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Fencing Qualification to Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games

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Fencing.png.1d597e87e625d4e47cda19fe73c0 Women's Team Foil Fencing.png.1d597e87e625d4e47cda19fe73c0

Quota Qualification Event Notes
:RUS Russia Olympic Qualification Ranking Top 4 Overall
:ITA Italy Olympic Qualification Ranking Top 4 Overall
:FRA France Olympic Qualification Ranking Top 4 Overall
:USA United States Olympic Qualification Ranking Top 4 Overall
:JPN Japan Olympic Qualification Ranking Asian Continental Spot
:CAN Canada Olympic Qualification Ranking Pan-American Continental Spot
:HUN Hungary Olympic Qualification Ranking European Continental Spot
:EGY Egypt Olympic Qualification Ranking African Continental Spot
Edited by phelps
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Fencing.png.1d597e87e625d4e47cda19fe73c0 Women's Team Epée Fencing.png.1d597e87e625d4e47cda19fe73c0

Quota Qualification Event Notes
:CHN China Olympic Qualification Ranking Top 4 Overall
:POL Poland Olympic Qualification Ranking Top 4 Overall
:RUS Russia Olympic Qualification Ranking Top 4 Overall
:KOR South Korea Olympic Qualification Ranking Top 4 Overall
:USA United States Olympic Qualification Ranking Panamerican Continental Spot
:ITA Italy Olympic Qualification Ranking European Continental Spot
:EST Estonia Olympic Qualification Ranking Repechage Spot (replacing Africa)
:HKG Hong Kong Olympic Qualification Ranking Asian Continental Spot
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Fencing.png.1d597e87e625d4e47cda19fe73c0 Women's Team Sabre Fencing.png.1d597e87e625d4e47cda19fe73c0

Quota Qualification Event Notes
:RUS Russia Olympic Qualification Ranking Top 4 Overall
:FRA France Olympic Qualification Ranking Top 4 Overall
:ITA Italy Olympic Qualification Ranking Top 4 Overall
:KOR South Korea Olympic Qualification Ranking Top 4 Overall
:HUN Hungary Olympic Qualification Ranking European Continental Spot
:USA United States Olympic Qualification Ranking Panamerican Continental Spot
:CHN China Olympic Qualification Ranking Asian Continental Spot
:TUN Tunisia Olympic Qualification Ranking African Continental Spot
:JPN Japan   Host Country
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Fencing Qualification Procedures for Tokyo 2020 (Draft version) 2020 - Qualification System - Fencing - ang.pdf

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  • 5 months later...

Some news on this field too :d I was checking the FIE website and I found the dates of the first Team World Cup stages giving out points for the Olympic qualification ranking. Here they are:


Foil W: May 5 2019, Tauberbischofsheim, :GER (thanks copy and paste)

Foil M: May 5 2019, St. Petersburg, :RUS

Sabre M: May 12 2019, Madrid, :ESP

Sabre F: May 12 2019, Tunis, :TUN

Epee M: May 19 2019, Paris :FRA

Epee M: May 19 2019, Dubai :UAE

The World Championships will be hosted in Budapest, :HUN 15-23 July 2019.

As regards Continental Championships, Asian Championships will be in Tokyo, :JPN 13-16 June 2019, while Dusseldorf :GER will host European Championships  from 17 to 22 June. No data are given for African and Oceanian* Championship, while I guess PanAm games will be used as continental championships for the Americas.


*I wonder no Oceanian federation exists

Edited by AlFHg
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Considering this year world cup, only one stage per event will give out points in 2018/2019 world cup. I expect in total 5 world cup stages per event giving out ranking point, 1 in 2019 belonging to 2018/2019 world cup (listed in the message above this); 1 in 2019 belonging to 2019/2020 world Cup and finally 3 in 2020 belonging to the 2019/2020 world cup. In addition, 2019 World championships and Continental Championships must be considered.

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  On 9/5/2018 at 8:05 PM, AlFHg said:

Some news on this field too :d I was checking the FIE website and I found the dates of the first Team World Cup stages giving out points for the Olympic qualification ranking. Here they are:


Foil W: May 5 2019, Tauberbischofsheim, :GER (thanks copy and paste)

Foil M: May 5 2019, St. Petersburg, :RUS

Sabre M: May 12 2019, Madrid, :ESP

Sabre F: May 12 2019, Tunis, :TUN

Epee M: May 19 2019, Paris :FRA

Epee M: May 19 2019, Dubai :UAE

The World Championships will be hosted in Budapest, :HUN 15-23 July 2019.

