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Countries you tend to cheer for that you don’t live in

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Well, I guess it will not be a surprise...





+ :CZE because one 27 years old horrid decision made by some stupid politicians cannot and will never divide us. (but yeah apart hockey ofc...because yes, obviously hockey is war :bones:)

++ :FRA I lived and worked in this country and I have created many relationships and friendships that I will never forget.

and one special mention to :ALG Football I was, I am and I´ll be a big fan ! one unbelievable football nation full of absolutely crazy and emotives journey from  #1982Gijon to the 2014 amazing World Cup squad

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:ITA in women's volleyball and :NOR in handball are the only ones I can remember. And when I watch I support :ARG in field hockey.


In the rest I cheer for any country that has the potential to be a surprise in the competition, especially if it is from South America.

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3 minutes ago, hckosice said:

Well, I guess it will not be a surprise...



How's that hangover after one of Ecuador's biggest ever successes outside of the Olympics? :p 


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If we're going sports specific: Brazil in most winter sports (with one or two athletes on the opposite and being on the list of cheering against them) and a few Australians in biathlon. Then again, that's all really not because of the nation, but because of the people, so I guess it doesn't really count :p 


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3 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

How's that hangover after one of Ecuador's biggest ever successes outside of the Olympics? :p 



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Depends on the sport, for example in hockey when Canada isn’t playing I will usually root for Slovakia, Finland or Latvia because their fans are so passionate. 

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I don't care about the flag... usually I support the athletes, some names are :SVK Sagan, :LTU Palšytė, :JPN Kobayashi, :JPN Kasai, :RUS Soldatova and a lot of other names.

Speaking about countries, i love the small countries and the dutch archery team :p  

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for some reasons I don't know :d I always support :ITA Italy when they don't face Iranian teams. I even have a relatively good knowledge about the Italian sport in general (obviously not as good as Italian users but still)


beside that I usually support the underdog, I also mostly support other Asian countries except just one :d

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It's a very mixed bag for me. Sometimes I can for example be a die-had fan of Kyrgyzstan, but then in couple of months not so much. It just comes and goes, and it often depends on the specific situation. :p


Though I also generally like to cheer for specific athletes, and sometimes even for every athlete. :d


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