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Sprint Canoeing ECA European Olympic Games Qualifier 2021

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Sprint Canoeing ECA European Olympic Games Qualifier 2021


HUN.gif Szeged (HUN) - 12 May 2021 - 13 May 2021 HUN.gif




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The (thankfully) small Hungarian team:


Men's K1 200m - Kolos Csizmadia

Men's K2 1000m - Kornél Béke, Ádám Varga

Men's C1 1000m - András Bodonyi

Men's C2 1000m - Balázs Adolf, Dániel Fejes


We are missing 1 athlete quota in men's kayak and 3 athlete quotas in men's canoe. We really need at least one quota in men's canoe, it would be a catastrophe if we can't qualify anyone in that discipline on the men's side. 

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Men's K1 1000 M : Guillaume Burger

Women's K1 200 M : Vanina Paoletti

Women's K1 500 M : Margot Maillet

Men's C2 1000 M : Frantz Vasseur & Loic Leonard

Women's C1 200 M : Laura Ruiz

Women's C2 500 M : Eugénie Dorange & Anais Cattelet

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:SVK Team Slovakia :SVK




  • K1-200m: Matúš Maximilián Jedinák
  • C1-1000m: Matej Rusnák
  • C2-1000m: Dávid Fekete – Eduard Strýček





  • K1-200m: Lisa Maria Gamsjäger
  • K1-500m: Mariana Petrušová
  • K2-500m: Mariana Petrušová - Lisa Maria Gamsjäger
  • C1-200m: Hana Mikéciová
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May 12


10:00 WC1 200m H1  :FRA  :UKR  :GEO  :GBR  :LTU  :SVK  (1-3 to F, 4-7 + BT to SF)


10:05 WC1 200m H2  :CZE  :CRO  :ESP  :GER  :ROU  :SRB  (1-3 to F, 4-7 + BT to SF)


10:10 WK1 500m H1  :NED  :NOR  :TUR  :RUS  :SUI  :UKR  :FRA  (1 to FA, 2-7 to SF)


10:15 WK1 500m H2  :GER  :GBR  :SLO  :CRO  :ISR  :CZE  :ESP  (1 to FA, 2-7 to SF)


10:20 WK1 500m H3  :POR  :LAT  :SVK  :POL  :FIN  :GRE  :ITA  (1 to FA, 2-7 to SF)


10:25 MK1 1000m H1  :FRA  :ARM  :ITA  :SWE  :DEN  :CRO  :SUI  :UKR  (1 to FA, 2-7 to SF)


10:30 MK1 1000m H2  :GRE  :MKD  :BUL  :SRB  :SLO  :LAT  :GBR  :TUR  (1 to FA, 2-7 to SF)


10:35 MK1 1000m H3  :FIN  :ROU  :POL  :NOR  :BEL  :ISR  :NED  :LTU  (1 to FA, 2-7 to SF)


10:40 MC1 1000m H1  :ROU  :HUN  :EST  :SVK  :ITA  :UKR  :LAT  :ESP  (1-3 to F, 4-7 + BT to SF)


10:45 MC1 1000m H2  :AZE  :ARM  :LTU  :RUS  :BLR  :BUL  :GEO  :MDA  (1-3 to F, 4-7 + BT to SF)




12:00 WC1 200m SF1  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  (1-3 to F)


12:05 WK1 500m SF1  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  (1-3 to FA, 4-7 + BT to FB)


12:10 WK1 500m SF2  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  (1-3 to FA, 4-7 + BT to FB)


12:15 MK1 1000m SF1  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  (1-3 to FA, 4-7 + BT to FB)


12:20 MK1 1000m SF2  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  (1-3 to FA, 4-7 + BT to FB)


12:25 MC1 1000m SF1  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  (1-3 to F)




15:00 WK1 200m H1  :LTU  :FIN  :SWE  :RUS  :SLO  :FRA  :SVK  (1 to FA, 2-7 to SF)


15:05 WK1 200m H2  :NED  :CRO  :IRL  :TUR  :SUI  :GBR  :NOR  (1 to FA, 2-7 to SF)


15:10 WK1 200m H3  :CZE  :ISR  :ITA  :ROU  :LAT  :BUL  (1 to FA, 2-7 to SF)


