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Countries you tend to cheer for that you don’t live in


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Well, I guess it will not be a surprise...





+ :CZE because one 27 years old horrid decision made by some stupid politicians cannot and will never divide us. (but yeah apart hockey ofc...because yes, obviously hockey is war :bones:)

++ :FRA I lived and worked in this country and I have created many relationships and friendships that I will never forget.

and one special mention to :ALG Football I was, I am and I´ll be a big fan ! one unbelievable football nation full of absolutely crazy and emotives journey from  #1982Gijon to the 2014 amazing World Cup squad

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:ITA in women's volleyball and :NOR in handball are the only ones I can remember. And when I watch I support :ARG in field hockey.


In the rest I cheer for any country that has the potential to be a surprise in the competition, especially if it is from South America.

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3 minutes ago, hckosice said:

Well, I guess it will not be a surprise...



How's that hangover after one of Ecuador's biggest ever successes outside of the Olympics? :p 

If you'd like to help our fellow Totallympics member Bruna Moura get to the 2026 Winter Olympics, after her car crash on the way to the 2022 Olympics, every tiny bit of help would be greatly appreciated! Full story and how to help can be found here!

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If we're going sports specific: Brazil in most winter sports (with one or two athletes on the opposite and being on the list of cheering against them) and a few Australians in biathlon. Then again, that's all really not because of the nation, but because of the people, so I guess it doesn't really count :p 

If you'd like to help our fellow Totallympics member Bruna Moura get to the 2026 Winter Olympics, after her car crash on the way to the 2022 Olympics, every tiny bit of help would be greatly appreciated! Full story and how to help can be found here!

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I don't care about the flag... usually I support the athletes, some names are :SVK Sagan, :LTU Palšytė, :JPN Kobayashi, :JPN Kasai, :RUS Soldatova and a lot of other names.

Speaking about countries, i love the small countries and the dutch archery team :p  

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3 minutes ago, Gianlu33 said:

:JPN Kasai



The reason this is my UI on a Dutch forum :p



If you'd like to help our fellow Totallympics member Bruna Moura get to the 2026 Winter Olympics, after her car crash on the way to the 2022 Olympics, every tiny bit of help would be greatly appreciated! Full story and how to help can be found here!

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for some reasons I don't know :d I always support :ITA Italy when they don't face Iranian teams. I even have a relatively good knowledge about the Italian sport in general (obviously not as good as Italian users but still)


beside that I usually support the underdog, I also mostly support other Asian countries except just one :d

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It's a very mixed bag for me. Sometimes I can for example be a die-had fan of Kyrgyzstan, but then in couple of months not so much. It just comes and goes, and it often depends on the specific situation. :p


Though I also generally like to cheer for specific athletes, and sometimes even for every athlete. :d


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