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Judo Qualification for Summer Olympic Games 2016


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Women's -57kg

Qualified Nations:

  1. :AUT Austria - Sabrina Filzmoser.
  2. :BRA Brazil - Rafaela Silva.
  3. :CAN Canada - Catherine Beauchemin-Pinard.
  4. :TPE Chinese Taipei - Lien Chen-Ling.      
  5. :COL Colombia - Yadinis Amaris.
  6. :CIV Cote d'Ivoire - Zouleiha Abzetta Dabonne.                     
  7. :FRA France - Automne Pavia.
  8. :GER Germany - Miryam Roper.
  9. :GBR Great Britain - Nekoda Smythe-Davis.
  10. :HUN Hungary - Hedvig Karakas.
  11. :JPN Japan - Kaori Matsumoto.
  12. :KOS Kosovo - Nora Gjakova.
  13. :MGL Mongolia - Dorjsurengiin Sumiyaa.
  14. :NED Netherlands - Sanne Verhagen
  15. :NZL New Zealand - Darcina Manuel.
  16. :POL Poland - Arleta Podolak.
  17. :POR Portugal - Telma Monteiro.
  18. :ROU Romania - Carina Caprioriu.
  19. :SEN Senegal - Hortense Diedhou.
  20. :KOR South Korea - Kim Jan-Di.
  21. :TKM Turkmenistan - Rushana Nurjavova.
  22. :USA United States - Marti Malloy.



Total Athletes Qualified  22

Total Nations Qualified  22


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Women's -63kg

Qualified Nations:

  1. :AND Andorra - Laura Salles.
  2. :AUS Australia - Katharina Haecker.
  3. :AUT Austria - Katrin Unterwurzacher.
  4. :BRA Brazil - Mariana Silva.
  5. :CHN China - Yang Junxia.
  6. :CUB Cuba - Maricet Espinosa.
  7. :ECU Ecuador - Estefania Garcia.
  8. :FRA France - Clarisse Agbegnenou.
  9. :GER Germany - Martyna Trajdos.
  10. :GHA Ghana - Szandra Szogedi.
  11. :GBR Great Britain - Alice Schlesinger.
  12. :GUI Guinea - Mamadama Bangoura.
  13. :ISR Israel - Yarden Gerbi.
  14. :ITA Italy - Edwige Gwend.
  15. :JPN Japan - Miku Tashiro.
  16. :KAZ Kazakhstan - Marian Urdabayeva.
  17. :MKD Macedonia - Katerina Nikoloska.
  18. :MAR Morocco - Rizlen Zouak.
  19. :MGL Mongolia - Tsedevsurengiin Monkhzayaa.
  20. :NEP Nepal - Phupu Llamu Khatri.
  21. :NED Netherlands - Annicka van Emden.
  22. :RUS Russia - Ekaterina Valkova.
  23. :SLO Slovenia - Tina Trstenjak.
  24. :KOR South Korea - Bak Ji-Yun.
  25. :SWE Sweden - Mia Hermansson.
  26. :TUR Turkey - Busra Katipoglu.



Total Athletes Qualified  26

Total Nations Qualified  26


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Women's -70kg

Qualified Nations:

  1. :ANG Angola - Antonia Moreira.
  2. :AUT Austria - Bernadette Graf.
  3. :BRA Brazil - Maria Portela.
  4. :CAN Canada - Kelita Zupancic.
  5. :CHN China - Zhou Chao.
  6. :COL Colombia - Yuri Alvear.
  7. :CRO Croatia - Barbara Matic.
  8. :FRA France - Gevrise Emane.
  9. :GEO Georgia - Esther Stam.
  10. :GER Germany - Laura Vargas Koch.
  11. :GBR Great Britain - Sally Conway.
  12. :ISR Israel - Linda Bolder.
  13. :JPN Japan - Haruka Tachimoto.
  14. :MAR Morocco - Assmaa Niang.
  15. :MGL Mongolia - Tsend-Ayuushiin Naranjargal.
  16. :NED Netherlands - Kim Polling.
  17. :POL Poland - Katarzyna Klys.
  18. :PUR Puerto Rico - Maria Perez.
  19. :WHT Refugee Olympic Athlete - Yolande Mabika.
  20. :KOR South Korea - Kim Seong-Yeon.
  21. :ESP Spain - Maria Bernabeu.
  22. :TUN Tunisia - Houda Miled.
  23. :UZB Uzbekistan - Gulnoza Matniyazova.
  24. :VEN Venezuela - Elvismar Rodriguez.



