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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Apparently that was their first ever medal at an EYOF
  2. Also, Joe Lycett’s joke was top notch For those who missed it…
  3. Finally had a chance to watch the ceremony in full. I quite enjoyed it. I thought the tone fit the event well, and there was a uniquely British/English feel to it. It was definitely the best ceremony of this cycle so far.
  4. Astro Arena forgot to geoblock their YouTube stream, so I was watching there, and then the CGF just claimed copyright on it
  5. I did manage to find a stream eventually. Hopefully there will be some replays, so I can enjoy the ceremony in full at some point.
  6. From Wikipedia: “In 2017, Kravitz sold his Miami Beach home for $16.5 million. He currently owns a house in Paris, a farm compound in Brazil, and a trailer with the surrounding land in the Bahamas.”
  7. I have multiple VPNs. CBC stream wouldn’t play on any of them.
  8. I can’t find it live anywhere. CBC won’t work for me, and BBC, 7Plus, and MeWatch all have additional requirements.
  9. Thomasen and Nyqvist get a quota for the 2023 European Games along with their gold medals in badminton.
  10. Anyone have any information about an international feed/stream? I don’t see anything listed on the website.
  11. One of will be guaranteed a bronze medal by virtue of the draw in men’s light heavyweight
  12. Yeah, the open allocation system is definitely having an impact in that regard. Yeah, that was cited by Cycling Canada as well: “The Commonwealth Games Mountain Bike XCO falls between two UCI Mountain Bike World Cup events in North America (Snowshoe USA and Mont-Sainte-Anne CAN). These events are a higher priority for both elite and developing athletes.”
  13. Also, Rhys Mcclenaghan is doing his thing from inside the village once again (like in Tokyo).
  14. On topic of events with low entries, I’m quite interested to find out what a nine person mountain bike cross country race looks like I think there’s enough countries entered across both events to make it worthwhile to keep the discipline on the program for now though.
  15. In general, this event would likely be axed at many multi-sports games. I know the Mediterranean Games, CAC Games, and Pan American Games require (or at least used to) a certain amount of entries (somewhere between 5-8 I think), barring exceptional circumstances like injuries, late withdraw, etc. I believe 4/5 NOCs must be included as well.
  16. I’m not the biggest fan of the slogan, but this trailer is damn good.
  17. It wasn’t very clear. I assumed that was the case, but my father said he heard the commentator say otherwise
  18. Amusan going home $200,000 richer (assuming it works that way…) Edit: Nevermind, she only gets a meager $100,000
  19. Alright, I’ve had about a week to recover now, so I might as well discuss my experience in Birmingham I don’t really have much to compare it against other than a two day excursion to the 2015 Special Olympics World Games, but I was pleased with my experience in the “Magic City.” I managed to see 20 different sports/disciplines in ten days, which was as exhausting as it sounds. I became well acquainted with the area surrounding the convention center, football stadium, city hall, etc. A lot of that area had been remodeled/revamped ahead of the event, so it was quite nice. Security was very, very tight as well. There were roadblocks around many of the venues, armed officers, and the occasional K9 (dog) unit. I had a SWAT vehicle causally roll by me on more than one occasion, which was a surreal experience. Transportation was a bit of nightmare due to the roadblocks and various different shuttle systems. Nonetheless, I was able to get where I needed to go throughout the Games, even if that meant planning ahead or exercising some patience. The weather was honestly the most challenging environmental factor. It was crazy humid and crazy hot for a lot of the Games. Not to mention the occasional thunderstorm to keep everyone on their toes. Locals were friendly and generally aware of the Games. Attendance at the venues was good, perhaps a bit sparse for preliminaries, but much nearer capacity for finals. There were some organizational and/or logical issues that I encountered or heard about from time to time. For instance, some of the venues didn’t have wifi available to media, or didn’t do enough to explain how media members could get it. There were some network issues that affected streaming and the results system. Another, more media specific problem, was a lack of clearly marked mixed zones or interview areas, which led to some clashes/disagreements between the host broadcaster and other members of the press. Otherwise, things were mostly as they should be. Thankfully, my flights were not held up by Prince Albert like @Sindo in Oran, so I managed to avoid that travel related headache Overall, I’d say my experience was positive. It wasn’t without issues, complications, or unnecessary stress, but there were good memories made and great competitions to be watched. I’d be happy to write more about my experience if anyone has any questions they’d like answered about what it was like on the ground at The World Games 2022.
  20. had a sizable delegation as well. I was actually surprised by the size of many of the delegations here. Nice to see NOCs giving their youth athletes a chance to experience a multi-sports games.
  21. You’d expect the host nation to get a nice reception
  22. “Travel to Slovakia Good Idea” won’t be cracking my top 10 tourism slogans unfortunately
  23. In case anyone was wondering what happened after the finish of the women’s 5000m.
  24. I believe this where the livestreams can be viewed:
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