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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/2023 in all areas

  1. I updated the work already done by @Wumoand @esube to day 4 and added a way to see the number of events by half hour and by day ! I let the pdf and excel files here! 2024 Olympic Schedule to day 4.xlsx ilovepdf_merged (2).pdf
    3 points
  2. We are down to 70 unqualified nations remaining. I've updated all nations and sports, adding/removing potential events. Let me know if I missed anything. Since most nations remaining are tripartite eligible (everyone except ) many of the predicted options rely on winning one of those quotas. Here's the breakdown by how many nations have a chance in each sport. Athletics - 63 Swimming - 61 Judo - 40 Boxing - 22 Weightlifting - 22 Taekwondo - 20 Shooting - 13 Canoeing - 11 Badminton - 10 Rowing - 8 Sailing - 8 Table Tennis - 8 Archery - 7 Tennis - 7 Wrestling - 7 Gymnastics - 5 Fencing - 4 Football - 4 Surfing - 4 Cycling - 3 Handball - 3 Basketball - 2 Equestrian - 2 Rugby Sevens - 2 Triathlon - 2 Artistic Swimming - 1 Golf - 1 Volleyball - 1 Water Polo - 1 Breaking - 0 Diving - 0 Field Hockey - 0 Modern Pentathlon - 0 Skateboarding - 0 Sport Climbing - 0 Unsurprisingly, athletics and swimming tops the list. Judo being third was expected. It is the easiest sport for a nation to qualify after athletics/swimming. Shooting being a bit low on the list despite having so many tripartite quotas likely means either many quotas will be reallocated or ISSF may change the rules and allow nations with no ranking points to be given the quota. Boxing, taekwondo and weightlifting are popular sports with some nations having a chance to qualify normally. Unfortunately a large set of nations will be left with nothing. On the low end six sports do not have any nations with a chance to qualify, most of which have tripartite quotas that will likely go unrewarded.
    3 points
  3. You sure ? because I hear complete different things whenever I turn on my TV and watch western leaders speeches. for my own mental health I prefer to stay away from all kind of war related news, it's just hard to watch children suffer like that everyday. but it's also impossible to stay away and call yourself human. Western countries are always proud of being 100% democratic. I believe that but that also means the guy in charge speak for the entire population of that specific country. (unless you tell me this democracy is a joke which I don't want to believe) so I think you are probably wrong. the majority loves it and probably even orders popcorn to watch this bloodshed everyday on TV. You speak about the whole thing like Palestinians were living in a Paradise and all of a sudden some of them decided to kill some "Jews" to have fun. their lives were terrible already, they had been treated like animals for so many years. when you treat people like animals, they will react like animals. of course nothing justifies killing children. but they were like some animals out of a 50 years old cage. I don't like Hamas for my own reasons and that doesn't surprise me if the majority of people in Gaza doesn't support them (or better I should say didn't support them) but Hamas is not the root of the problems Hamas didn't exist in first place. maybe you should check why it's even created. and there will be another Hamas even if this one completely gets destroyed. they went to Lebanon and massacred people in 1982 (or let them be massacred by their friends) and another group (far more dangerous) emerged. I can guess the same will happen in Gaza unless the ultimate solution happens (which is only the two states idea) like most places in the world, even in Palestine most people just want to live in peace and have a normal life, but they didn't have a normal life. this current situation can't stay forever. @thepharoah I seriously suggest you to use this ignore button , I used that on so many so-called users here and that makes your life much easier. that's the only way I could stay in this forum.
