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[OFF TOPIC] Coronavirus Pandemic


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3 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

The thing is, droplets and stuff just gets through it mostly (to the outside, I mean). Don't take it like "oh so he refuses to wear masks!", because I don't, I'm just annoyed when seeing people with masks act as if distance suddenly isn't the main thing anymore then.

that's also true...distance is still the main factor (as much as not staying in a small and close environment with unknown people, if it's somehow possible)...


but when you just can't keep safe distance, wearing masks is the only way to cut the chances to get infected (and infect other people)...


in any case, always follow the 3 main rules: distance, masks, hands (and exposed skin in general) cleaning...surely, if people follow these rules, they're not doing anything wrong...;)

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21 hours ago, dcro said:

Meanwhile, I can't believe experts still call this COVID-19. Is it the bureaucracy or just plain laziness stopping them from changing it to COVID-20?


Future generations will be inclined to think that things started going downhill in 2019, while in reality 2019 was NOTHING like 2020. :facepalm: It's like the whole thing of Native Americans being referred to as Indians, just because some dude was wrong.

Atleast, now we can have a tricky future quiz question "When did World face the COVID-19 pandemic?" on the lines of "How long was the Hundred Years War?" or "Panama Hats originated in which country?"

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2 hours ago, Dolby said:

Atleast, now we can have a tricky future quiz question "When did World face the COVID-19 pandemic?" on the lines of "How long was the Hundred Years War?" or "Panama Hats originated in which country?"

Kids in 2050: "Wait...'did'?"


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It was announced today that with incoming lack of doctors in hospitals, here in the "drive-thru points" soldiers will take samples.


Also in all 16 voivodship cities will be soon opened field hospitals, the one in Warsaw will be on conference rooms in National Stadium where for example Euro 2012 matches were played.

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So in the next days every inhabitant (not only citizens but also foreigners living or working in Slovakia) will receive information about time and place of their testing (both through SMS and via information letter from their respective city/village hall). Basically like it was already announced, in their respective voting station :d



It should work by (surname) alphabetical order. The person will arrive to the station at the precise date and time, show his/her ID card, pass the test and will be placed in a special waiting place for the next 15-20 minutes then should receive his/her result in a closed envelope so only the tested person and the medical staff who will provide the test will know the result.


If you are negative, it is fine, if you are positive, you´ll be send to home quarantine and you´ll find also all the instructions on the envelope what you have to do during your home quarantine.



In every station there will be soldiers, police officers and medical staff (only the medical staff will be allowed to provide the test) Almost all medical staff (doctors, nurses, students) who will not have a hospital service on the day of the testing are/will be called for this operation.


All residents of the country should be tested, except children under the age of 10, people in retirement homes and social services (they will be tested directly in these facilities), as well as patients and medical staff in hospitals (they will be tested directly in hospitals) and the elderly or immobile people (they will be tested by a mobile patrol that comes to their home)


In the next day(s) it will be announced if the testng will be mandatory or just voluntarily (and if yes, then if these people will be sanctioned in some way...there were some rumors that who will not be tested will automatically lose some benefits like receiving only basic health care in the future for example...)



However the governement expect and wish at least 80% attendance.


The testing will occur in three consecutive weekends, already this weekend (Friday 23.10-Sunday 25.10) in the 4 most touched north counties with around 180.000 inhabitants will be sort of pilot test event and in the next 2 weekends (Friday 30.10- Sunday 01.11 and Friday 06.11 - Sunday 08.11 in all the remaining cities and villages of the country...



Yes, weird, unique, unconventional ? in one word, Slovaks. Go and figure :lol:

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After soaring virus cases in the past couple of weeks it was announced this evening we are going back into lockdown until December 1st. The main differences between this lockdown and the one in March / April is that schools and childcare services remain open and construction will be permitted to continue.


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and we have a couple of new fresh informations for the followers of the popular soap-opera :lol:


After meeting with the president of the country (she was strictly against the idea of mandatory testing) our PM agreed complied and the governement then announced that the Nationwide testing will not be mandatory but only optional...BUT... !





However, not taking part to the testing will mean automatically 10 days forced home quarantine ! :d



There will be mass nationwide testing of everyone (Slovak citizens and foreigners living and working in the country) in Slovakia using rapid antigen tests.


It will not be compulsory, but after the test, everyone will receive an official confirmation (still not known which exactly, hopefully, it will not be some sort of  weird bracelet or someting like that :p - however, anyone found in the public without such confirmation in the next 10 days will be fined ! (remember for not using mask the fine is 1659 EUR so just to say)

So it essentially imposes a 10-day quarantine on anyone not willing to take part to the nationwide testing - so that people who don't go outside anyway don't have to get tested. Children below the age of 10 are exempt as well.


20000 medical personal will be needed, med students are encouraged to help. Army will organize the effort with 5000 testing locations, it will happen on Oct 30/Nov 1 and Nov 6-8. Swipe from deep in the nose, then 15-20 minutes wait for results on the spot. Pilot project this week 23-25 Oct in some chosen areas in the northern counties to test feasibility. People will get a date and time of their testing based on the first letter of their surname

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