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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/2021 in Posts

  1. Rwanda was disqualified by CAVB after participating 4 ineligible Brazilian players in women's African volleyball championship , the day after the decision Rwandan authorities upheld the tournament due to Corona virus
    3 points
  2. And Simona Halep
    3 points
  3. The tournament is suspended right now, it's still unknown what will be it's fate, but u can follow latest news from CAVB facebook page :
    1 point
  4. Garin was a highly touted junior aka the next Marcelo Rios. And he whored up a ton of points on clay since late 2018 when he entered Top 100 based on ITF events which is possible the way rankings work. Five ATP titles + some Masters 1000 QFs later he's a Top 20 ranked player. If the indoor hard was fast like it should be, he would be quite vulnerable alright - though the scoreline is still shocking.
    1 point
  5. continues to be our bogey team on a regular basis
    1 point
  6. Slovenia qualified for final match
    1 point
  7. Zdeno Chara signed a 1-year deal with NY Islanders. I remember playing him with Islanders on my NHL 2000 game... like 21 years ago
    1 point
  8. Better get that speed climbing as separate event for Paris OG. might sneak a medal there
    1 point
  9. CHIO Aachen is being held this week. Will Coleman won the eventing aboard Off the Record. They also helped Team USA to the second place finish, just 0.3 penalties behind Gee Bee. Sure, not the strongest Aachen (usually it's held in July), but this is a pretty significant result for the USA. Easily the biggest success in a very, very long time (10+ years) for this once powerhouse of a nation... Final results
    1 point
  10. here's better...
    1 point
  11. Our K4 (Baláž, Myšák, Zalka (replaced Vlček), Botek) just lost to Ukraine lol at the World Championships in Denmark today...bronze for Czechia But in other hand we are the only crew winning medals at Olympic Games, World Championships and European Championhips M K4-500 competitions this year 2021
    1 point
  12. I guess these things will start to look better once it's filled with snow, the grandstands are in place, all the Olympic decoration is done, there are people, and so on. Right now - or at least on the photos - of course most still look like giant, half-finished building projects, but surely that'll get better
    1 point
  13. Andrejs Rastorgujevs the 33-year-old Latvian biathlete, who has several podiums in the World Cup, has been punished for 18 months for not showing up to multiple drug screenings.
    1 point
  14. Sounds like the origin story of a Marvel super-villain.
    1 point
  15. her idols were Li Na and Roger Federer
    1 point
  16. Beijing is going to be on par w/ SLC and Sochi there IMO. (For all the issues w/ Sochi their figure skating / short track venue and their primary ice hockey venue were gorgeous)
    1 point
  17. Tbh, only venue I care about is the one for short track because that's my favorite winter sport.
    1 point
  18. Hi Everybody! Thank you so much for all the kind words and I hope I could exceed your expectations, I would answer earlier but today is “Yom Kippur” one of the most holiest day there are for Jews and one of the things on this day is the not usage of electronics, but anyway really thrilled to host
    1 point
  19. Isabell Werth has announced she plans to retire after Paris. Should she win one gold medal there, she would become the 6th most decorated Olympian of all time. And with two golds, she would potentially climb to 3rd all-time, behind Phelps and Latynina...
    1 point
  20. In Mexico?! Wow! I like it
    1 point
  21. Yes, I've seen that, but apparently it's not true. There is a college volleyball (!) game in the Philippines that attracted more and also a world championship game in Brasil in 1994 like this calm and very rational tweet would like us to reminder.
    1 point
  22. Anneta Kyridou suspended from the Greek national team for one year. No, she didn't fail or miss a doping test. All athletes were required to show negative PCR tests to enter one of the training camps earlier this year. The medical centre where she got tested accidentally gave her a rapid test. Now she is being accused of "putting other athletes at risk" despite it not being her mistake and she apologized and immediately went to get a PCR test after it was revealed that the place where she got tested made a mistake. Really a ridiculous decision and the real reason is that she is not liked by the federation because she exposed some coaches for abusing athletes.
    1 point
  23. Former Danish pro Chris Anker Sørensen has died, aged 37 He was hit by a car in Belgium, where he was supposed to be co-commentator for Danish TV for the world championships, starting tomorrow. Great domestique in his career, mostly at CSC/Tinkoff-Saxo.
    0 points
  24. Former cyclist Chris Anker Sørensen died after an accident with a car That one hurts to a lot of fans!
    0 points
  25. Only 55 countries participating... At least sending 3 female archers.
    0 points
  26. Haha, Jannik Steimle of all people beating Sagan in a crazy finish yesterday Everyone thinking Hodeg would take the win, as would be entirely expected on this stage, but half the lead group crashed in the last corner. Not too heavy, they just went down Third place for Hodeg, who didn't crash, but was held up for a bit.
    0 points
  27. Well, now we know why Belarus declined their Tokyo qualification in dressage. Olga Safronova is anti-Lukashenko, so the state-sponsored veterinarians deemed her horse unfit for Tokyo and thus ended her dream. She has defected to Poland since.
    0 points
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