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Everything posted by Orangehair43

  1. Even getting to the final is an overachievement for him. And they hasn’t really been many others for .
  2. Short Track is crazy. Too crazy for my taste.
  3. According to the guardian it’s a positive test of a non performing enhancing substance. Sounds like Canabis Perhaps as the paper goes on to speculate the legal argument is if it was taken in or out of competition .
  4. I think they will be more anger than expected if no medals are won. We could even see resignations of senior figures who will get the blame.
  5. That’s a decent result for him. I will be very surprised if he makes the final through
  6. I think Kirsty Muir will keep funding as she made fifth and still has another event to go. I think Alpine might lose out through depending on how close Dave Riding gets to the podium. But I suspect they will be major cuts overall particularly if zero medals are achieved.
  7. Legal consultation is quite an odd phrase through. It does make you think of paperwork and procedural disputes rather than straight forward positive Doping test.
  8. It could take days and days for this to be resolved one way or another. I mean GB’s relay team still haven’t yet been formally stripped of their medals from Tokyo.
  9. We could see other Russians get expelled as WADA will push for the entire of ROC to be expelled and all medals reassigned. Could go to CAS. Will the IOC want to risk many countries launching a breakaway Olympics.
  10. In the Uk funding comes from the National Lottery. They not quite as medal focused as before but still a target of 3-7 would be expected to be reached. There was a lot of coverage four years ago about how good team gb would be in Bejing and it hasn’t turned out that way.
  11. If any medals are won it be on ice at the Curling. Maybe Bobsleigh. I really doubt any will be won on snow which will be a massive step backwards. I dread to think of the reaction of no medals at all. That would destroy all the progress made.
  12. For British winter Olympians there is not really any other source of funding through. The mini golden era of GB winning medals on snow might be over.
  13. Only the ice dancers showed up to training today. Big questions marks about why Kondratiuk did not.
  14. I suspect it might more about a missed test or something like that than a failed test.
  15. Most costly error in Winter Olympics history? Charlotte’s elimination could cause millions of Olympic funding in the UK to be axed.
  16. I feel for all the youngsters who will be funding less next cycle. Not easy to get other funding in winter sports.
  17. Britain is going to go a whole games without a medal at this rate.
  18. Bye bye funding for 2026. 2014 and 2018 will be the high point for British Winter Olympics sadly. Even if somehow three is reached funding will still be cut people expect.
  19. The nightmare scenario is no medals at all. That would be a major blow.
  20. Their really need to win that bronze because a medal is important for future funding.
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