Total Athletes Qualified  24

Total Nations Qualified  24


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Women's -78kg

Qualified Nations:

  1. :AUS Australia - Miranda Giambelli.
  2. :BRA Brazil - Mayra Aguiar.
  3. :CMR Cameroon - Hortence Atangana.
  4. :CHN China - Zhang Zhehui.
  5. :CUB Cuba - Yalennis Castillo.
  6. :FRA France - Audrey Tcheumeo.
  7. :GAB Gabon - Sarah Myriam Mazouz.
  8. :GER Germany - Luise Malzahn.
  9. :GBR Great Britain - Natalie Powell.
  10. :HUN Hungary - Abigel Joo.
  11. :JPN Japan - Mami Umeki.
  12. :MGL Mongolia - Purevjargalyn Lkhamdegd.
  13. :NED Netherlands - Marlinde Verkerk.
  14. :PRK North Korea - Sol Kyong.
  15. :POL Poland - Daria Pogorzelec.
  16. :SLO Slovenia - Anamari Velensek.
  17. :UKR Ukraine - Viktoriya Turks.
  18. :USA United States - Kayla Harrison.



Total Athletes Qualified  18

Total Nations Qualified  18


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Women's +78kg

Qualified Nations:

  1. :ALG Algeria - Sonia Asselah.
  2. :BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina - Larisa Ceric.
  3. :BRA Brazil - Maria Suellen Altheman.
  4. :CHN China - Yu Song.
  5. :CUB Cuba - Idalys Ortiz.
  6. :FRA France - Emilie Andeol.
  7. :GER Germany - Jasmin Kulbs.
  8. :JPN Japan - Kanae Yamabe.
  9. :LTU Lithuania - Santa Pakenyte.
  10. :MEX Mexico - Vanessa Zambotti.
  11. :NED Netherlands - Tessie Savelkouls.
  12. :PUR Puerto Rico - Melissa Mojica.
  13. :RUS Russia - Ksenia Chibisova.
  14. :KOR South Korea - Kim Min-Jung.
  15. :TUN Tunisia - Nihal Chikhrohou.
  16. :TUR Turkey - Kayra Sayit.
  17. :UKR Ukraine - Svitlana Iaromka.



Total Athletes Qualified  17

Total Nations Qualified  17


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  • 4 weeks later...

Sri Lanka will be represented in Judo for the first time at the Olympic Games. This opportunity comes the island’s way because Chamara Dharmawardhana has been selected on a request made to the International Judo Federation (IJF) by the National Olympic Committee (NOC) of Sri Lanka.

Chamara will book his ticket for the Rio Olympic Games 2016 and is given an IOC Scholarship. He will be sent to Slovenia for a month-long training with the help of Ministry funds. Chamara has also represented Sri Lanka at the Commonwealth Games, held in Glasgow, and several other Asian meets.

According to the President of the IJF, Chamara’s selection is a tripartite decision and is not the exclusive work of the IJF.
All credit should go to the Secretary of the NOC Maxwell de Silva who used his good office and personal contacts with Marius Vizer the President of IJF and Haider of the Olympic Council Asia to secure this slot for Sri Lanka Judo. Maxwell de Silva now hopes that the Judokas in Sri Lanka will be united and move forward to raise standards and gain more recognition internationally.

I found this on the internet - does this mean Judo have selected their wild card athletes?

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28 minutes ago, uk12points said:

I found this on the internet - does this mean Judo have selected their wild card athletes?


According to IJF the final decision will be made on May 30th.


It’s possible that some early decisions have been made, but we probably won’t get an official release until the end of next month

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36 minutes ago, uk12points said:

I found this on the internet - does this mean Judo have selected their wild card athletes?


Nothing official yet. It could be anything. Maybe they already granted it to Sri Lanka, maybe their federation thinks that you just need to send an application to get a quota or maybe this is a case of bad journalism.


Remember, we already had some (junk) article claiming that Malawi received not one but two wild cards in taekwondo!


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1 hour ago, panda said:

Where I can see Grigori Minaskin and Juhan Mettis olympic rankings included European Championships points?

well,tomorrow probably will be new ranking here:


I think that now Estonia has quota place in +100 and  continental spot in -100kg.

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