    2 points
  4. UWW made some changes for the OQTs. no final, no repechage for continental OQTs ... not a bad idea, those matches were useless and most wrestlers had to make a funny excuse to withdraw but they didn't mention what if someone fails a drug test ? who will get the quota ? the most obvious answer is whoever lost to him in the SF
    2 points
  5. Saturday was the second race of the South American championships, distance classic. As usual 5k for the women, where Totallympian Bruna was once again the fastest, although Duda Ribera surprised by being only 3,5 seconds behind - she is normally much more of a sprinter. Mika Picin, who is usually stronger in longer distances, came up short and finished in third place. The men's 11km race went to Norwegian Chilean Sebastian Endrestad, who was 12 seconds faster than Brazilian junior Claudio Gustavo Oliveira - currently probably the strongest of the Brazilians who live and train in Brazil. Victor Santos, the one the federation usually wants to put on the forefront, was 52 seconds behind in third. After a rest day on Sunday, yesterday the next series of races started. These are not South American championships anymore, but only part of the regular Brazilian rollerski circuit. It started off with a freestyle mass start, where Duda was simply a bit too strong. Bruna was in the lead in the last part, but didn't have the power to hold off a strong final sprint by Duda. Once again, Mika was the third wheel on the bike and finished third. The men's race saw a tight final sprint as well, but with a slightly bigger group. It was Endrestad who again took the win by overpowering the rest in the final few hundred meters, Victor finished in second and Martin Flores in third. Fourth place for Yona Fernandez, which makes it three Chileans in the top-4. Also, I am frankly somewhat angry at the races even happening. Cross-country races are not even allowed to go on when it's -20 degrees Celsius or colder (measured at the coldest part of the track), but for high temperatures, FIS rules only state that it's up to the technical delegate (which in races like in South America or the Balkan is usually someone with close ties to the organization). It was already awfully hot in the South American championships races, but yesterday it was even worse: the women started at 08.30 for example, and whereas the official results sheet that was sent to FIS listed 23 degrees as starting temperature, in reality it was already well over 30 degrees, by the time they finished (not even 20 minutes later) it had already gone up to 36 degrees. And that was not even the last racing of the day, the para-athletes still race after all that. Doing a cooldown after the race was barely even possible, because how are you going to do a cooldown when the temperature is literally higher than a healthy human body temperature? The women's race yesterday already saw a DNF purely because of the heat, 16-year old Julia Reis (who will be Brazil's representative at the Youth Olympics this winter) became unwell due to the heat....and again, it was not even 9am yet. Today is classic sprint day, so shorter but even more intensive and also, later in the day, because there's qualifyings first and then heats and finals and such, and the organization has declined the idea to move the starts to 7am. It's going to be even warmer today and probably tomorrow for the skiathlon as well, I am honestly worried about the health of the athletes and find it irresponsible for these races to go on...
    2 points
  6. Israel is the like the boy who cried wolf. Provoking the Palestinians with their policies and then crying wolf when they are attacked. There would be no Hamas if Israel was remotely interested in peace and providing the Palestinian population with just the basics. They claim they do, but people see through the bs. I'm not condoning Hamas by any stretch here, just pointing out Israel is the root cause of the issues here. Why can't we all just live in peace? Seriously.
    1 point
  7. If I'm American that dont care about what's going on in other parts of the world which many Americans already do for years they even don't know anything outside America even some very famous European capitals , anyway if i was belonging to this group I would have cared about my tax going for a colonizers to kill people by , if I can take the fact its going to Ukraine to defend itself , so Israel will also defend itself from some amateurs in hamas that doesn't make sense so I would have opposed Biden administration really hard anyway I saw some very brave Americans interrupting Biden and blinken and other senators' speech to tell them to cease fire now , I will always remember those Americans raising their bloody hands during blinken speech ,this old lady taking to him with passion about how many children were killed always make me cry , not to mention Jewish voice for peace movement and their passion to ho anywhere and say it loudly free palestine not in our names or people preventing a ship going with weapons to Israel or people sacrificing their jobs and careers to support the right thing those people again returned my humanity after it was killed last days
    1 point
  8. They know how to lie how to manipulate people via media , many things are fake even the flag was stolen from the karaman kingdom
    1 point
