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[OFF TOPIC] Eurovision Song Contest 2016


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9 hours ago, NikolaB said:


Boring and without the rhythm????

This is one of the best songs of the year, and on this moment its 7th favourite for win on bookies. This is song about violence against women. I zaista ne razumem da smo mi kao narod specifični po pljuvanju svega što je naše. Strašno

But it misses culmination and is another song of amy wannabe style that doesn't have anything different than songs of that type. Sorry, not ESC winner

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7 hours ago, DaniSRB said:

But it misses culmination and is another song of amy wannabe style that doesn't have anything different than songs of that type. Sorry, not ESC winner

Bookies are not agree with you ;)

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Ok, I just finish listening to all songs (all the ones I could find available, couldn't find the Bulgaria and Malta song ), and personally I find this year's songs terrible...:facepalm:

Some of the musics are not bad, but most of them I don't like it. 


I did really loved the Australian and Croatian songs though! Hope they make it to a good place this year :)

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Final 2 entries


:MLT Malta




:BUL Bulgaria aka my 2016 winner xD :cheer::cheer::cheer:



Oh, and San Marino decided to go with the disco version, and it's worse than the original, trust me on this one xD


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2 hours ago, dezbee2008 said:

Final 2 entries


:MLT Malta




:BUL Bulgaria aka my 2016 winner xD :cheer::cheer::cheer:



Oh, and San Marino decided to go with the disco version, and it's worse than the original, trust me on this one xD


Song from Malta is very good imo :yes


I don't see something special in Bulgarian song, though


About San Marino....




Edited by rybak
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We are sending a song that i actually like, what's up with that. :lol: But really if anyone is predicting we have a chance to win, they are deluding themselfs. Qualifying for the final will be a miracle, since we have done it only once in 9 attempts. I hope at least for that, because Poli was very disappointed in 2011. 

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I think my favourites this year have to be :CRO Croatia and :AUS Australia, but there is something about :BIH Bosnia that I really like as well. 


For the UK - they will do very well to get into the top 20, hopefully a good live vocal, staging and placing may be able to do that so that the BBC sticks with the national selection format, but just with better (and more interesting) songs next time.

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