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[FANTASY CONTESTS] Biathlon Manager Game Discussion Thread

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I assume not posting your team for the next World Cup means you enter without transfers? It'd be a bit 'meh' if forgetting to post it means you're out of the entire thing instead of only missing potentially 2 transfers :p 


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30 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

I assume not posting your team for the next World Cup means you enter without transfers? It'd be a bit 'meh' if forgetting to post it means you're out of the entire thing instead of only missing potentially 2 transfers :p 

Obviously, if you don't post a team again for the next World Cup, you are not out of BMG. As you write, you just keep the same team as you had in the last World Cup. However, it would make it easier for me to keep track of the different teams and transfers if managers would post their teams again in the latest transfer window. When I count points after a race, it's just much easier if all teams are in the same two pages, so I don't have to find a manager's team six or seven pages back from the rest. It sounds a bit lazy, I know, but very convenient for a person like me with not always much free time because of my studies and job.

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Oh I will definitely try to always post my team, but it's good to know forgetting it doesn't mean you get 0 points that round :p 


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Just a notice to all managers:


@africaboy, @toulousain, @heywoodu, @brunamoura, @Dunadan, @Federer91, @Vojthas, @Monzanator

@hckosice, @IoNuTzZ, @Henry_Leon, @Agger, @RobtheAggie, @Kirkpatrick, @Olympian1010, @Ufilov


The transfer window closes tomorrow, December 13th, 11:30 (CET)


The start lists for Men's and Women's Sprint are out:

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54 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

Are we supposed to not see each other's teams during the entire season? :p 

That was my plan. I'm not against the idea of reveling the teams. I just took a cautious approach by writing every manager should hide their team in case any manager didn't want people to copy his or her team. If every manager is okay with the idea of not hiding teams, then no problem. However, managers do post their teams for the next WC round at different times, so I think many would prefer their team to be keept hidden until the deadline for the transfer window had been reached. Unfortunately, I have not created a fancy software tool which can hide all the teams during the transfer window and then reveal them a second after the deadline ends like many other manager or fantasy games can. 


As I write, if every manager can agree to have their team visible all the time, then it's completely fine with me. You could also decide to have them hidden during the transfer windows and then reveal them when they are over. That would probably mean you would have to post your teams again, as the "hide brackets" disappear when you post something. I think to delete the hide function in the same post you may have to delete that specific part in the HTML code to make it visible for all users. That would seem a bit too complicated for most users I would think. However, I could be wrong as I'm no IT-expert. Maybe it is quite easy to reveal hidden post for non-admins and non-prediction group members when they have already been posted?

Edited by Wumo
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