  9. Yeah, I mean on online forums and such here, a large part of people is not exactly thrilled by their/our own leader's speeches. Yes, there are unfortunately people here who post trash like, and I am quoting them, "just turn the Gaza Strip into a big parking lot" or "now the Palestinians are getting what they wanted". Which luckily a very large majority of people do see as definite trash, but I sadly can't deny it exists. If I'd just try to sort of summarize the overall mood I'm reading online and hearing around (my country specifically, I can't say how it is in other countries), I'd say a majority of people is disgusted by basically everything that has been going on since the morning of 7 October. There are the extremists in one side who yell the 'From the river to the sea' thing and so call for the non-existence of one country (with sadly at least one Dutch political party supporting this), and there are the extremists on the other side who yell the aforementioned disgusting stuff about turning Gaza into a parking lot (with some politicians not literally quoting that, but....yeah, at the very least slightly leaning that way), but overall a majority isn't on either extreme and wants to see - small as the chance may be - that the whole situation gets better. Since it obviously won't be all solved within a day, that will have to start somewhere, and there's a lot of people here who at least want a ceasefire (unlike apparently our politicians) and decent opportunity for all kinds of aid to enter Gaza to somehow try and make some sort of a start. I'm momentarily lost on how the multiquote thing works or how to break a quote, but about what you said about "You speak about the whole thing like Palestinians were living in a Paradise" --> I worded that wrong, because I definitely didn't mean to say Palestinians were living anything better than an already very poor life in inhumane conditions, so my apologies for that. The exact sentiment you describe there about nothing justifying killing innocent people, babies etc, but this very much not coming out of nowhere, is exactly the sentiment I saw a lot online here as well. People being obviously disgusted by the attack at first, but pretty quickly getting angry towards Israel's (and the west's overall) reaction as if they - as a country - were getting attacked by wasps without ever getting anywhere near a nest.....when they basically are the ones who created it and then kept pushing it to a breaking point decade after decade. And on a sidenote: I do hope dialogue between different people from different cultures remains possible about these things. I don't mean between Israel and Palestine directly, but about people like here on a forum. I'll be the first to admit a lot of people in the west, definitely myself included, have no clue about the full extent of the situation, but quite a lot of people are at the very least trying to understand something, even if it's only a tiny bit, and dialogue is a lot better to try and learn something about it than only the one-sided viewpoints in the media of whichever 'side' of the world.
    1 point
  10. In the end, the match is going to be played in Sofia after all, how it should have been intended from the beginning... The whole circus shebang in the last 6 days served no purpose, beside further establishing the BFU as a laughing stock and angering whos who here, all the way to the Prime Minister, who shared his opinion, that it's time they resigned. But since UEFA has strict regulations of Governments interfering in the National bodies, he can only share an opinion. I saw today the Hungarian Federation have rightfully belittled the BFU as complete morons. They should have done it earlier. The match is still going to be behind closed doors, but the fans are continuing with their protest plans. The Hungarian fans are also invited to join, which from what i've seen is guaranteed to happen.
    1 point
  11. I forgot to mention starving them preventing humanitarian aid , preventing them from getting cured by bombing hospitals , preventing doctors from staying in hospitals by force , forcing very ill people in the intensive care to evacuate from hospitals, children are dying there in hospitals cuz there's no fuel to generate electricity anymore and you're telling me anti palestine or anti Israel, putin that you're cursing all day long with all Russians didn't do one of the tenth of these sadists done in 2 years of war , they have done it in 30 or 40 days and still more to happen and more to be killed
    1 point
  12. You're anti Muslims all the way it doesn't matter for u if they are palestenians or not , you are talking about these genocides like it's a 2 way and balanced conflict , no it's not we are talking about an occupier that wants to erase a whole country from the map to occupy the very small pieces they left for them and to evacuate all their people to other Arab countries we are talking about one of the most developed armed forces around the world that gets support of zillion billions from USA , Germany and others that bomb with the same amount that was used by USA in Hiroshima a defenseless people killing their children and turn them into pcs , killing their dreams their memories , they are not just numbers they were people that tried to live a very peaceful life that Israel has never given them the right to do so , Israel controls Gaza much more than hamas , there was even some people in arab world saying that hamas was made by Israel and they are more dangerous to Arab countries than Israel , Israel themselves were not dealing with then seriously like they do with hizbolaah before 7th of Oct and if in your theory that Palestinians deserve to die because they chose hamas that's what I can understand from your words then I don't know what Israelis and Americans and their supporters deserve after all this terrorism and killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people not in the very far history its happening now and people like u justify it for them , justify killing children animals justify bombing hospitals , churches , mosques , bakeries , ambulances , civilans' buildings even olive trees weren't safe from them , but don't bother yourself they are some animals like Israel named them by the 2nd kost important person there after Netanyahu, I thought in Europe u care about animals life but it looks like u care only about European animals , animals in middle east are Muslims that deserve to die
    1 point
  13. At the danger of receiving a rant because it's a sensitive subject: does one need to be fully pro-Palestine and fully anti-Israel to be considered to 'have something of humanity' in this context? I do hope not (and to be clear, I am far from anti-Palestine, just to be very clear). Meanwhile I'll continue this so far excellent bit by John Oliver, starting with talking both about how awful Hamas is and then how the often-heard 'Palestinians elected Hamas, so they want this war!' is obvious bullshit, and then going on a similar route about Netanyahu (and how just like Hamas not speaking for all Palestinians, Netanyahu definitely doesn't speak for all Israelis).