15:15 MK1 200m H1  :GRE  :BUL  :GEO  :LTU  :BLR  :SVK  :NOR  (1 to FA, 2-7 to SF)


15:20 MK1 200m H2  :UKR  :TUR  :BEL  :HUN  :RUS  :LAT  :CYP  :ARM  (1 to FA, 2-7 to SF)


15:25 MK1 200m H3  :POR  :MKD  :ISR  :SLO  :POL  :EST  :FIN  :CZE  (1 to FA, 2-7 to SF)


15:35 MC2 1000m H1  :BLR  :POR  :FRA  :HUN  :ARM  (1-3 to F, 4-7 + BT to SF)


15:42 MC2 1000m H2  :MDA  :ITA  :ESP  :LTU  :SVK  (1-3 to F, 4-7 + BT to SF)


15:49 MK2 1000m H1  :ARM  :HUN  :NOR  :DEN  :SWE  :SRB  :MKD  (1-3 to F, 4-7 + BT to SF)


15:56 MK2 1000m H2  :BUL  :POL  :RUS  :LTU  :UKR  :BEL  :POR  (1-3 to F, 4-7 + BT to SF)


16:15 WK2 500m H1  :CZE  :POR  :GER  :ESP  :SRB  (1-3 to F, 4-7 + BT to SF)


16:21 WK2 500m H2  :DEN  :ITA  :SWE  :RUS  :ROU  :SVK  (1-3 to F, 4-7 + BT to SF)




17:30 WK1 200m SF1  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  (1-3 to FA, 4-7 + BT to FB)


17:35 WK1 200m SF2  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  (1-3 to FA, 4-7 + BT to FB)


17:40 MK1 200m SF1  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  (1-3 to FA, 4-7 + BT to FB)


17:45 MK1 200m SF2  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  (1-3 to FA, 4-7 + BT to FB)


17:55 MC2 1000m SF1  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  (1-3 to F)


18:02 MK2 1000m SF1  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  (1-3 to F)


18:15 WK2 500m SF1  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  (1-3 to F)




May 13


11:00 WC1 200m FA  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  (1 to Tokyo2020)


11:07 WK1 500m FA  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  (1-2 to Tokyo2020)


11:15 MK1 1000m FA  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  (1-2 to Tokyo2020)


11:24 MC1 1000m FA  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  (1 to Tokyo2020)




18:32 WK1 200m FA  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  (1-2 to Tokyo2020)


18:39 MK1 200m FA  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  (1-2 to Tokyo2020)


18:46 MC2 1000m FA  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  (1-2 to Tokyo2020)


18:55 MK2 1000m FA  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  (1 to Tokyo2020)


19:04 WC2 500m FA  :POR  :CZE  :ESP  :GBR  :POL  :RUS  :MDA  :FRA  :ROU  (1-2 to Tokyo2020)


19:12 WK2 500m FA  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  :UKW  (1 to Tokyo2020)

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:ESP Team Spain :ESP


  • K1 500: Isabel Contreras
  • K2 500: Sara Ouzande - Carolina García
  • C1 200: María Corbera
  • C2 500: Antía Otero - Antía Jacomé


  • C1 1000: David Barreiro
  • C2 1000: Tano García - Pablo Martínez


The C2 events are our best chance to get some extra quotas. We already have a full team in men kayak.

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  On 5/11/2021 at 9:12 AM, Vektor said:

10:15 WK1 500m H2  :GER  :GBR  :SLO  :CRO  :ISR  :CZE  :ESP  (1 to FA, 2-7 to SF)


You can scratch :GBR from that race as they received an Olympic boat quota reallocated after the recent Asian Qualifier.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the process was:

Natalya Sergeyeva won AQ WK1 500 -> boat quota goes to :KAZ

Inna Klinova won AQ WK1 200, but :KAZ already has WK1 quota (as above)

Yuka Ono finished 2nd behind Klinova -> boat quota goes to :JPN

Host country WK1 500 boat quota is reallocated to best-placed 2019 WCh country not already qualified (:GBR since Rebeka Simon was 7th)



Also, the Szeged regatta startlist & results (Euro Qualifier & World Cup 1) are available here.

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Is someone able to enlighten me how these qualifiers work? Especially what I should know from Polish perspective. It seems kinda confusing. 

I am unashamed, at getting nothing done.

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