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Everything posted by Orangehair43

  1. I think World Athletics should publicly announce who they have invited. Then national associations have to openly reject someone’s invite.
  2. Well I know for a fact from talking to one that a group interview is being strongly considered by a group who think they will see their invites rejected. Obviously won’t be successful but unlike just individuals speaking out a whole group speaking out will generate a bit more coverage.
  3. I’m not sure it will be when they are several events without a British competitor and the general public are told UK athletics were offered spots and rejected them
  4. They changed those policies to fill a few spots so they don’t look too cost cutting.
  5. I don’t think they realise just how angry some are and how outspoken some will be. The BBC are very welcoming to those complaining about selecton issues
  6. Atheltes being angry with UK Athletics shocker. From what I gather most of the squad hate the selection policy and things are going to blow up in a few days time.
  7. Through knowing UKA I wouldn’t trust them to accept any invite.
  8. Horrible news that Archie Goodburn has been diagnosed with a Brain Tumour.
  9. Got to remmeber there is also a lot bad blood at the moment between a lot of Athletes and the organisers at the moment because of the dislike of the current selection policy (Few current athletes support the policy.)
  10. I bet the BBC are gutted - no real reason to show any live break dancing now.
  11. Watch LA get a week of rain as well - an outdoor swimming venue is all nice when it’s sunny but when it’s raining it’s not a nice look.
  12. Also will we see more people doubling up on the 10000m and the Marathon in Athletics. could they do the open water swimming in Week 1?
  13. Do they want the Olympics to petter out on TV in the second week? Swimming doesn’t rate that well really..
  14. Could have longer term consequences due to the impending post Paris funding model review is expected to undertake.
  15. Could be disaster for the funding going forward. If the narrative of the games being a big drop from Tokyo happens (I’m predicting 30-45 medals) then everything is on the table
  17. Sophie Cauldwell is quite bitter on her Instagram and angry with the federation.
  18. It’s hard to imagine having not one but two world class throwers in the same event as Sanderson vs Whitbread.
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