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Rowing WR World Championships 2023


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12 hours ago, heywoodu said:

Is rowing a sport where world championships really say a lot about, in this case, next year's Olympics? Of course in terms of overall looks, not in exact medals :p 


Just wondering, since I don't really follow rowing (I did watch all the finals here), but for example in track cycling even world championships usually feel like there's always some athletes missing who'll only appear at the Olympics, no idea if that's the case for rowing as well (like the women's single sculls and one of the boats with two guys, the gap was so big...was everyone there?).

it might be deceiving, because at the Olympic qualifying world champs some Nations might tend to spread their best rowers to get as many passes as they can, meanwhile, come the Olympics they could choose to bet on just 2/3 boats and concentrate all of their talent on those


in general, all the best athletes were there this week (maybe except for a few injured rowers) and the scale of strenght is quite realistic between here and there (in Paris, I mean), but with the chance of reshuffling all the people on different boats, it's always possible that a few races (especially the 2-man/woman singles normally only the specialists take a seat, it's difficult to take a man/woman off the multi-rower boats and chage him/her into a contender in the lone seat) will change their favourites' field in 12 months


in the bigger boats, it's very unlikely to see any big change...those who shined in Belgrade will also be the ones to beat in Paris

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58 minutes ago, phelps said:

it might be deceiving, because at the Olympic qualifying world champs some Nations might tend to spread their best rowers to get as many passes as they can, meanwhile, come the Olympics they could choose to bet on just 2/3 boats and concentrate all of their talent on those


in general, all the best athletes were there this week (maybe except for a few injured rowers) and the scale of strenght is quite realistic between here and there (in Paris, I mean), but with the chance of reshuffling all the people on different boats, it's always possible that a few races (especially the 2-man/woman singles normally only the specialists take a seat, it's difficult to take a man/woman off the multi-rower boats and chage him/her into a contender in the lone seat) will change their favourites' field in 12 months


in the bigger boats, it's very unlikely to see any big change...those who shined in Belgrade will also be the ones to beat in Paris

Wouldn't count out Canada in women's eights, even though they've underperformed here.

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1 hour ago, Josh said:

Wouldn't count out Canada in women's eights, even though they've underperformed here.

of course, that's not a detailed prediction


I just wrote that the results from this championships are realistic, especially in the big boats, but things can always change one year from another (injuries, poor shape, personal is hard sometimes), nothing is written in stone

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23 hours ago, Noorderling29 said:

Germany’s pretty succesfull in endurance swimming events. Perhaps the German doping authorities have overlooked those athletes?


There is of course an alternative explanation to the one you keep hinting at. Possibly the German Rowing Federation is just not very good.

1) German distance swimming is one Training group (Bernd Berkhahn). Their performance doesn’t really have anything to do with the German federation. This is also the training group of Sharon Van Rouwendaal. Also one of the athletes who won a medal at the world championships (Leonie Beck) has been training in Italy (with Paltrinieri) for many years now. Thanks for making it clear that you know nothing about German sport but still somehow are delusional/stupid enough to think that you are qualified to talk about it.

2) Germany used to be great in endurance sports like rowing or speed skating, but then most of the GDR coaches went to nations like GB (track cycling & rowing) or China. Obviously those nations had no problem with hiring former GDR coaches. Surprisingly this gave a huge boost to British rowing and track cycling …

3) Everyone who thinks that you can win medals in endurance sports without doping has to be considered braindead. We all know that countries like China or Russia (combined population of roughly 1.7 billion people -> their talent pool is 100 times bigger than the Dutch talent pool) have zero problems with doping and yet a tiny country like the Netherlands still destroys them in sports like speed skating or rowing …

Edited by OlympicsFan

Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.


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2 minutes ago, Noorderling29 said:



Thankfully we have you on this forum to educate us.

No problem. Next time you will know better than to talk about topics you have no clue about. :yes

Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.


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On 9/10/2023 at 6:36 AM, avlar said:

The commentators mentioned at the official broadcast that AIN athletes cannot qualify boat since they do not represent NOC and a NOC only can qualify a boat.

But the quoata which they "won" will not be automatically redistributed to the next eligible athlete. It does not look fair enough.

World Rowing will held these quotas.

Considering that Guatemalan, Russian and Belarus athletes are neutral, therefore not representing a NOC, it does feasible for me to think that their quotas will go to IOC/"Neutral Athletes" Team or something on that regard.

What I'm still struggling to understand is if Russian and Belarus will count as "one team" in the matters of quota. In Tennis rankings for instance (could 6 russians and 6 belarussians go or 6 in total? could russia and belarus form a pair?). 


But in the meantime, their quotas are secured, as it's fair to be, since the athletes won (if they are allowed or not to participate is another matter, but since they are, they should be able to earn their quotas).


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On 9/10/2023 at 8:21 PM, dodge said:

A small point about the final regatta is that they are people specific, rather than just for the NOCs so while some countries such as Romania enjoy doubling athletes up etc, it isn’t always possible (or preferable) for the last chance qualifiers 


It’s a consideration for Ireland with the women’s four. Keogh/Murtagh were in the pair here but if they went back to the four (with Lambe and the injured Hegarty), they’d certainly qualify, but may struggle in pairs and fours in Paris. 

Are you sure about this? Perhaps the rules have changed but for Rio we qualified a LM4- via the final regatta. The athletes we used there were Giannaros, Karamitros, Ntouskos, and Petrou. In Rio, we used Giannaros, Magdanis, Ntouskos, and Petrou. So Magdanis, who competed in M1X at the final regatta and failed to qualify, found himself replacing Karamitros in LM4- at the Olympic Games.


The other reason could be that we finished 3rd at the final regatta, but it was later revealed (in late July) that one of the Russian athletes was doping, so they got disqualified and their quota place was reallocated to us at the last minute, so maybe they made an exception for us if Karamitros was injured or taking a break or something?

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