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Swimming Qualification to Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games

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Olympic Qualifying times, Italian Nationals, Day 5 (final day)



"A" Standard

- Simona Quadarella (women's 400m free)
- Pier Andrea Matteazzi (men's 400m IM)
- Margherita Panziera (women's 200 backstroke)
- Gregorio Paltrinieri (men's 1500m free)


"B" Standard

- 7 girls in the women's 400m free
- 4 girls in the women's 200m backstroke
- 3 guys in the men's 400m individual medley
- 4 guys in the men's 1500m free

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  On 4/6/2019 at 6:42 PM, EselTheDonkey said:

Could you tell me Paltrinieri's time, please?



14.38.34 (3.51.14 at 400m, 7.46.39 at 800m and 11.42.69 at 1200m the main splits) can find all the daily recaps of the Italian Nationals in the 2019 general swimming thread (where @intoronto is also posting the results of the Canadian trials)...;)

Edited by phelps
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If anyone wants to follow the Canadian trials, SwimSwam has good live recaps every night.


However this wouldn’t be a good thread for it since, if it’s anything like the last three times, Swimming Canada requires athletes to meet the FINA standard at the Olympic Trials. Prior times only matter if you get added for a relay or you get some sort of exemption (very rare). 


Edit: this has apparently changed, though it will be at the discretion of Swimming Canada whether or not to nominate athletes who haven’t achieved the A stamdard during Olympic trials. Not sure how likely they are to so it in practice.

Edited by NearPup
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Here is an upload on what I was able to follow in terms of Olympic Qualification. As usual, this is pure theory and just for fun:


- a total of 182 quotas have already been achieved, considering 1 quota per athlete. If we look for multiple quotas, this number reaches 255.

- among the athletes with multiple quotas, Hosszu :HUN has 4, Quadarella, Detti :ITA Flickinger :USA  Sjostrom :SWE 3. Many have 2 (this data include partial data coming from Russian and Australian Championships that are currently in progress)

- in terms of quotas earned per nation, the current podium us :CHN:JPN:ITA with 27, 25 and 23 quotas respectively. However, :AUS and especially :RUS are increasingly sharply with good results in their championships, and :USA will host from today to sunday another meet of TYR series, meaning that new quotas will be likely to be achieved;

- in terms of absolute number of standards reached, that is considering multiple quotas per athlete, the podium standings is exactly the same, with :CHN peaking it with 36 quotas, followed by 34 for :JPN and 31 for :ITA

- a total of 29 nations have already obtained at least 1 quota by achieving 1 minimum A standard. Among them, it is worth underlining the presence of :LIE in women's 1500m and :GUA in women's 100m fly;

- among men's events, breastroke appears as the one in which it is easier to achieve an A standard, with both events counting 16 athletes qualified each;

- Looking at women's events, instead, at the moment the most crowded event appears to be women's 1500m free, with 17 athletes qualified (and, surprisingly, without any :USA swimmer already qualified).

- looking at B standards achieved, a special mention goes to :LUX which reached 2 B standards in 200m free and 200m medley (both in men's events) and :IND (200m fly in men's event);

- as a personal feeling, I think other quotas could have been earned at Kazakistan national championships but I was not able to find any result. I also missed last day in Netanya Cup in Israel (or, better, I really cannot understand their language).

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:FRA  2019 France Championship :FRA


DAY 01


100 M Butterfly Women's

Marie Wattel 57'81

Béryl Gastaldello  57'69


1500 M Freestyle Men's

David Aubry 14'54'52

Damien Joly 14'56'93


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2019 British Championship :GBR


Day 1

Women’s 50 Breaststroke
Sarah Vasey        30.72

Men’s 50 Backstroke
Thomas Howdle    25.23


Women’s 200 Free
Freya Anderson        1:58.22


Men’s 400 Free
Daniel Jervis        3:47.57


Women’s 400 Medley
Aimee Wilmot        4:36.98


Men’s 100 Breaststroke
Adam Peaty        57.87
2 James Wilby        58.66


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:FRA  2019 France Championship :FRA


DAY 02


50 M Freestyle Women's

Charlotte Bonnet 25'77


100 M Backstroke Women's

Béryl Gastaldello 1'00'05


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2019 British Championship :GBR


Day 2


Women's 800 Free

Leah Crisp       8:42.61


Men's 50 Breaststroke

Adam Peaty      26.49


Women's 50 Butterfly

Charlotte Atkinson     26.80


Men's 200 Butterfly

James Guy              1.56.51


Women's 100 Back

Georgia Davies      1.00.31


Women's 200 Breaststroke

Molly Renshaw       2.23.42



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