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[OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread


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19 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

Actually on CNN they were talking a lot about how impressive Trump's results were, I also expected to see something like the opposite, but they surprised me positively. 


It stays weird that Trump is campaigning against "the elite" though, while he himself is a billionaire...I mean, it's not like he is exactly an everyday Joe that one can identify with. 


Yeah, CNN wasn't that bad actually, but they were still stunned. Put that champagne in the case. From what i've read things at NBC and ABC were more juicy. :d 

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48 minutes ago, bestmen said:

he will get fired everybody all the strangers

and build one wall with mexico

Yeah, no, he's not realistically going to actually build a wall :p 


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4 hours ago, heywoodu said:

Yeah, no, he's not realistically going to actually build a wall :p 

Yes, he's not... he's never have to actually work... he will try to force those Mexicans he deports to build it :p


I'm not glad he won, but I think America will have to deal with its President more that the rest of us... the only think that gets me down is that now I have to earn over 20 pesos to buy one USD.

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The Dow hitting record highs on Wallstreet lol. :d No signs of the collapse the media were blabing if Trump won. This is also good for the UK after Brexit.

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what they said in the Simpson about Trump if he was the president  ,,this serie made many years ago








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