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[OFF TOPIC] Politics Thread


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17 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

When not exaggerated, this citizenship studies thing sounds pretty good. I mean, it's only good when people know how their country works and stuff like that. You know, minus the propaganda stuff :d

Unfortunately it's the propaganda that stuck in people's head :p


About 80% of educated young voters from the recent election don't know what "Regional Representative Council" (the upper house of the parliament) is despite it is repeated in all 3 stages of school (primary, junior high, and high school). Some even leave the ballot paper intact because the whole focus is the presidential race

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Haha I’m just barely more free than @dcro #stripesovercheckers


Also congrats to our Finish, Swedish, Norwegian, Canadian, and Dutch users for being the most free. Do whatever you want (besides attempting to host a multi-sports games apparently...)

Edited by Olympian1010

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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tomorrow July 05 will be the 20 th Friday of protesting + the independance day 

people prepare a massive participation from all the country



i hope that Will Smith will be in


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1 hour ago, bestmen said:

Google is celebrating thid independance day ,we still without president  and  this day of protesting  will be politically decisive ,





Happy independence day. Today the 5th July is also a national holiday in Slovakia and Czechia (the St. Cyril and Methodius day) one of the biggest national holidays, all stores and offices are closed...


but it is not what I wanted to say, today is also in Slovakia a special one, the day of the Slovaks living abroad :d Many cultural programs are going to be organized in Serbia (I heard in the radio that some interesting worldwide action will be orgaized tonight in Belgrade by our community living in Serbia), Croatia but also in the USA or Australia.


Happy day to all Slovaks everywhere on the globe :cheer:



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