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Everything posted by Orangehair43

  1. Apparently GB are close to closing down the relay programmes as a result of the stripped medal.
  2. Why are so many top athletes skipping it. People don’t tend to skip relays and such like.
  3. First ever summer games striped medal for GB also confirmed. Apparently it’s already been to CAS which means CAS are now doing hearings on known cases without people being aware. Menawhile Okabare has not been to cas yet but she has 30 days to decide if she will. Wouldn’t be surprised if she does most dopers do nowadays.
  4. I’m not sure why the women’s Bronze Match and Men’s gold match were not scheduled in each other’s slots. That time is too late for much of Canada and America while too early for Europe and weaker for Asia. Surely the Gold Match should have the better slot.
  5. It be interesting to see the team size in 2026. I think it will surely be smaller due to funding cuts.
  6. Pretty poor. Sliding sports have been mostly terrible at these games and the future participation of team gb in them is at serious risk.
  7. Wouldn’t be surprised to no teams in 2026. The performances are not looking strong enough to secure much funding. Could well be a absence from all the sliding events if the cuts really bite.
  8. I think Bach comments make me think he will push for a Russian ban from 2024/2026. Basically daring CAS to uphold it or risk the global sports movement turning against CAS.
  9. I can see the two women challenging for top 10 if they have a good first two runs. They could well beat the performance of the four man.
  10. Jayne Torvil believes the same. It’s a very dark situation. An age limit of 16 or 18 might work for the Olympics but not 21. That’s too late.
  11. This is why I can see major problems for the Olympics in the coming years. Trump has currently been pro - Olympics but if he becomes president again I can certainly see him threatening to ban countires from coming to LA 2028 for political reasons. Ditto all this makes it harder to get a 2030 bid. I can honestly see all three major bids withdrawing soon.
  12. The four man team don’t really look like medal contenders. I think it’s all down to the men’s curling team to get at least a bronze. Otherwise it’s medaless.
  13. I wonder how many GB athletes will be in 2026. I doubt many after the major funding cuts coming. They is even talk of cutting all funding bar maybe curling.
  14. The Nordic Combined has its flaws but it has produced two excellent races.
  15. I just have to rant when I see cheating Russians perform well. Even more with convicted dopers. The IOC must know Russia will have to be banned from 2024 and 2026 if it’s to save the games.
  16. Nope they just care about clean sport. I am not sure others do. But Doping is one reason why I am not confident all three major bids for 2030 won’t collapse.
  17. The Eurosport commentators are full of telling us that Loginov is a doper. Disgraceful he is even allowed to compete. Shows how toothless the ioc and cas are. No wonder the Olympics is dying
  18. They might come back. I don’t think people in some countries understand how damaging is this.
  19. It might if countries start saying they will set up a breakaway Olympics.
  20. I think we going to see the IOC come under major pressure to simply ignore Cas rulings. What’s the punishment if they simply refuse her to enter the arena. A fine?
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