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[OFF TOPIC] Your Own Excercise Thread


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I'm still dealing with some minor injury issues, but my goal this summer is to try and set some good PBs on my inline skates.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got the 10km PB that I planned for today. Cut just below half a minute. Felt great but the last 2km were more mind than body. That puts me in a fine position towards my target of 1.45 on the half marathon in just below 3 months. Still a lot of work to do, but it feels great!

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  • 1 month later...

5 weeks left before my target half and just got another PB yesterday... On the half marathon! The GPS most likely isn't completely precise, but according to Strava it was about 5 minutes faster than my half in 2022. On my Garmin it's about a minute faster than my PB from 2020. Still a long way to 1:45, but it certainly still feels possible!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today Denmark is having the annual "Royal Run", a series of mass runs around the country with participation from the royal family (it started in 2018 celebrating the 50-year birthday of crown prince Frederik (now king). 

Though I'm really not a royalist, I hought I would give it a go, signing up for the 10km and using it as a nice interval pass (some over and unders) after a slightly slower start the first 2km. 

And well... Wasn't that much intervals as a 10km at close to the fast speed planned for half the distance. 

This meant a nice, new PB cutting almost 1½ minutes on the official time (2 minutes according to my watch). I even beat my 5km PB by quite a distance according to my watch. 

The downside is that I'm feeling a bit in my hips. Hope it just needs some days of rest, but we'll see in a couple of days how it feels. I'm in a better shape than I dared hope, so some more rest will not cause trouble

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