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Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020

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4 hours ago, rybak said:

@Sindo or @OlympicIRL you can move that provisional list into first post, since heywoodu is busy of unknown things :lol::rolleyes:

Thanks for your help :) 

I am just accessing the forum on my phone tonight so can’t copy it in right now. Should be able to spend a little time this weekend to get things up to speed.

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:SVK Slovakia :SVK



I.M.T. Smile - Nepoznám (I do not know)


This time for the Open TISC 2020, Slovakia will be represented in the Netherlands by Prešov based Pop-Rock band I.M.T. Smile with a song from their 1997 debut album "klik-klak" - Nepoznám (I do not know)


Fun Fact:

at that time another nowadays famous slovak singer Katarína "Katka" Knechtová (which I recommend you to listen) was starting her impressive career as a young 18 year old girl as a member of this band, the next year she started her solo career forming her band "Peha" and is now considered as one of the best slovak female artist




If it does not work (geoblocked) in your country, try this lyrics videoclip




Lyrics :SVK



Nepoznám krajšie hviezdy ako tie,
ktoré sú v tvojich očiach ukryté.
Pri svetle ktorých noc je ako deň,
a len spánok ľahučký vie im ponúknuť tieň.

Nepoznám sladšie slová ako tie,
ktorými vždy moju hlavu popletieš.
Vychádzajú z dvier tvojich pier,
bozk je kľúčom jediným, ktorým ich zamknúť viem.

Ja nepoznám ui pa pa ra poura,
ja nepoznám šivi ra para poura,
ja nepoznám óua para poura,
ja nepoznám.

Nepoznám krajšie prsia ako tie,
ktorými máš svoje telo ozdobené.
Pri výstupe na ne ustanem.
Budem sa po nich túlať, kým nebudú zmapované.

Ja nepoznám ui pa pa ra poura,
ja nepoznám šivi ra para poura,
ja nepoznám óua para poura,
ja nepoznám.


Lyrics :GBR 



I don't know more beautiful stars than those
which are hidden in your eyes
which light causes that the night seems like a day
and just a soft sleep can offer them a shadow
I don't know sweeter words than those
Which you always mess my head up with
They come out of the door of your mouth
A kiss is the only key that I can lock them with
I don't know, ui pa pa ra poura,
I don't know, shivi ra para poura,
I don't know, ooua para poura,
I don't know
I don't know more beautiful hills than those
Which is your body decorated with
While climbing on them I will stop there
I'll stray around them until they are mapped


I don't know, ui pa pa ra poura,
I don't know, shivi ra para poura,
I don't know, ooua para poura,
I don't know


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18 hours ago, kungshamra71 said:




At every TISC edition I try, more than bringing some popular winning stuff, to bring what I think is the best (or among the best) of different musical genres of portuguese music in hope at least some of you will like it and start listening to some portuguese music.


After bringing fado, metal, music composers and emblematic portuguese musics, this year I was planning on showing some music from the early 80's, the post-dictatorship era, but then changed my mind and finally decided for something more traditional.


Did you know that Portuguese is not the only official language in Portugal? In the north of my country, in a small area inland closed to Spain, there is another spoken language called Mirandês


It's a very old language, from the middle ages, and looks kind of as a mix of spanish with portuguese.


Besides the language itself, the region has lots of specific traditions and their music is also different, and therefore this year's TISC entry of Portugal will be a traditional song in Mirandês!


I didn't know about the Mirandês language, but it sounds very close to Medieval Spanish and the current Leonese (which is not widely spoken and it is not an official language, but it stills exists in small towns).


It is also funny that this language is spoken in a Portuguese town named Miranda do Douro, when in the other side of Spain we have Miranda de Ebro, and the football team is precisely the C.D Mirandés. Another relationship with Spain is the title, "burgalesa" is the demonym of the inhabitants of the region of Burgos (Castilla).

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Since I have joined TISC I had the intention to submit a song that represents the Hungarian electronic music scene, and while I was searching for the candidate to fill this role I have decided to go with a song that the peers of this genre of music respect and cherish. The song I have chosen has been called by Hungarian publications as the "Hungarian speed garage anthem of the 90s" and has been remixed by various artists many times. An entire album of the remixes was released on the 20th anniversary of the song's publication to celebrate it.


Speed garage is a subgenre of electronic dance music, so if anyone of you are familiar with the genre, or electronic dance music in general from the 90s, I think you would expect a fun dance song from Hungary. Well.... you would be wrong because in true Hungarian fashion "'68" is a somber, melancholic peace of music from Anima Sound System, inspired by the events that took place in 1968 all over the world. I have made the decision to send this song for the next Open edition in 2019, and while it was waiting for a whole year to finally be announced as the Hungarian entry for TISC, the protests of 2020 have made the song timely again.





Anima Sound System - '68



Lyrics in English

(Translated by me... I tried my best. :d The lyrics are short so hopefully I didn't mess it up too much. I mostly did a literal translation.)



They say, listen, your voice is too harsh.
They say, be quiet, when the day ends.
Hum something colorful, not black-and-white!
Something free, pretty, pretty and bright.


They say, listen, your heart is too heavy.
They say, dance, 'til the day ends.
Nobody hears it, or wants to hear it.
Nobody understands it, nobody feels it.


Nobody hears it, or wants to hear it.
Nobody understands it, nobody feels it.


They say, listen, your heart is too heavy.
They say, dance, 'til the day ends.
Nobody hears it, or wants to hear it.
Nobody understands it, nobody feels it.


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8 minutes ago, Cobi said:

I didn't know about the Mirandês language, but it sounds very close to Medieval Spanish and the current Leonese (which is not widely spoken and it is not an official language, but it stills exists in small towns).


It is also funny that this language is spoken in a Portuguese town named Miranda do Douro, when in the other side of Spain we have Miranda de Ebro, and the football team is precisely the C.D Mirandés. Another relationship with Spain is the title, "burgalesa" is the demonym of the inhabitants of the region of Burgos (Castilla).

Yeah that region from the north of Portugal, close to Spain, is the one with more medieval origins since it was the less affected by the muslim occupation, so it is interesting those kind of similarities with some nearby spanish regions (like the traditional music which is similar to the one from Galicia).

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I'd like to think I've inspired users to enter older songs. :woot:


I believe we are getting considerably more 20th century music than usual. :p


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3 minutes ago, dcro said:

I'd like to think I've inspired users to enter older songs. :woot:


I believe we are getting considerably more 20th century music than usual. :p

Or maybe this is a reaction to what happened at the Special Edition. :d

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6 minutes ago, Werloc said:

I'm so out of ideas for what song to send this year, it's not even funny :lol:


I'm all out of bangers

I was actually thinking about how the users who have been submitting songs for Open for many years now are at a disadvantage if they are from a smaller country. This doesn't apply to countries like the US or the UK where they literally have an endless supply of songs that can win TISC. I will eventually run out of Hungarian songs that I like and have a good chance (in my opinion) to get at least a somewhat decent result in a song contest. When I will reach that point, that's when I will start sending some truly weird entries for TISC. :d

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