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Everything posted by Orangehair43

  1. The majority of the world will withdraw from the World Cup if the Russians there. If CAS allow Russia to compete they as good as cancelling the World Cup.
  2. Nobody would play the Russian team. Except Belarus. Not even the countries who are somewhat supportive of Russia would do it.
  3. It’s been reported that the English FA are to tell FIFA to expel Russia. And there is growing demand for England tk withdraw from the world cup if Russia is there.
  4. It’s a bit confusing but it sounds like CAS action is set to happen.
  5. Going to get very messy. There is speculation that Fifa believe that CAS will not allow any suspension of Russia.
  6. CAS have gotten involved in these decisions before. Depends on how the contracts for the tournaments have been drawn up. The Olympics has clauses preventing countries banning entry on nationality grounds. There is also the other issue that Russia could argue at CAS that ranking points are being denied on nationality grounds. It could get very messy if they push it and we all know Russia loves going to CAS.
  7. I suspect by Friday either Russia will have been expelled or other countries will withdraw in protest. Going to be a very bumpy week for the IPC.
  8. Discussions about the future of Russian players on the tour.
  9. Poland will forfeit their match against Russia. They are writing to Sweden and Czech Republic to present a common position to Fifa. Surely Fifa can’t give Russia a bye. Unless they want other countries to withdraw from the World Cup in protest.
  10. Did Armenia call for Azerbaijan to be expelled?
  12. The IOC has urged all sporting bodies to cancel events in Russia.
  13. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is only 25 or so GB members in Italy. Curling will keep its funding (maybe even increased.) but I think everything else will go. And it’s not going to be easy for snow athletes to self fund.
  14. A good ending for the games. I don’t think Brad Hall appealing for funding to increased for Bobsleigh will succed. It’s likely all funding bar curling will get reduced.
  15. It just seems farcical to have a course setting which is not at all what people would call fair.
  16. apparently the IOC is to demand a more equal playing field for 2026.
  17. This event will be so different in 2026 when Russia is hopefully totally banned from those games.
  18. Could well see the person making the decision resigning very soon after the race.
  19. Nope it was decided days ago for some reason. I don’t get why.
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