    1 point
  14. Europei Vela Nel 49erFX, Jana Germani e Giorgia Bertuzzi, si sono assicurate la medaglia d’argento e la quota a cinque cerchi riservata al miglior NOC non ancora qualificato. L'Italia chiude gli Europei di vela con 3 medaglie, le altre due medaglie sono arrivate nel Nacra 17 (pass olimpico era già arrivato), argento per Ruggero Tita e Caterina Banti mentre Gianluigi Ugolini e Maria Giubilei si sono aggiudicati il bronzo.
    1 point
  15. Or we just ditch all the new-fashioned nonsense altogether and have five individual distances, like we had for decades and was always more than fine Team pursuit is okay...ish. Team sprint, meh. The current mass start format is still just nonsense and maybe at best 20% of the distance a real mass start race should be, mixed events just don't work well at all. Nah, 500, 1000, 1500, 3000/5000 and 5000/10000 are more than fine.
    1 point
  16. Did some research and found out that it’ll be streamed on the Asia Rugby YouTube channel
    1 point
  17. SAILING M Skiff 49er W Skiff 49er FX Mixed Multihull Nacra 17 ARCHERY M Ind W Ind CHA will participate in Mixed Event as well
    1 point
  18. THis is getting crazy... Very Weird compared to other years. Now Mexico drops out of Group L.... REPLACEMENT IS Georgia !!!!!
    1 point
  19. gets its second boat qualified for Paris 2024! Dickson and Waddilove were one place outside of qualifying at the World Championships so nice to see them get the job done this time
    1 point
  20. men's 49er Gold: Lucas Rual & Emile Amoros Silver: Dominik Buksak & Szymon Wierbicki Bronze: Benjamin Bildstein & David Hussl (actually, 4th in the Final Result behind Isaac McHardie & William McKenzie) Olympic Quota Place: Robert Dickson & Sean Waddilove
    1 point
  21. That atrocious mixed relay might be the single worse attempt at a mixed gendered team event I have ever seen at a senior top level event, and the bar is extremely low. (The only thing worse I've ever seen is a mixed gendered / mixed weapon fencing team event, but it wasn't at this high a level of competition)
    1 point
  22. Para Pan Am Games and the Sitting Volleyball World Cup start this week!
    1 point
  23. I went to the Lions v. Chargers game at SOFI Stadium today. It would have been hard to choose a more entertaining game. The atmosphere in the stadium was incredible, and it was very clean for an American venue.
