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1 hour ago, thepharoah said:

Netenyahu said he wants new generations with new way of thinking toward Israel like what happened in Germany and Japan , these guys are not joking they make a total destruction,  total ethnic cleansing. His people are very fine with this and they say loudly let's kill their Children before they grow and kill us , World leaders back him cuz they didn't see any strong reaction from Arab and Islamic countries only speaking and even some countries telling them in closed doors to end Hamas what ever it takes to do  as their enemy is Iran not US or Israel , Others don't want the same black scenario of Gaza to happen in their lands and Israelis are obvious much more than ever telling any country that will interfere that they will have the same fate of Gaza , who pays the price at the end those people the only population in the world that live as refugees in their own land 

Yes, no leader (muslim countries included) would have a problem if all people in the Gaza strip would be killed. The only thing they care about is not having to take in more refugees. Other muslim countries clearly don't give a shit about palestinians, otherwise the least thing they should do is to provide organizations like UNRWA with more money. Israeli leaders can do whatever they want as long as they don't make this the problem of anyone else (by creating a new wave of refugees).

Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.


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but for Palestinians all the free people and real humans all around the world care about them , billions around the world care about them and pray for them everyday , ofc u will tell me what these prayers made for them , u will discover if u live some more years or when u die

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21 minutes ago, George_D said:

@konig, @LDOG opinions for the 2nd round tomorrow?

it will be a close result, none of them can win with more of 5% of diference for me.........if you ask me a result, Javier Milei wins with a little diference of Massa.

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16 minutes ago, konig said:

it will be a close result, none of them can win with more of 5% of diference for me.........if you ask me a result, Javier Milei wins with a little diference of Massa.

Too bad it's all in Dutch without non-Dutch subtitles, but for what it's worth: the sort of Dutch version of Last Week Tonight had a bit about the Argentinian elections - and Milei specifically - two weeks ago :p


If you'd like to help our fellow Totallympics member Bruna Moura get to the 2026 Winter Olympics, after her car crash on the way to the 2022 Olympics, every tiny bit of help would be greatly appreciated! Full story and how to help can be found here!

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I was one of the stupid persons that thought Israel is a democratic country before Oct.7 , but it's only a place for Extremists who doesn't have any problem getting rid of anybody I thought only Arabs they hate but seems to be any non Jewish

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7 hours ago, George_D said:

@konig, @LDOG opinions for the 2nd round tomorrow?

Polls say slightly difference in favour of Milei. It's a closed call, many voters in the middle with no clear preference. I think the last few weeks were good for Milei because the crazy part of his side and proposals were a bit tuned down, and he got the support from Macri which gave him structure and a sense of "control" as in a kind of coalition. Still most people dislike him, but Massa as well.

We'll see what prevails, if the desire of change or the fear of what that change could be. I lean to Milei 55-45.


I won't vote neither, though :p

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For those interested, we have the main elections coming up Wednesday. Weren't planned yet, but you know, political problems and then the government 'fell' and here we go again :p


Of course there's several things making polls, this is one of the most well-known ones and it's from yesterday, so the most recent one I could find. The dates speak for themselves, TK2021 means how many seats (out of the total of 150) the party currently has, 'Verschil met vorige week' is the difference with last week and 'Verschil met TK2021' is the difference to the previous elections i.e. the current situation.




Nieuw Sociaal Contract (NSC) is the latest addition, founded a few months ago by a guy who split from the once very big CDA and gaining tons of traction since. BBB is the 'farmers party' which absolutely destroyed the rest in the regional elections earlier in the year, but seems to be somewhat dying off already. Still, going from 1 to 7 seats is of course a success.


VVD is the party of current and soon former prime minister Mark Rutte, PVV is the party of fairly far-right Geert Wilders', who has always been shouting as part of the opposition. PvdA/GroenLinks were two parties last time, they merged this year. FvD is our even further right party, with rather significant suspicions of ties to Russia. Scheduled for 5 seats, so going down from the current 8, but still 5 too many I'd say. 


D66 and CDA are somewhat in the middle, we've got PvdDieren, the animal rights party. SP is far-left, BIJ1 is the extreme version of far-left: where SP is very left and opponents don't really like it, BIJ1 is actually hated because it is basically as extreme as FvD, just on the other side. They are and will remain insignificant, but will keep shouting forever. DENK is the party that shouldn't exist, where the ties with Turkey are so strong it's mostly being referred to as 'the long arm of Erdogan'.


SGP is the very strictly Christian party - you know, anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ stuff, anti-everything. Fun fact: SGP is also the oldest party in the Netherlands, over a century old (and kind of still living in that time). Also, SGP is the most steady party in Dutch politicals: you can basically always count on them having 2 seats, sometimes 3, sometimes 1, but it's always around that. Basically everyone who vote on them do so for religious reasons without even looking at their party program and that religious group is more or less always staying the same. Another fact: nationally they are a fringe party, but in the municipality where I live they are usually one of the three largest (in the smaller towns around me they are often actually the largest, by far). Oh well, the only advantage for me is that everything is closed on Sunday and I love the quiet that brings :p 


That's basically the main things, I think, for now. Still some days to decide my vote (although my list is shortened by quite a bit already because certain parties I simply refuse to vote for), we'll see on Wednesday :p 



Edited by heywoodu

If you'd like to help our fellow Totallympics member Bruna Moura get to the 2026 Winter Olympics, after her car crash on the way to the 2022 Olympics, every tiny bit of help would be greatly appreciated! Full story and how to help can be found here!

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