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Everything posted by rybak

  1. [hide] Men's Tournament Knockout Round February 20th - February 25th, 2018 Round of 16, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match Quarterfinals Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 February 21st 2018, h. 12:10 Czech Republic 1 United States February 21st 2018, h. 16:40 Olympic Athletes from Russia 3 Norway February 21st 2018, h. 21:10 Canada 1 Finland February 21st 2018, h. 21:10 Sweden 2 Germany [/hide]
  2. [hide] Women's Tournament Knockout Round February 17th - February 22nd, 2018 Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match Bronze Medal Match Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 February 21st 2018, h. 16:40 Olympic Athletes from Russia 2 Finland Gold Medal Match Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 February 22nd 2018, h. 13:10 Canada 1 United States [/hide]
  3. Wow, you must be very sad person if you can't notice difference between joke or sarcasm and being serious Don't be too mad that Wellinger didn't win second gold, you should be happy for this gold as I was yesterday for Stoch's gold, in addition Germany tops medal table by 8 days, so, I don't see point to be so harsh now. I will not mention now anything about Wellinger's luck about wind and judges points now, becuase you clearly aren't ready to talk in calm (I mean about "In order to prevent you from misunderstanding it again").
  4. [hide] Men's Tournament Knockout Round February 20th - February 25th, 2018 Round of 16, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match Round of 16 Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 February 20th 2018, h. 12:10/16:40/21:10 Switzerland 2 Germany February 20th 2018, h. 12:10/16:40/21:10 Finland 4 South Korea February 20th 2018, h. 12:10/16:40/21:10 Slovenia 1 Norway February 20th 2018, h. 12:10/16:40/21:10 United States 1 Slovakia [/hide]
  5. Well, it's obvious that Stoch won't be there in 4 years, no one will be there, as in 4 years from now the Games will be in Beijing and not in Korea as far as I know About judges points, not only Polish judge give Kamil 19.5, but also the Slovenian one and German one give him 19.0, so, where you see problem?
  6. @Nathy and @Gigs here is the thread of the contest about which I told you some days ago. If you want you can join to this, but please read rules at first
  7. Sadly Dinos not finished his first race But good luck in slalom! Picture from race EDIT: Here is his post
  8. Sorry to hear this But you should be proud as you tried and it's already win imo Maybe you will try compete again next year?
  9. Meanwhile selected their entry and now my top is updated about this song
  10. Hungary have big chances in short track, New Zealand in freestyle skiing (I think) and Ukraine in biathlon, exactly in womens relay. Maybe yet Latvia will take a medal in bobsleigh, but it will be very difficult. I think that's all
  11. Yep -10 C is really enormous frozen
  12. And judges (+wind) again help Wellinger take the medal
  13. [hide] Women's Tournament Knockout Round February 17th - February 22nd, 2018 Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match Semifinals Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 February 19th 2018, h. 13:10 United States 3 Finland February 19th 2018, h. 21:10 Canada 1 Olympic Athletes from Russia [/hide]
  15. First post updated about songs from and singer from
  16. It's so nice to see that Project Bogota athletes stick together and congratulate each other on the finish lane, truly friendship and olympic spirit
  17. In this Sunday (February 18th) Dinos Lefkaritis (lone Cypriot athlete in Pyeongchang) will take compete in men's giant slalom at 10:15 local time (2:15 CET). He is scheduled to compete also in slalom which will held in Thursday (February 22th). Good luck and all the best Dinos, make yourself and whole your country proud! Here is yet picture from opening ceremony And here from one of his previous races
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