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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. had a sizable delegation as well. I was actually surprised by the size of many of the delegations here. Nice to see NOCs giving their youth athletes a chance to experience a multi-sports games.
  2. You’d expect the host nation to get a nice reception
  3. “Travel to Slovakia Good Idea” won’t be cracking my top 10 tourism slogans unfortunately
  4. In case anyone was wondering what happened after the finish of the women’s 5000m.
  5. I believe this where the livestreams can be viewed:
  6. He made the 5000m final in Tokyo. He hasn’t been on the international scene long though. I believe he finished his collegiate career last year, where he made some waves in the NCAA.
  7. Damn, no ATR representation in the media 800m. Hopefully I get the opportunity to fix that at some point
  8. I missed it during The World Games, but team selections were announced for curling and ice hockey. M Ice Hockey - W Ice Hockey - M Curling - W Curling -
  9. Media 800m took place this morning. A lot of athletics journalists I follow/read took part. Still trying to find out who won
  10. Statement from the IFF regarding their experience trying to stream preliminary matches of their sport.
  11. @dcro as a dressage enthusiast, how’s her form here?
  12. It was so weird to not have to wake up early in order to race from venue to venue. I’ll post much more about my experience in Birmingham later this week. I’m so exhausted at the moment.
  13. Closing ceremony was much better than the opening ceremony. Transitions were still rough, but artist segments utilized the space better and we’re just more enthralling. Chengdu 2025 segment was gorgeous in person.
  14. That flying disc (ultimate frisbee) gold medal match was amazing! Phenomenal play, great atmosphere. Just wish the home crowd hadn't boo’ed the Aussies so much. Because both teams played well, and within the spirit of the game.
  15. The only streaming I see offered is the finals on the 24/7 channel tomorrow.
  16. They did, and without dropping a single pull the entire day.
  17. Except that history is 100% subjective to views of those recording it. But is that what’s happening here? They violated their own rules at the time. The rules around amateurism were awful, but this case is more complex than that.
  18. Is it re-writing or correcting though? According to @Dragon, the IOC broke their own rules originally. I think it’s important to consider this as well. “They confirmed that Wieslander himself had never accepted the Olympic gold medal allocated to him, and had always been of the opinion that Jim Thorpe was the sole legitimate Olympic gold medallist. ” I’d have to defer to @Dragon, but I believe there’s also some uncertainty about other athlete’s amateur credentials as well. Unless I’m mixing this up with something else or hearsay. Its an incredibly unfortunate situation all the way around.
  19. Damn, one day I will beat you to a Pan Ams scoop.
  20. Also, I may have out scooped @intoronto on Pan Am news for once. I was told by the IRF President that racquetball was added to the sports program, and it appears on the schedule above.
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