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Speed Skating at the Winter Olympic Games 2018

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7 hours ago, Nate River said:

So Erin Jackson qualified for the US women's Olympic team. In case you don't recognize the name, well, she started speed skating four months ago. She achieved the ISU qualifying standard time at trials, too (and trials in Milwaukee, not Salt Lake). She is a world champion in inline speed skating and, clearly, she has potential.


And there's a fuss about her being the first black woman ever on the US speed skating team (not counting short track, that's a different sport).


I had thought it would be offensive to make a fuss out of that or even use the word 'black' :p 


Interesting though (I mean qualifying after making the switch such a short time ago). I knew she sounded familiar, just checked, and indeed: she participated in last year's World Games :d 

Edited by heywoodu


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12 minutes ago, heywoodu said:


And there's a fuss about her being the first black woman ever on the US speed skating team (not counting short track, that's a different sport).


I had thought it would be offensive to make a fuss out of that or even use the word 'black' :p 


Interesting though (I mean qualifying after making the switch such a short time ago). I knew she sounded familiar, just checked, and indeed: she participated in last year's World Games :d 


There were also a lot of news about the first black woman that made US short track team. :p


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8 hours ago, Nate River said:

So Erin Jackson qualified for the US women's Olympic team. In case you don't recognize the name, well, she started speed skating four months ago. She achieved the ISU qualifying standard time at trials, too (and trials in Milwaukee, not Salt Lake). She is a world champion in inline speed skating and, clearly, she has potential.

I've never heard of her before, but I love it when athletes from different disciplines try long track speed skating and are successful at it, such as Jorien ter Mors and Chad Hedrick. So I'm excited to see how she can grow even more in the next month and what she can do at the Olympics. :yes

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Final US Speed Skating team (as long as the 180 athlete quota isn't surpassed):



  • Jonathan Garcia — 500m
  • Kimani Griffin — 500m
  • Mitchell Whitmore — 500m, 1000m
  • Shani Davis — 1000m, 1500m
  • Joey Mantia — 1000m, 1500m, mass start
  • Brian Hansen — 1500m, mass start
  • Emery Lehman — extra skater for the team pursuit (and second alternate for the 5000m)


  • Heather Bergsma — 500m, 1000m, 1500m, mass start
  • Brittany Bowe — 500m, 1000m, 1500m
  • Erin Jackson — 500m
  • Jerica Tandiman — 1000m
  • Mia Manganello — 1500m, mass start
  • Carlijn Schoutens — 3000m, 5000m
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Canadian team:



  • Ivanie Blondin, 1500m, 3000m, 5000m, mass start, team pursuit
  • Kali Christ, 1500m, team pursuit
  • Marsha Hudey, 500m
  • Kaylin Irvine, 1000m
  • Heather McLean, 500m, 1000m
  • Josie Morrison, 1500m, team pursuit
  • Keri Morrison, mass start, team pursuit
  • Brianne Tutt, 1500m, 3000m
  • Isabelle Weidemann, 3000m, 5000m, team pursuit

(not sure why five women are in the team pursuit pool)



  • Jordan Belchos, 10,000m, team pursuit
  • Ted-Jan Bloemen, 5000m, 10,000m, team pursuit
  • Alex Boisvert-Lacroix, 500m
  • Vincent De Haître, 1000m, 1500m, team pursuit
  • Ben Donnelly, 1500m, team pursuit
  • Laurent Dubreuil, 500m, 1000m
  • Olivier Jean, mass start
  • Gilmore Junio, 500m
  • Denny Morrison, 1500m, team pursuit
  • Alexandre St-Jean, 1000m
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12 minutes ago, dcro said:

Switzerland has selected two athletes: Livio Wenger (1500m, 5000m, Mass start) and Ramona Hardi (Mass start).



Too bad there was no place for cult hero Martin Hänggi :(



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Yuskov and Kulizhnikov, world record holders at 1500m and 500m, are both out of the Olympics apparently. That gives more space for our guys to win all the medals on nothing but a good cheese sandwich and some pasta :)



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