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I wouldn't be surprised if the hosts for both 2024 and 2028 are selected in september, and to some extent I could see the good things in that idea, though it surely has downsides as well.

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6 minutes ago, Agger said:

I wouldn't be surprised if the hosts for both 2024 and 2028 are selected in september, and to some extent I could see the good things in that idea, though it surely has downsides as well.


That actually wouldn't be a bad idea. The interest in hosting is as low as it could get, so it might be encouraging to see that non-winning bid wasn't in vain...


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6 minutes ago, dcro said:


That actually wouldn't be a bad idea. The interest in hosting is as low as it could get, so it might be encouraging to see that non-winning bid wasn't in vain...


That's kind of the one good thing in Budapest withdrawing their bid. If they did it with Budapest still in the game, it would be a scandal. Now it's defendable with 2 bid rounds in a row with only 2 cities. But of course some cities considering/planning to bid for the 2028 Games would be let down.

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Los Angeles would win anyway in 2028 if they bid again (who's gonna beat them?). And Paris will probably not bid for the next 50 years if they are snubbed again, so... yes, awarding both games now would be a good decision.

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Well, i for one am against the double decision. There is enough time till 2028, no need to say it from now and especially if it's a pity decision for Paris. If they are rejected yet again it's their fault and there is no need to reward them for 2028, because they have tried so much. That's not how things work... Plus it will be robbing us of potential great bids from Naples/Milano, Toronto, Australia, Budapest, since they were close this time. The situation could be very different in 2021, that's 4 years from now.. Also LA sucks, we need an East Coast city, Boston, Philly.

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Many countries are preparing for 2028... It's a pity if we can't see their idea becoming a reality.. And we also don't want the appointed 2028
 host suddenly go mad (due to politics or whatever) and withdrew in 2025 or 2026 :p

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37 minutes ago, Griff88 said:

Many countries are preparing for 2028... It's a pity if we can't see their idea becoming a reality.. And we also don't want the appointed 2028
 host suddenly go mad (due to politics or whatever) and withdrew in 2025 or 2026 :p


And there were many, if not more, countries being interested for 2022 and 2024 and yet we ended up with 2 both times :d


And seing the state of Rio venues just 6 months after Olympics... Let's just say that countries of similar level (e. g. South Afica) could get disheartened. :p

Edited by dcro


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27 minutes ago, dcro said:


And there were many, if not more, countries being interested for 2022 and 2024 and yet we ended up with 2 both times :d


And seing the state of Rio venues just 6 months after Olympics... Let's just say that countries of similar level (e. g. South Afica) could get disheartened. :p

Exactly, IOC must be thinking, let us lock down Los Angeles and Paris before either of them start having second thoughts and we are in a horrible situation where the only interested hosts for 2028 are nations without a big budget/infrastructure. 

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Adrian Solano, his first time skiing in the snow the World Cup!!

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