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Everything posted by Orangehair43

  1. It’s very unlikely. But I suppose FIFA have to work on possibilities. ‘Swedish FA president Karl-Erik Nilsson told Fotbollskanalen they were "not satisfied" with Fifa's decision. He said: "Our opinion is not different today and the situation has not changed in Ukraine just because we have received the message from Fifa, so we have no other opinion today. "We also want to talk to Poland and the Czech Republic so that we can give back to Fifa what we think, but we had expected a sharper stance from Fifa. We would have done so." ‘
  2. Hard to see teams u turning that quick but if President Zelinsky says things are at peace then maybe teams would Consider it later in the year. Not in time for the playoffs.
  3. More calls to ban Russia and Belarus. Ukraine have nit yet withdrawn but i suspect they will if Russia and Belarus are not excluded. The IPC believe they cannot legally expel Russia or Belarus.
  5. Doubt it. FIFA will probably u turn soon. They have mentioned in the statement that they will consider expelling Russia from qualifying if the situation does not rapidly improve. Anyway it’s Poland out first. Sweden v Czech Republic will happen no matter what I suspect.
  6. I do not expect we will see a single match with Russia playing with no anthem and such like Unkess the situation rapidly improves and people accept that. Feels very unlikely.
  7. How long till FIFA implements those sanctions ? The longer they take the more disruption.
  8.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet This won’t hold for long.
  9. So CAS might have to decide between allowing the world cup to happen or not.
  10. The swimming federations of Norway, Denmark, Estonia, the Faroe Islands, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania and Sweden have released a joint statement urging Russia and Belarus to be banned from all international Aquatics events. They have also vowed to boycott the World Junior and World short course championships both due to be held in Kazan later this year
  11. Belarus looks set to be banned as well
  12. GB v Belarus cancelled.
  13. The public of those countires won’t accept playing Russia. Fifa has a terrible reputation already. This would make setting up a new Fifa easier for fans across much of the world to accept. If FIFA thinks countries will u turn they are badly mistaken. The people would take no world cup vs one with Russia in. CAS surely knows that it would be doing so if they allow Russia to compete on a technicality based on the UN. I suspect if President Biden says that if Russia is not suspended 2026 is cancelled FIFA would panic.
  14. ‘French Football Federation president Noel le Graet suggested Russia should be banned from the World Cup, telling French media outlet Le Parisien he would "lean towards" the move.’ From the BBC. I suspect if Russia are then not banned France will withdraw.
  15. It will happen through if CAS decide to allow Russia to compete. FIFA won’t want to have to cancel the World Cup simply becuase a Court says Russia can’t be expelled. Withdrawing from CAS might be their only option.
  16. When is the last time an Israeli athlete competed in Iran?
  17. It’s true. He was shown on Russian State TV saying it.
  18. The National Olympic Committees of Denmark and Norway have called for all Russian sportspeople to banned competing in all events worldwide.
  19. I think it’s looking certain CAS will either be ignored or abolished if they block FIFA banning Russia? Will CAS want that?
  20. So now what happens. Russia gaining a place by default means no World Cup. It’s as simple as that.
  21. Either Russia is banned or they won’t be a World Cup. The press has said no England at the World Cup if Russia is there. France, Germany and Spain will all decide the same. Will CAS want to be responsible for cancelling the World Cup? If they do then Fifa could well simply decide to ignore CAS knowing that most of the world would be behind them. Fifa might well decide moving from Switzerland is worth it if it means the World Cup is not cancelled.
  22. Those countries will rightly not u turn now. Cosmdeirng how unpopular FIFA is I really don’t think it’s worth it from them for the world to think they pro Russia at a time like this. If they not careful FIFA could lose many members permanently. But FIFA can always sink lower.
  23. That is looking quite possible. Through I am sure CAS are not crazy enough to risk their own abolition. And if they do order Fifa to make Russia appear at the World Cup they would be a good as doing that. CAS are already deeply unpopular.
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