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Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2022

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4 minutes ago, rybak said:

7th place and 106 points for Poland is very satisfying result, second best after 4th place in 2015, I think :) 


Congrats @Cobi once more for win, perfect choice, also big congrats to @OlympicIRL for another podium and @Quasit and @Cinnamon Bun for bronze (btw. I'm hoping that you still will present us a songs from Latvia and North Macedonia for Festival of Music :d)


The biggest congrats goes to @Vektor for hosting contest, we all know that it's difficult work and by entire day there wasn't any problems with connection and posting results, great job :thumbup:


And thank you to everyone who voted for Polish song, especially @mrv86 and @Vektor for gold medals :) 

Oh god completely forgot about that, will try and do it before Closing Ceremony.

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Welcome to the Closing Ceremony



Welcome to the last event of our contest, the Closing Ceremony. Don't worry, you don't have to hike this time, it will be only the celebration of the best songs of the contest and it won't take too long, you can expect it to end in half an hour. I hope you still remember the final standings of the contest, but if you don't, you can see them below.




   1   :ESP Spain   160     21   :UKR Ukraine   76   
 2   :IRL Ireland   125   22   :ARG Argentina   72 
 3   :GBR Great Britain   118   23   :CZE Czech Republic   69 
 4   :FIN Finland   113   24   :NZL New Zealand   69 
 5   :COL Colombia   113   25   :NED Netherlands   67 
 6   :HUN Hungary   113   26   :CRO Croatia   66 
 7   :POL Poland   106   27   :TUN Tunisia   65 
 8   :ITA Italy   105   28   :IND India   61 
 9   :DEN Denmark   104   29   :ROU Romania   59 
 10   :CHN China   103   30   :GRE Greece   58 
 11   :MEX Mexico   101   31   :USA United States   56 
 12   :MDA Moldova   100   32   :SWE Sweden   55 
 13   :CAN Canada   94   33   :SRB Serbia   43 
 14   :LTU Lithuania   88   34   :SVK Slovakia   42 
 15   :MLT Malta   87   35   :POR Portugal   42 
 16   :BRA Brazil   83   36   :ISR Israel   42 
 17   :KAZ Kazakhstan   80   37   :INA Indonesia   29 
 18   :GER Germany   78   38   :TUR Turkey   24 
 19   :BUL Bulgaria   78   39   :SLO Slovenia   21 
 20   :FRA France   77   
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1 hour ago, dcro said:

Luckily the ownership is not on my name. :p


Which makes me wonder, what on earth were those Turkish votes presented in the older thread? :lol: They said Spain 12.

I think it was his votes for the year of that thread? Not sure.


28 minutes ago, Cobi said:

And with this victory my next goal will be getting some points from :HUN and :GRE.  After 6 editions these are the only 2 countries that I have never managed to receive a single point from (excluding Norway and those who only participated once) :lol:.

I am surprised about this, Greeks usually like Spanish music/culture. Congratulations on the victory though! Clearly you did not need our votes :d

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:LTU not winning the passion fruit award seems like quite the upset :yikes:

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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Shkumbin Ismaili - Mbaje fjalën




Apologies for the delay, here are my 2 festival of music songs. Hope you like them.



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I hope you like charts because I got two of them. During the final I posted the summaries of the sessions where I showed you the progression of the Top10. Now you will see something similar for the whole final and for the Top 12 nations because they were the ones that crossed the 100 points line. 12 is a record number of nations to reach 100 points at a contest, it only happened one other time, at the 2018 Annual contest, where we had 41 nations competing. 


The first chart shows the rankings, the second one the collected points.





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19 minutes ago, Werloc said:

SERIOUSLY BRO, we fucked Mexico, they didn't deserve this :cry: 


Great Britain and Mexico were 12th and 13th in my scoreboard as well..............

oh come on. It is not only my fault :lol:


and it is just a game, I am pretty sure @mrv86 already has forgotten about it and is looking forward to select somthing the next edition. (at least I hope :p)

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