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Everything posted by Agger

  1. Except for every single edition on the new site The TISC was afterall started to fill the gap between the summer and winter sports season
  2. Nordic people's? There are plenty of hard rock (or more like metal) fans around the world (though it's most likely a bigger scene in some countries)
  3. Haven't made a list, but I guess I could quickly make a 20 songs list
  4. Not sure if I'll get to making one. I feel like I'm lacking 2 countries (though I had completely forgotten that Mashrou' Leila had a new album). But 2 artists mentioned that I would have on my list as well
  5. And let's not say that it was done first way before he was a presidential candidate
  6. Though I wouldn't be surprised if the atmosphere for a Christmas service can be rather different...
  7. @Olymthe Trumps have a rather interesting idea on how to celebrate Christmas ...
  8. Well. If the atmosphere is better at the big day, there's another reason for you. Second, Christmas is (in my opinion) a time of traditions. If somebody doesn't feel like going, noone will say anything.
  9. Let's take it from a German historian ...
  10. I'll most likely join in with one
  11. And the Danish Christmas dinner. Duck with 2 kinds of potatoes, creamy brown sauce, pickled red cabbage and stuffing And for dessert: Risalamande (rice pudding with cream, almonds and vanilla, served with cherry sauce) In the dessert there's a single whole almond. The one who gets it wins a present (in some families it's a part of the "game" to hide that you've got it). For the first time in a bunch od years, I got it and ended up hiding it in my glass of port (one of the classics)
  12. A cold turkey can be healthy from time to time
  13. Nah. For me it's a time for recharging
  14. The few days where sports is very secondary for me!
  15. If you're modern, using LED lights, the TV would most likely use as much power as all your lights (if you're not going to the extremes in lighting).
  16. Tim Curry helps there (though not one of his best roles)
  17. I'm no big fan of any of the movies, but no. 2 is 4-5 times less bad than 3. Fair enough that it's nostalgia, but that really doesn't make 3 better.
  18. Seriously? Haven't watches the movies for some years (not one of the movies that I prioritize during Christmas any longer), but no. 2 is WAY better than 3!
  19. A bit from our christmas dinner. Swedish with a few Danish touches. Going classic Danish tomorrow.
  20. Joe DiMaggio, A-Rod and Jeter are the only Yankees players I can mention right now
  21. Well. Off to church in a moment (that one day a year for a lot of Danes) and then Christmas really starts with Swedish christmas lunch (we do Swedish Christmas eve and Danish Christmas day), TV advent calendars, Disney Christmas show and later plenty of cake.
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