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[OFF TOPIC] Coronavirus Pandemic


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  On 3/20/2020 at 5:01 PM, Gianlu33 said:

Daily update:

  • Active cases 37860 (+4670)
  • Death 4032 (+627)
  • Recovered 5129 (+689)
  • Total cases: 47021 (+5986)

No words really. Absolute disaster.

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i seriously don't know how it turned this bad in Italy , but there's always good things to come after bad stay strong guys 

Edited by thepharoah
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Polish Prime Ministry just announced state of epidemic here, this means that all schools, cinemans, shopping centers etc. remains closed at least until Easter, punishment for breaking the quarantine is now sixs time bigger than previously (from 5000 PLN to 30 000 PLN)


Atm we have 411 cases with expecting around 1000 in next week.

Edited by rybak
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I’m usually only appreciate “high-brow” cartoons, but I really like this one:


“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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  On 3/20/2020 at 5:50 PM, hckosice said:

137 Confirmed Cases in Slovakia (+14 Today)



Meanwhile Another incredible scenes of actual absolutely insane situation we are living it,



Slovakia today:

today was the opening Constituent sitting session of our new Parliament. 






Those first two photos are the most insane, all those politicians coming together even now....come on. They are giving the worst possible example, and no, wearing some face masks (that medical people could have used if these people didn't all go there) doesn't make it any better..


Idiots. Just like the people who went on the street here a few days ago to 'applaude for the healthcare workers'. Come on, really? You need to do that with 30+ people next to each other? :facepalm:


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Today i’ve lost 2 patients from coronavirus. There is no cardiology, infection disseases or surgery anymore. All hospitals are declared outbreak hospital right now. 
Don’t trust the official numbers from here. Istanbul is the worst affected part of country. 

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  On 3/20/2020 at 6:44 PM, heywoodu said:


Those first two photos are the most insane, all those politicians coming together even now....come on. They are giving the worst possible example, and no, wearing some face masks (that medical people could have used if these people didn't all go there) doesn't make it any better..


Idiots. Just like the people who went on the street here a few days ago to 'applaude for the healthcare workers'. Come on, really? You need to do that with 30+ people next to each other? :facepalm:






There has been a long debate about it. unfortunately it was inevitable. The mandate of the previous government is officially ending today, and in order to maintain the continuity of the fight against the virus, the new government (crising stuff etc...) had to start immediatelly from today, and unfortunately according to our constitution it cannot happen without the constitutional opening pariamentary session meeting of today.


once again peoples produce several face covering masks themselves, Thousands of people all over the country sew various masks and municipalities distribute them to citizens.


even peoples nowadays offer them to their neighbors who are not so skilled in this for free, they just hung them on fences and neighbors or other people in need can take them



you have several galleries links abou peoples who started sew masks

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  On 3/20/2020 at 7:04 PM, donerkebab said:

Today i’ve lost 2 patients from coronavirus. There is no cardiology, infection disseases or surgery anymore. All hospitals are declared outbreak hospital right now. 
Don’t trust the official numbers from here. Istanbul is the worst affected part of country. 


I agree. I am in the epicenter of pandemic by my residency but in a few weeks all my collegues will also be included.

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  On 3/20/2020 at 7:28 PM, ChandlerMne said:

I agree. I am in the epicenter of pandemic by my residency but in a few weeks all my collegues will also be included.


To all the doctors in this group..... 


Hats off to you guys........ Where many of us are working from home where the worst may be watching a bad netfix episode... This is world War 3 and you are in the trenches in blood and grime..... :thankyou:

Stay strong..... Without a doubt this will turn

Edited by nitinsanker

strength does not come from physical capacity but from an indomitable will. - Gandhi

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