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24 minutes ago, rafalgorka said:

And what about Chins in Tanzania? Zanzibar ?

Is it China’s fault if countries are stupid enough to borrow money, spend it on ministerial BMWs & then can’t repay it? Is China any harsher with Africa than Germany was with Greece? Nowadays, all borrowed money ultimately comes from someone’s pension funds. When I was young I thought differently, but now that I am a pensioner….. :bones::bones::hockey:

Edited by Grassmarket
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14 minutes ago, Vic Liu said:

From China’s perspective,  Sri Lanka ……. It’s not more special than others,

We don’t believe you here


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1 minute ago, Grassmarket said:

Is it China’s fault if countries are stupid enough to borrow money, spend it on ministerial BMWs & then can’t repay it? Is China any harsher with Africa than Germany was with Greece? Nowadays, all borrowed money ultimately comes from someone’s pension funds. When I was young I thought differently, but now that I am a pensioner :bones::bones::hockey:

Have you ever been in Tanzania ?


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6 minutes ago, rafalgorka said:

We don’t believe you here

Cry me a rive if China lose the most important and critical ally Sri Lanka to fight against USA on the geopolitical battle.

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5 minutes ago, rafalgorka said:

Have you ever been in Tanzania ?

No. But if the :TAN Government thinks it does not have to repay :CHN, what chance is there they will repay their own citizens?  Tanzanian & various other African states have a 60-year history of borrowing money & not repaying it.  That’s why they are poor, because ultimately all economic success is based on honour & obligation.  Communist-style theft only works in the short term.  

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22 hours ago, OlympicsFan said:

As an outsider i hope that Milei will win.

1) I really want to see what happens when someone like him becomes the head of state. Will he be able to follow up on his promises?

2) Argentina seems to be in a situation where they don't have too much to lose. Electing the same politicians over and over again probably won't change anything for the better.

Is like you say, imagine to elect a politician who came for a goverment which made in 4 four years a devaluation of our currency from 1 dolar 62 pesos to 1 dolar 1000 pesos..........not very diferent that happen in your country after WWI .........but in this case without a war, the peronist politician make the war unnecessary for having that results.

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18 hours ago, heywoodu said:

Apparently against abortion, even in the case of rape (like a 10-year old (!) being raped and getting pregnant, but his main worry seemed to have been the abortion and calling the abortion as much of a crime....dude), doesn't want school children to learn the basics about sex in school, sceptic about COVID vaccines, supports free gun possession, denying climate change, one of those people who say others 'decide to be homosexual', etc.


Every single point sounds like the typical Trump/Bolsonaro/conspiracy nut :p 


(of course this all comes from English-language things like the ever-so-reliable Wikipedia, so if these things aren't actually true about him, or exaggerated, I'd like to know :p)

1) Yes, he is against abortion, there are libertarians in favor and against abortion, there are a big part of argentinians against the abortion and there arent politicias who has that position, politically, is not a bad move.

2) The law about sex in school in Argentina has a lot of gender ideology, thats the problem, all the libertarians are against that for being one of the woke values.

3) The covid vaccines were experimental, its logical some doubts and being the vaccination obligatory, is against some libertarians principles.

4) The free gun posseion is a tipical libertarian principle, in my case, i dont agree with this and in Argentina make a big "noise" his proposal.

5) There are a part of the cientist who says the climate change is a natural process, not something coming from human beings, he is with that position.

6) He respect a lot homosexuals, nothing against them, a libertarian who want to attack their freedom, is not a libertarian, is a conservative.


He has some things in common with Bolsonaro and Trump but in another things he is very diferent, is a complety political outsider, he was a "media economist" before 2021 when he starts his political career.


In 2019, with some friends, we invited him to our city Bahia Blanca for presenting his new book and we have a barbecue after that, "nothing wire" with him and he didnt win any money for this, even he pays his airline ticket.

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14 minutes ago, konig said:


In 2019, with some friends, we invited him to our city Bahia Blanca for presenting his new book and we have a barbecue after that, "nothing wire" with him and he didnt win any money for this, even he pays his airline ticket.

What does "nothing wire" mean?

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12 minutes ago, LDOG said:

What does "nothing wire" mean?

He didnt scream or doing nothing wire/freak, for TV he can give a very particular image, you know what i mean.


Nothing happen like "zurdo de mierda, pasame los chinchulines", for example :lol:

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