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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. I’d have to look into it. I started noticing their success around 2018/2019. I’m pretty certain they were given the right nationality.
  2. A couple of weather related delays and postponements this evening. Crazy day of weather. Insane heat in the morning, and torrential thunderstorms in the afternoon/evening. Wroclaw 2017 also had some thunderstorm induced delays. The World Games may need to come with their own extreme weather warnings at this point
  3. sent a recording of their national anthem that sends like it was recorded off a 1920s radio. The quality of the audio is comically bad, and we’ve got to experience it twice this evening
  4. Badawy wins the closest of matches. Tied 6-6, corner judges score the match 2-2, head official gives him the victory. Personally, I thought had the better fight.
  5. Kvesic gets disqualified by yuko count with one second to go in the match. Madani takes a bronze to home crowd delight… Kvesic wasn’t very happy about how that played out. There were some he clearly earned, but I didn’t see each one.
  6. @hckošice is going to wake up to some good news from karate
  7. I couldn’t find it last night either. I clicked on the listing, but it said “video missing.”
  8. Words cannot express how insanely hot and humid it is today. I have no idea how the athletes are managing to compete in this.
  9. For what it’s worth, I was quite impressed by the skaters yesterday. The last time I saw skaters from India was at Jakarta-Palembang 2018. I remember them not being that competitive, but the two skaters here were competitive in their races. They were even mixing it up at the front.
  10. Geiny Pajaro (Roller Sports) Max Poschart (Finswimming) named Athletes of the Day by the IWGA.
  11. wins the women’s 500m by virtue of not being disqualified. All other finalists are. A real Bradbury moment.
  12. 10km Points/Elimination race is a confusing event to follow live. Not to mention the fact that a few athletes couldn’t even keep pace. It feels like this edition is weaker than 2017.
  13. There’s also a schedule of streams on the The World Games website.
  14. No, that was a different Polish girl. There were two in the competition. I’d actually never seen someone faint in person, so that was quite something. Fukushima told me she’ll be back in 2025, so she’s not done yet
  15. I overheard some chatter about issues with the results system, broadcasting in the media center. Unfortunately, I went out to a venue before I could inquire about anything.
  16. Marsili avenges his counterpart, takes gold in the men’s 200m. An entertaining start to these Games.
  17. Olympics broadcasting the 24/7 channel on YouTube:
  18. takes the first gold medal in none other than roller sports speed skating. Like I said during the Bolivarian Games…they are still very good
  19. Softball doesn’t start today, so that’s probably why.
  20. ISB are the host broadcaster. I believe priority has been given to filming the finals sessions of all sports.
  21. I’ve commented on how drone shows were a bit overused this year, but I must admit that they are spectacular in person. I see why they’re popular.
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