As regards Continental Championships, Asian Championships will be in Tokyo, :JPN 13-16 June 2019, while Dusseldorf :GER will host European Championships  from 17 to 22 June. No data are given for African and Oceanian* Championship, while I guess PanAm games will be used as continental championships for the Americas.


*I wonder no Oceanian federation exists



Oceania in Fencing goes together with Asia, there's no Continental Confederation...


in the past, the Pan-American Championships were also held in the year of the Pan-American Games, too...but there are still no news about a possible 2019 edition, therefore we can suppose that the Pan-Am Games will be also useful as the Continental Champs next year (but with FIE we can't be sure of that, we have to wait until next Spring to have some updated news)...

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  • 7 months later...

Finally we have the (at least provisional) calendar for next season so here's the main competitions which will count for the Olympic ranking (there's also going to be a lot of Satellite events in September-October but they award very few points).

Team Ranking = World Champs + Continental Champs + best 4 results out of 5 World Cups

Individual Ranking = World Champs + Continental Champs + other best 5 results

Updates on the Olympic rankings here:


Date Place Nation Weapon Gender Competition Team
April 26-28 Seoul KOR Sabre Men / Women Grand Prix  
May 3-5 Cali COL Epee Men / Women Grand Prix  
May 3-5 Tauberbischofsheim GER Foil Women World Cup x
May 3-5 St. Petersburg RUS Foil Men World Cup x
May 10-12 Tunis TUN Sabre Women World Cup x
May 10-12 Madrid ESP Sabre Men World Cup x
May 17-19 Paris FRA Epee Men World Cup x
May 17-19 Dubai UAE Epee Women World Cup x
May 17-19 Shangai CHN Foil Men / Women Grand Prix  
May 24-26 Moscow RUS Sabre Men / Women Grand Prix  
June 8-12 Bamako MLI All Men / Women African Championships x
June 13-18 Tokyo JPN All Men / Women Asian Championships x
June 17-22 Dusseldorf GER All Men / Women European Championships x
June 27- July 2 Toronto CAN All Men / Women Panamerican Championships x
July 15-23 Budapest HUN All Men / Women World Championships x
September-October     All Men / Women Satellite Competitions  
November 1-3 Tallinn EST Epee Women World Cup x
November 8-10 Bonn GER Foil Men World Cup x
November 8-10 Orleans FRA Sabre Women World Cup x
November 15-17 Algiers ALG Sabre Men World Cup x
November 22-24 Algiers ALG Foil Women World Cup x
November 22-24 Bern SUI Epee Men World Cup x
December 13-15 St. Maur FRA Foil Women World Cup x
December 13-15 Tokyo JPN Foil Men World Cup x
December 13-15 Salt Lake City USA Sabre Women World Cup x
January 10-12 Katowice POL Foil Women World Cup x
January 10-12 Paris FRA Foil Men World Cup x
January 10-12 Warsaw POL Sabre Men World Cup x
January 10-12 La Havana CUB Epee Women World Cup x
January 10-12 Heidenheim GER Epee Men World Cup x
January 24-26 Doha QAT Epee Men / Women Grand Prix  
February 7-9 Turin ITA Foil Men / Women Grand Prix  
February 7-9 Barcelona ESP Epee Women World Cup x
February 7-9 Vancouver CAN Epee Men World Cup x
February 14-16 Cancun MEX Sabre Men / Women Grand Prix  
February 21-23 Cancun MEX Foil Women World Cup x
February 21-23 Cairo EGY Foil Men World Cup x
March 6-8 Athens GRE Sabre Women World Cup x
March 6-8 Padua ITA Sabre Men World Cup x
March 6-8 Budapest HUN Epee Men / Women Grand Prix  
March 13-15 Anaheim USA Foil Men / Women Grand Prix  
March 20-22 St. Niklaas BEL Sabre Women World Cup x
March 20-22 Budapest HUN Sabre Men World Cup x
March 20-22 Suzhou CHN Epee Women World Cup x
March 20-22 Buenos Aires ARG Epee Men World Cup x
Edited by Dunadan
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 5/3/2019 at 11:41 AM, sharkinator said:

Where can I find olympic rankings?



Look at the post above yours; the main competitions which will count for the Olympic ranking have just begun, so any ranking would be irrelevant now 

If the lights light up exactly at the correct moment, he was definitely first, since his light went on first. Not sure if those lights are 100% accurate though?

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