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Summer Olympics Games 2020 Opening Ceremony Flag Bearers

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“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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Here's an interesting fun fact: this is the first time ever that a swimmer is the Hungarian flag bearer at the Opening ceremony. I think this is mostly because swimmers usually aren't able to participate as they have events the next day. I am sure Egerszegi and/or Darnyi would have been flag bearers during the 90s if their events weren't so close to the ceremony. 

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Here in Egypt they announce the name just a day before Opening Ceremony really don't know why,  hopefully they'll make it boy and girl and I think Alaaeldin Abouelkassem and Hedaya Malak are the ones that deserve this honour 

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