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IMAGINARY SUMMER OLYMPICS - Poll #43 - Football - Men's Tournament; Volleyball - Men's Tournament; Volleyball - Women's Tournament; Fencing - Women's Team Epee; Fencing - Men's Team Sabre

IMAGINARY SUMMER OLYMPICS - Poll #43 - Football - Men's Tournament; Volleyball - Men's Tournament; Volleyball - Women's Tournament; Fencing - Women's Team Epee; Fencing - Men's Team Sabre  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Event #186 - Football - Men's Tournament

    • Great Britain 1900 1908 1912
    • Canada 1904
    • Belgium 1920
    • Uruguay 1924 1928
    • Italy 1936
    • Sweden 1948
    • Hungary 1952 1964 1968
    • Russia (USSR) 1956 1988
    • Serbia (Yugoslavia) 1960
    • Poland 1972
    • Germany (GDR) 1976
    • Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia) 1980
    • France 1984
    • Spain 1992
    • Nigeria 1996
    • Cameroon 2000
    • Argentina 2004 2008
    • Mexico 2012
    • Brazil 2016 2020
  2. 2. Event #187 - Volleyball - Men's Tournament

    • Russia (USSR) 1964 1968 1980 2012
    • Japan 1972
    • Poland 1976
    • United States 1984 1988 2008
    • Brazil 1992 2004 2016
    • Netherlands 1996
    • Serbia (Yugoslavia) 2000
    • France 2020
  3. 3. Event #188 - Volleyball - Women's Tournament

    • Japan 1964 1976
    • Russia (USSR) 1968 1972 1980 1988
    • China 1984 2004 2016
    • Cuba 1992 1996 2000
    • Brazil 2008 2012
    • United States 2020
  4. 4. Event #189 - Fencing - Women's Team Foil

    • Russia (USSR / ROC) 1960 1968 1972 1976 2008 2020
    • Hungary 1964
    • France 1980
    • Germany (FRG) 1984 1988
    • Italy 1992 1996 2000 2012
  5. 5. Event #190 - Fencing - Men's Team Sabre

    • Hungary 1908 1912 1928 1932 1936 1948 1952 1956 1960 1988
    • Italy 1920 1924 1972 1984
    • Russia (USSR / EUN) 1964 1968 1976 1980 1992 1996 2000
    • France 2004 2008
    • Korea Republic 2012 2020

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  • Poll closed on 12/01/2022 at 07:00 PM

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A poll with Team Sports (or Team Events), involving some USSR, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia gold medal teams.


For the purpose of these polls, USSR gold medals here will be counted for Russia (it looks like majority of team members were Russian), Czechoslovakia 1980 Football Gold will be counted for Czech Republic (I just can't get used to this brand new name Czechia ;-) and Yugoslavia 1960 Football Gold will be counted for Serbia (although this is the most debatable thing here, but looks like most players were from Serbia, although there were many from Croatia as well). Or - to be precise - if not majority were Serbians, there were more Serbian players than players from any other former Yugoslavian nation in the team (in water polo or handball winning teams from Yugoslavia it will be even more difficult to count).

Edited by rafalgorka


Argentina football 2004:   


6-0-0 record. 17 goals for, 0 against.   



Not saying they are the best ever because the modern olympic football tournaments are objectively lower quality than the pre-1992 ones but wanted to give a shout to this impecable record. 

Football, men's tournament...chapeau to :ARG superiority in 2004, but to me the tournaments after WWII don't have the same value than those before, which were the only ones played by the truly best teams and players available.

therefore, I pick :ITA Italy 1936, 'cause I'm heavily biased (especially during those WC days) and 'cause that was really a great team (World Champions in 1934 and 1938, too), as a more serious vote should go to :URU Uruguay 1924 & 1928, when they were a real football machine...unstoppable.


Volleyball, men's tournament...what the hell? the greatest team ever (:ITA Italy in the Nineties) has never won an Olympic Gold medal...why should I vote for some teams that weren't as good? OK, that's a game, so I pick the team that won most of the medals we should have gotten, :BRA Brazil 1992, 2004 and 2016.

and tbh, those teams were great as well, not that they didn't deserve all of their success...;)


Volleyball, women's tournament...this is a no brainer, :CUB Cuba 1992, 1996, 2000 was something special, most likely the highest point ever reached by the sport of Volleyball in the women's division.


Fencing, women's Team Foil...once again, :ITA Italy 1992, 1996, 2000 (and morally, 2004...if only it wasn't for the most cruel, stupid, criminal rule ever applied to the Olympic sports, the weapons' rotation in the team events :facepalm: :wall: :hairpull:) are and will always be unmatched in this discipline.


Fencing, men's Team Sabre...this one, instead, is a very difficult choice, as we have quite a few really great dinasties that surely deserve at least a mention of Honor. :HUN was amazing in the early part of last Century, Podzniakov's :RUS Russia in the Nineties was remarkable (and almost unbeatable), but honestly, I think that the current generation of :KOR South Korea 2012, 2020 (and morally, 2016, if not for the same rule that heavily penalized Italy in the women's Foil) truly represent the best team ever in modern Sabre, which is to be considered more competitive that the heroic age's, at least because of the way bigger competition there's now compared to may years ago.

Edited by phelps

Edited by rafalgorka


  On 11/23/2022 at 1:08 PM, phelps said:



Volleyball, men's tournament...what the hell? the greatest team ever (:ITA Italy in the Nineties) has never won an Olympic Gold medal...


I bet you will win this gold in Paris!!!


and I hope that Poland will finally make it to the semis as well…


Football - Men's Tournament

So :GBR in 1908 and 1912 were dominant but their opposition was weak, :URU in the 20s and the :ARG of 2004 were great too.

But for me the Mighty Magyars of :HUN in Helsinki were one of the 2-3 best teams in history, even if they never won the World Cup.

To be honest, I can't imagine anybody voting for another team and if you did you're wrong. ;)


Volleyball, men's tournament

Not a sport in which I can claim to be an expert in but I'll go for :BRA here


Volleyball, women's tournament

Again not a sport in which I can claim to be an expert in but luckily :CUB of the 90s were so good it makes an easy choice


Fencing - Women's Team Foil

Tough choice between :ITA and :URS but Italy were a little more dominant in their wins


Fencing, men's Team Sabre.

Has to be :HUN especially the 1952 team which won every match very easily


Edited by Dragon

The men's volleyball title in Atlanta '96 for :NED  was chosen as the best and most memorable sportsmoment in the last century in our country. And I'm guessing if you include this century, this sportsmoment 'wins' again. So I voted for The Netherlands!

And the winners are...


FOOTBALL - Men's Tournament


1. Brazil

2. Uruguay

3. Argentina


VOLLEYBALL - Men's Tournament


1. Brazil

2. Poland (T)

3. Netherlands (T)


VOLLEYBALL - Women's Tournament


1. Cuba

2. Brazil

3. United States


FENCING - Women's Team Foil


1. Italy

2. Russia

3. Germany (T)


FENCING - Men's Team Sabre


1. Hungary

2. Korea Republic

3. Russia


Thanks for voting AND COMMENTING! We're back to +20 voters, nice!




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