there were countless frauds, but 2 years have passed and no final decision has been made. Meanwhile the BFU is continuing to rule like normal. Around this part of the world, very few people will willingly resign from a position of power. Every country receives a sh*t ton of money from FIFA / UEFA. These people are draining that money for 18 years now and will fight to the bitter end for it. They have long ago stopped caring about football. We could be losing regularly 0:5 and be on the level of San Marino and Burundi and they would still say it's not their fault and just accept our position. So, how is all of this connecting to the match with Hungary on Thursday. Bulgarian fans have largely abandoned the National team for many years with negative attendance being achieved with each passing year. But this is the exact scenario the BFU is wanting. The less people there are, the less the chances of anyone thinking about them, so they can continue "working" in the background. After the Berbatov debacle, club fans have started protesting more on club matches. They are booing, swearing Mihaylov and BFU, having signs against him etc. But of course there are rules for such things. The rulebook has penalties and the clubs are being fined after every game for all the stuff their fans say and do. The BFU is regularly collecting 10-20 000 Euros after each weekend just from fines. So the fans came up with the idea, that instead of hurting their favourite clubs, they can make a bigger protest on the match against Hungary and this way it could reach more people and outside the country. The biggest ultras from Levski - CSKA, to Botev and Lokomotiv Plovdiv have come together to fill the National Stadium. The sectors were distributed between the different team factions and everyone should have come in their jerseys. But in a (genius) move, that no one expected, the BFU begged UEFA to have the match without fans and in a different city. This is probably a World's first, that a team is volunteering a home match behind closed doors and without the support of the fans.... But their plan hasn't worked perfectly. Given that this is all happening a week before the match, they can't screw Hungary completely and move the match in the other side of the country. They don't want the match to be in Sofia, so they moved it to Plovdiv, which is a close drive and not further disrupt the Hungarian organization. And here is the catch, the stadium in Plovdiv is still in construction. Matches are being played there, but there is ongoing work being done in the rafters and stands. The construction company have waited for this National team window to do some big work, as no matches were planned. They say they can't postpone the construction work in such short notice and it won't be safe to have a match there. The mayor of Plovdiv (the municipality have invested millions in the reconstruction) also said, that no match is going to be played there at this time (there will be new talks tomorrow). Now people from BFU have phoned the owner of the construction company and threatened him, that if the match doesn't happen there, they would take back the license not only for this stadium, which is Botev's, but also for the other teams one, Lokomotiv, as well, since it is also being upgraded. They would make both Plovdiv teams play their matches outside of the city. When talking with the mayor, BFU have insisted, that the match will in no way be played in Sofia and Plovdiv is one and only option and if he doesn't allow it, the National team will forfeit the match 0:3 and could face consequences of disqualification in future events. Frankly i am approving a forfeit and disqualification. Then all of Europe will see this circus. In true BFU fashion, they just want this match be over with, because then the next home one will be in September 2024, in a years time and they can go back cruising in the background and wait for people to forget. It's a vicious cycle, that is happening for a decade. The saddest part is that no players or coaches have come forward and said, that they don't approve this move and boycott the match. No one has said, that football is for the fans and they are playing for the fans and wouldn't want to participate in such a farce... Another blind eye, like for 18 years..
  23. So, here is the background story behind the current saga. Take some popcorn For many people around the world, when it comes to Bulgaria and football, they associate us with the 1994 World Cup run to the 1/2. Those players are without a doubt the most famous Bulgarian generation, as many of them also played in some of the biggest clubs in Europe. If you are a foreigner, you would rightfully think, that these people should be heralded for this achievement, which will never be duplicated. And for a large part of the older generations they still are. But for the generations, that came after them and for the ones, that have been brewing in our football world, opinions couldn't be more opposite. The people who were once deemed "untouchable" by the whole nation are now some of the most hated people, on the level of politicians.. It's a Walter White TV-esq transformation. The "heroes" of the 1994 World Cup have been ruling the Bulgarian Football Union for 18 years now. After their careers ended in the early 2000s, on the heels of their popularity they made a campaign to take control of Bulgarian football, bring a more youth oriented mindset and get rid of the old model. And of course they won the Union election in 2005. But as the years went along, much progress wasn't being seen in the National team, in the youth ones, or the clubs themselves. The trajectory was actually going downhill. So probably over a decade has passed of nothing happening and around 2016-17 talks and anger started appearing, that it was time for a change. But it was largely amongst fans and journalists, not many people directly involved in football were taking it seriously. But more years passed and things got worse and worse and more people started talking, which has led the BFU to become like a dictatorship.. So the BFU has elections every 4 years to elect a President, who then proposes a board of 10-12 or how many people, i don't know... Safe to say, that these elections go as fair, as State elections in Russia. All clubs, who are members of the BFU can vote (if they can prove they are active). Previously there was a points system, teams from the First division got a X amount of point for their vote, the ones from the Second got Y and so forth. But the 1994 guys changed to the system to be more "democratic", so every club has 1 vote. Now if you are Levski Sofia or CSKA with combined 60 titles, or a club with a budget of 15 million, you get the same power in deciding how the Bulgarian football is going to be run, with a 5th division team from a village of 600 people. And in an Union comprising 300-400 clubs, even if the top 40-50 "professional" ones all voted together, it won't matter in the end. Because you know how easily regional clubs can be persuaded, when their whole existence depends on the BFU. This is only one thing, that the 1994 guys have made to assure they stay in power. They have repeatedly said, that they won't leave, they see no fault in them whatsoever, they have done their job in "paying the bills" and it's not their fault we came to be one of the worst teams in Europe. Everyone's opinion doesn't bother them one bit and they won't vacate the BFU, because they were "elected". I'll continue with the latest so called elections next, but in some time, as work came up. There is still more story leading up to the Hungary game.
  24. This is 1000% the fault of the Bulgarian Football Union. I'm travelling now, but will tell the whole story later today, so everyone can read this circus.
  25. Last year no races because of no snow. This year no races because of lots of snow. Next year no races, because of winds. Two years from now no races because of no interest...
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