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Slalom Canoeing ECA European Championships 2021

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  On 5/5/2021 at 7:16 AM, hckošice said:

Wait, what ? I thought Tereza Fišerová won the ticket to Tokyo in W C1 ? :yikes: did they changed the system or ?


Anyway, this is really one of the best :CZE line up in ages. 3 Big big medal potential, Especially in M K1 the Czech depth is absolutely incredible, Prskavec had to beat Hradilek and Prindiš to go for Tokyo, all realistic potential medal contenders as well


Damn it. Sorry, my bad. I thought Satková took the spot after winning the ECH but Fišerová eventually took silver at the same competition and secured her spot. You are right. 


I mean, yeah. I my opinion, apart from Rohan who used to be kinda unstable but got way better since 2019 and secured his spot (a bit surprise for me) I think Kudějová, Prskavec and Fišerová, all are possible contestants to win a medal. And after a "disaster" for Czech C2 Kašpar/Šindler attacking gold and turned over 4 or 5 gates before the finish and Kudějová missed the medal just by a little. ..... I truly hope there will be more than 1 medal for Czech from water slalom :-P 

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:SVK Team Slovakia :SVK





  • Alexander Slafkovský
  • Matej Beňuš
  • Michal Martikán


*Quota Secured. All 3 fighting for Tokyo (The better placed athlete will earn the Golden ticket, Slafkovský in best position, basically a top 5 for him will be enough pending any of his opponents will not win Gold)



  • Jakub Grigar
  • Martin Halčin
  • Adam Gonšenica


*Quota Secured. Also the Athlete is known. Jakub Grigar will compete at his 2nd Olympics after his 5th Place in Rio 2016.






  • Simona Glejteková
  • Zuzana Paňková
  • Monika Škáchová


*No Quota yet. Last chance for our girls, Basically a "All-in" situation for them here, first they have to qualify the country to the games, if they succeed, the girl who will manage to earn the quota for slovakia will also take it and go to Tokyo.



  • Eliška Mintálová
  • Jana Dukátová
  • Michaela Haššová


*Quota Secured. Only Mintálová and Dukátová are fighting for Tokyo ( Mintálová is in better position, basically, not losing to Dukátová by bigger margin will be enough for her to qualify)

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:ITA Italy


men's K1

  • Giovanni De Gennaro (also selected for the Olympic Games)
  • Jakob Weger
  • Christian De Dionigi


women's K1

  • Stephanie Horn (also selected for the Olympic Games)


women's C1

  • Marta Bertoncelli (also selected for the Olympic Games)
  • Elena Borghi
  • Elena Micozzi


men's C1*

  • Raffaello Ivaldi*
  • Roberto Colazingari
  • Flavio Micozzi


*Italy has yet to earn the olympic spot in this event.

In case they get it, Raffaello Ivaldi is already selected to fly to Tokyo 2020, even if the quota place is won by another specialist.

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  On 5/5/2021 at 1:22 PM, hckošice said:

:SVK Team Slovakia :SVK





  • Alexander Slafkovský
  • Matej Beňuš
  • Michal Martikán


*Quota Secured. All 3 fighting for Tokyo (The better placed athlete will earn the Golden ticket, Slafkovský in best position, basically a top 5 for him will be enough pending any of his opponents will not win Gold)



  • Jakub Grigar
  • Martin Halčin
  • Adam Gonšenica


*Quota Secured. Also the Athlete is known. Jakub Grigar will compete at his 2nd Olympics after his 5th Place in Rio 2016.






  • Simona Glejteková
  • Zuzana Paňková
  • Monika Škáchová


*No Quota yet. Last chance for our girls, Basically a "All-in" situation for them here, first they have to qualify the country to the games, if they succeed, the girl who will manage to earn the quota for slovakia will also take it and go to Tokyo.



  • Eliška Mintálová
  • Jana Dukátová
  • Michaela Haššová


*Quota Secured. Only Mintálová and Dukátová are fighting for Tokyo ( Mintálová is in better position, basically, not losing to Dukátová by bigger margin will be enough for her to qualify)


and the current standing of the Internal qualifiers before this weekend last stage.


The most tense battle is in M C1




In W K1, only the top 2 Mintálová and Dukátová remains in the game, but Dukátová will need a real miracle here




and M K1 is completed, last stage will not be counted anymore



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and btw the Live score of the Competition is here



and format :

Top 40 in M K1 (30 from heat 1, 10 from Heat 2), Top 30 in M C1, W K1 and W C1 (20 from heat 1 & 10 from Heat 2) will advance to the Semifinals

Top 10 in all events from semifinals will advance to the Final.


you´re welcome :d

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  On 5/5/2021 at 6:50 PM, hckošice said:

and btw the Live score of the Competition is here



and format :

Top 40 in M K1 (30 from heat 1, 10 from Heat 2), Top 30 in M C1, W K1 and W C1 (20 from heat 1 & 10 from Heat 2) will advance to the Semifinals

Top 10 in all events from semifinals will advance to the Final.


you´re welcome :d


For example , can Victoriia Us , who is already obtained quota in K1 , take the spot in C1?

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  On 5/5/2021 at 9:02 PM, Illya said:

For example , can Victoriia Us , who is already obtained quota in K1 , take the spot in C1?


No, but if selectioned by your NOC in K1 she can start also in C1 as double starter.


An athlete who obtains an athlete quota place during the Global World Qualification Competition, is ineligible to participate in any Continental Qualification Event to obtain an additional athlete quota place.


An athlete that qualifies for the Olympic GamesTokyo 2020 may,if selected to do so by their NOC, participate in more than one (1) event in Canoe Slalom at the Olympic Games as long as no other athlete from their NOC isentered to compete in those events at the Olympic Games.However, the athlete must compete in the event that the NOC qualified in.

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So we completed the 1st heats of W K1


Jana Dukátová with a decent run, qualified to the semis from 5th place. Mintálová with a disappointing run is not among the top 20 at all, she must qualify from heat 2 otherwise she will lose the quota to Dukátová which was really improbable before the Ech.


From the non-qualified NOC only :SUI has a semifinalist from 1st qualifiers run.


Remember only another 10 will qualify from Heat 2

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1st Heat of M K1 not official results yes, but from the non qiualified NOCs so far only 2x :POL and 1x :BEL qualified into the semis. 10 more semifinalists will advance from Heat 2

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