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Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2022

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2 minutes ago, rybak said:

It's shocking, no points for Poland from Ukraine :( 

must hurt not receive points from neighbors, right ? :p

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4 minutes ago, Illya said:

What a f#ck with my votes, I give 0 to all my teammates and 20+ points to our opponents 😂😭*


I thought you would post something like -

Згинуть наші воріженьки, як роса на сонці 


Or maybe Long Live Ukraine. 

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Here are my personal votes:


 1st   12 pts  China
 2nd   11 pts  Croatia
 3rd   10 pts  Argentina
 4th   9 pts  Mexico
 5th   8 pts  Ireland
 6th   7 pts  Italy
 7th   6 pts  Ukraine
 8th   5 pts  Moldova
 9th   4 pts  Denmark
 10th   3 pts  Brazil
 11th   2 pts  Greece
 12th   1 pts  Finland




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2 minutes ago, Fly_like_a_don said:

Lol I was kinda sure it won't happen. Even when we finished 6th there were nations which maintained that record of not giving points to India, it's a huge number of them. Sometimes I wonder if some of them even bother to listen to Indian entry or not irrespective of whether it's in a Indian Language or English. :NED:NZL:LTU:ITA:FRA:FIN :MDAAre few of those whom I don't remember giving any points. It might be few more but I don't remember. 

I'm one of those that rarely scores India, the last time it happened was the 2017 Open and I can recall two times I nearly scored India as well.


My personal irk with most entries from India is the vocal style, not a fan of too much vibrato, but that's just me personally.


I can tell you though that I always bother to LISTEN to every entry until I eventually cut them during the other five voting stages to get to my final twelve.

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 3rd   :ITA Italy 
 4th   :ISR Israel   5th   :POR Portugal 




 :ITA Italy   10 
 :ISR Israel   9 
 :POR Portugal   8 
 :HUN Hungary   7 
 :POL Poland   6 
 :SWE Sweden   5 
 :IRL Ireland   4 
 :GRE Greece   3 
 :UKR Ukraine   2 
 :MEX Mexico   1 
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