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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by rybak

  1. We need new 12 points to be close to Canada again, but I doubt that it will happen
  2. Argentina, Poland and Canada should be ranked together in 5th place as we all have 48 points
  3. Wow, good result for me so far Thanks for every country which give us points and especially Greece for 12
  4. Macedonia will compete after all So, total number of competing countries is 43, equaled record from 2008 and 2011
  5. He assured me that soon (and in on time) all countries will have their templates with votes
  6. @amen09 When logo and detail voting schedule will be presented? Also when you will send templates with votes? Its just few days left to Grand Final
  7. But 4th place for our womens team, they were better even than Korea
  8. Only 9th place for our mens Bad beginning of season :/
  9. Waylon will compete for again He as part duo The Common Linnets was second in 2014
  10. We usually send the biggest possible number of athletes, but now we are dying in this sport by doping and weak young athletes
  11. Macedonia still have some chances to compete if they will paid debts on time. Also another artist is announced, Azerbaijan will represent Aisel, typical jazz singer. It's one from her songs
  12. 3 medals for Poland, one of each colour, all in ski jumping, I take it I hope that we will have at least one more medal in either of cross-country skiing, biathlon and speed skating.
  13. Officialy in Poland we not celebrate Halloween, but today, when I was in my road to home from work I saw such thing. Pokemons are alive!
  14. Germany are out in the true contest, so I will take them and already presented song, which I couldn't stop listening by few days
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