    1 point
  24. 0 points
  25. Part 2 of the story I have to mention, that when i talk in general "1994 guys" in the BFU, it's not for all of the players from that team. It's for 7-8 people with the rest, including Hristo Stoichkov and Krasimir Balakov keeping their names out of this debacle. The current and ongoing President since 2005 is the goalkeeper Borislav Mihaylov. He has become a meme for a decade at this point. He regularly started appearing drunk and uncoordinated at events and after matches. After journalists and people online started mocking him, he stopped giving any interviews, frequently didn't go to the National team matches (he never goes to club matches lol), or in the few cases he was there, he left through the back doors before the matches were over. There was one time, when a car drove directly to the pitch to take him and bypass everyone waiting. Going back to the 2017-18 years, there was an election, where the other candidates weren't allowed in the building, because they would "cause trouble" in the way the election is conducted. Then, i think in 2019 came the infamous game against England. We lost 0:6 at home and on top of that, there was a huge racist scandal, that broke in the West. The then Prime Minister finally forced Mihaylov to submit his resignation, for not only the humiliation on the football side, but because of damaging the whole image of the country. In this case the BFU has to organize new elections, but 6 months have passed and nothing happened. Then COVID hit, which was the blessing they always wanted, because everything is shut down and no one thinks about them. Another year and a half passes with dealing with Covid, the Governments have also changed and Mihaylov has casually returned to the helm of the BFU. With no shame he says, that he never submitted a resignation, but was just on an indefinite paid leave. Around this time a new candidacy was gaining ground, led by the last 3 great players we have had - Dimitar Berbatov, Stiliyan Petrov & Martin Petrov. With Berbatov at the helm, there was finally optimism, that things could change for better, as they made a great campaign around the country. But with the election coming the "1994 guys" weren't going to just give up the power. The BFU started excluding smaller clubs, who accidentally were going to vote for Berbatov. That election was 2 years ago, October 2021, no journalists were allowed inside the hall. They were watching from the corridors on monitors without sound, like a silent movie. Everyone was seeing people talking, but hearing nothing.. In the end Mihaylov "beat" Berbatov with 241 to 230 votes. Berbatov then appealed the election through the courts here, as he said there were countless frauds, but 2 years have passed and no final decision has been made. Meanwhile the BFU is continuing to rule like normal. Around this part of the world, very few people will willingly resign from a position of power. Every country receives a sh*t ton of money from FIFA / UEFA. These people are draining that money for 18 years now and will fight to the bitter end for it. They have long ago stopped caring about football. We could be losing regularly 0:5 and be on the level of San Marino and Burundi and they would still say it's not their fault and just accept our position. So, how is all of this connecting to the match with Hungary on Thursday. Bulgarian fans have largely abandoned the National team for many years with negative attendance being achieved with each passing year. But this is the exact scenario the BFU is wanting. The less people there are, the less the chances of anyone thinking about them, so they can continue "working" in the background. After the Berbatov debacle, club fans have started protesting more on club matches. They are booing, swearing Mihaylov and BFU, having signs against him etc. But of course there are rules for such things. The rulebook has penalties and the clubs are being fined after every game for all the stuff their fans say and do. The BFU is regularly collecting 10-20 000 Euros after each weekend just from fines. So the fans came up with the idea, that instead of hurting their favourite clubs, they can make a bigger protest on the match against Hungary and this way it could reach more people and outside the country. The biggest ultras from Levski - CSKA, to Botev and Lokomotiv Plovdiv have come together to fill the National Stadium. The sectors were distributed between the different team factions and everyone should have come in their jerseys. But in a (genius) move, that no one expected, the BFU begged UEFA to have the match without fans and in a different city. This is probably a World's first, that a team is volunteering a home match behind closed doors and without the support of the fans.... But their plan hasn't worked perfectly. Given that this is all happening a week before the match, they can't screw Hungary completely and move the match in the other side of the country. They don't want the match to be in Sofia, so they moved it to Plovdiv, which is a close drive and not further disrupt the Hungarian organization. And here is the catch, the stadium in Plovdiv is still in construction. Matches are being played there, but there is ongoing work being done in the rafters and stands. The construction company have waited for this National team window to do some big work, as no matches were planned. They say they can't postpone the construction work in such short notice and it won't be safe to have a match there. The mayor of Plovdiv (the municipality have invested millions in the reconstruction) also said, that no match is going to be played there at this time (there will be new talks tomorrow). Now people from BFU have phoned the owner of the construction company and threatened him, that if the match doesn't happen there, they would take back the license not only for this stadium, which is Botev's, but also for the other teams one, Lokomotiv, as well, since it is also being upgraded. They would make both Plovdiv teams play their matches outside of the city. When talking with the mayor, BFU have insisted, that the match will in no way be played in Sofia and Plovdiv is one and only option and if he doesn't allow it, the National team will forfeit the match 0:3 and could face consequences of disqualification in future events. Frankly i am approving a forfeit and disqualification. Then all of Europe will see this circus. In true BFU fashion, they just want this match be over with, because then the next home one will be in September 2024, in a years time and they can go back cruising in the background and wait for people to forget. It's a vicious cycle, that is happening for a decade. The saddest part is that no players or coaches have come forward and said, that they don't approve this move and boycott the match. No one has said, that football is for the fans and they are playing for the fans and wouldn't want to participate in such a farce... Another blind eye, like for 18 years..
    0 points
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