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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by dcro

  1. And here it is, silver guaranteed for the Icelanders. Probably gold.
  2. Iceland leading with two holes to go. Come on.
  3. Scott Fernandez playing like a real gentlemen. For two holes in a row he sent the ball into the high grass for his female counterpart.
  4. Looks like Iceland may just miss out on a medal. Btw, I see golf is getting discriminated by not having its euros thread.
  5. USA come back and take the win in 8th inning. What a match!
  6. Gold for Fantelas! Incredible, Šime Fantela managed to become Olympic 470 and World 49er champion within two years! And this time he did it with his inexperienced brother, to say the least.
  7. Great game between USA and Japan... Some very enjoyable softball!
  8. I guess these simultaneous races fit perfectly in the Mixed Agenda...
  9. I don't mind. Mexico and Puerto Rico have shown much more than Chinese Taipei at this tournament. One of them deserves to go, it should be an interesting battle.
  10. Oh well, now we're talking elimination...
  11. Correct. Plus taking bar down in general would probably qualify as breaking the frangible pin, thus giving 11 penalties. But now we're getting technical.
  12. Going under would probably be 50 pens! Tackling the jump but not correctly... Let's see how much you've learned...
  13. 20 penalties. Though keep in mind that you'll also get 20 for crossing your tracks and going around bar.
  14. Yeah, I just took a quicklook at Wiki summary, and looks like they put 470W to NED indeed by a mistake.
  15. So typical from West of Oder people.
  16. Ah, that's right, they won it too. This year, no less.
  17. That is really great to see. I don't remember any non-European team except ever winning a premium Nations cup. This should an awesome booster for them.
  18. Wait? What??? That is absolutely incredible!
  19. 101 quotas have been divided between 33 nations. qualified the whole fleet. qualified six boats.
  20. Portugal has named its WEG team. They will compete in dressage, jumping, para-dressage and endurance.
  21. Kad bi sve kvote za Radial bile podijeljene već u Aarhusu mi bi opet upali bez obzira na Lulićkin podbačaj. Isto tako ne znam što bi se trebalo dogoditi da Palma Čargo ne upadne, pogotovo što skoro osvaja medalje na juniorskima pa bi samo trebala napredovati. Tu će biti lakše nego u 49er FX, zbog većeg broja kvota.
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