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Our authorities revealed the numbers of Slovaks living abroad, In total it is more than 2 million of Slovaks


Remember there 5 and half million inhabitants in Slovakia according last census :d



Here are the copy/paste from our Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the countries with higher than 10 000 Slovak population (Slovak citizens or people claiming to have Slovak roots working, studying and living there)


(Name of countries are logically in slovak, but they added the flags) Interesting that almost 60 % of slovaks in USA are living in Pennsylvania :p

🇺🇸 Spojené štáty: 750 000
🇨🇿 Česko: 350 000
🇨🇦 Kanada: 150 000
🇬🇧 Spojené kráľovstvo: 110 000
🇭🇺 Maďarsko: 100 000
🇩🇪 Nemecko 80 000
🇦🇹 Rakúsko: 50 000
🇷🇸 Srbsko: 42 000
🇮🇱 Izrael 30 000
🇨🇭 Švajčiarsko 25 000
🇳🇱 Holandsko 25 000
🇷🇴 Rumunsko: 25 000
🇦🇷 Argentína 25 000
🇮🇪 Írsko 22 000
🇪🇸 Španielsko 15 000
🇵🇱 Poľsko: 12 000
🇺🇦 Ukrajina: 12 000
🇦🇺 Austrália 12 000
🇧🇪 Belgicko 10 000
🇫🇷 Francúzsko 10 000
🇮🇹 Taliansko 10 000
🇭🇷 Chorvátsko: 10 000

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22 minutes ago, Monzanator said:

@hckošicePolish immigrants have taken over Illinois & Wisconsin so we left you Pennsylvania as consolation :p

yeah, we slovaks are quite an odd sort of people, I mean, if one day I was supposed to visit the yuesey, I do believe Pennsylvania is not exactly the first place on my radar :p


Who can have the idea to stop somewhere around Pittsburgh and say this is the promised land :d in other hand this is the only place in N. America with highest chance to speak in my native language so ...:d


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15 minutes ago, hckošice said:

yeah, we slovaks are quite an odd sort of people, I mean, if one day I was supposed to visit the yuesey, I do believe Pennsylvania is not exactly the first place on my radar :p


Who can have the idea to stop somewhere around Pittsburgh and say this is the promised land :d in other hand this is the only place in N. America with highest chance to speak in my native language so ...:d


Proves that Slovaks have excellent taste in settling in the

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On 8/15/2022 at 5:42 PM, hckošice said:

yeah, we slovaks are quite an odd sort of people, I mean, if one day I was supposed to visit the yuesey, I do believe Pennsylvania is not exactly the first place on my radar :p


Who can have the idea to stop somewhere around Pittsburgh and say this is the promised land :d in other hand this is the only place in N. America with highest chance to speak in my native language so ...:d


California is the place to go, if you just can't avoid travelling to the USA...


and you know why...:d



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24 minutes ago, phelps said:

California is the place to go, if you just can't avoid travelling to the USA...

Oh my dear friend, if one blessed day I win the green card in the lottery, you can bet that the very next day I will land in Hawaii and never ever move from there anywhere again :p

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3 hours ago, hckošice said:

Oh my dear friend, if one blessed day I win the green card in the lottery, you can bet that the very next day I will land in Hawaii and never ever move from there anywhere again :p

weather's too hot for my taste...


I need fresh places...the Lofoten Islands might be the right place for me (I did even eat some codfish tonight -but I don't think my recipe was typical of those lands, I'm 100% ready)...:lol:


Iceland might be good, too...if only it wasn't so expensive...:facepalm::hairpull:

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5 minutes ago, phelps said:

weather's too hot for my taste...


I need fresh places...the Lofoten Islands might be the right place for me (I did even eat some codfish tonight -but I don't think my recipe was typical of those lands, I'm 100% ready)...:lol:


Iceland might be good, too...if only it wasn't so expensive...:facepalm::hairpull:

Oh man, how often I've dreamed of being in Iceland these past weeks :yikes:


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Strange incident in Calabria Italy 

Calabria? A mafia hub that hires Cuban doctors because the Italians avoid the region.


so  mafia kidnappes doctors !!?

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