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Everything posted by Federer91

  2. BULGARIA "ƂЪЛГАРИЯ" "BULHARSKO" Здравейте музикални фенове! След сладката вечеря е време да засилим партито. Ето и първите гласове от България: Hello music lovers! After the sweet dinner it's time to kick this party in high gear. Here are the first votes from Bulgaria: 3rd FRANCE 10 4th UNITED STATES 9 5th ARGENTINA 8 6th GREECE 7 7th CHINA 6 8th MALTA 5 9th ROMANIA 4 10th SPAIN 3 11th MEXICO 2 12th CHILE 1
  3. Interesting turn of events after Tunisia's votes. Let's see who's dreams of making the podium will be heartbroken with my votes.
  4. It looks like a nice setup from the hosts, so they loose at the end.
  5. Wouldn't you want to know. Can't say, as my votes are going to influence the last stretch of the race.
  6. Sorry buddy, but you are no match for my superpower song selection process. Maybe it's time to outsource my pick for next year's contest.
  7. Hopefully this will be the first and last snowless weekend we have. Frankly i would take having no starts at all, instead of this charade. Good win for Kubacki and Poland i guess, after his disastrous last season. Slovenia on the other hand nowhere to be seen.
  8. Way ahead here, everyone has been calling it Czechia for decades now.
  9. Happy to see the final return on a Sunday It's much better for me and i can be present for all of the second and fourth sessions.
  10. Istanbul can match any big venues, that Korea or Australia can bring for example. Heck even Poland could match them, if that is people's concerns. Temporary stands have become common and they can be added almost everywhere to increase the capacity. Turkey, Poland, Hungary, Mexico, Egypt will be such a breath of fresh air from the rotating door of same old, same old boring stuff.
  11. As per tradition, i will vote at the last moment a.k.a. tomorrow night. If i can squeeze time between the UEFA matches and work stuff, i can try to make a push for tonight.
  12. Actually, there is a real possibility that this year is the last for Lake Louise as their contract is up. Now, most likely it will be switched for a different NA resort, since the WC needs some variety after all. If FIS wants to widen the calendar i have always thought, that NA has better snow conditions in November/December than Europe, so it would be logical to have those legs from the middle of November and slot this new Cervinia stint at the beginning of December. The NA resorts probably won't like this idea, as early-middle November is slightly out of season and they would much more prefer to stay in December to attract tourists, but from a WC standpoint it makes to most sense to have the long trip overseas at the very beginning of the season.
  13. Don't know, if people are aware, but i just read this sad news. Former pole vault star Tim Lobinger has been battling leukemia for a few years and has admitted, that there isn't a way back from this and the end is near. Names come and go, but i still remember watching him 15-20 years ago. When i first started watching athletics he was one of the most recognizable faces for me. He also started and led Germany's best period ever in the pole vault alongside Bjorn Otto, Danny Ecker, Holzdeppe, Malte Mohr afterwards. A vacuum, that has been severely missed the past years. Tim Lobinger talks about his incurable cancer
  14. I have widened it down to 15-ish songs, but now i have a hard time ranking them. And usually in prior contests i have had a clear top 3-4 standing out above the rest, but this year even this is not the case..
  15. The women's races in Cervinia have also been cancelled, even though they were for next week. FIS's idea for a new Grande opening to the WC is going, going, gone...
  16. Ha, an interesting update for a name i'm sure a lot of people still remember - Boyanka Kostova. The World Record holder, World & European Champion Azerbaijani athlete / Bulgarian traitor is currently serving a second doping ban up until 2029. But beside this, it came to light today, that she has also been serving a 1 year jail sentence here for dealing drugs on the streets (will be let out next month). It appears she was caught a few months after the second doping ban was announced in late 2021.
  17. I would have said, that Iran should escalate this situation to WT and the IOC, but frankly they wouldn't do anything about it, so why bother.. Doesn't matter, that it's a blatant hindrance to the qualification system.
  18. Budapest 2036 is the only direction we should be going to!
  19. Woa, that grande new race that FIS was gloating for how much time, until we got this stinker...
  20. Yeah, Spain are having a terrible tournament / season (by their standards). They could indeed be left with only Real, with Atletico on the fence. But on the other hand, they would charge the Europa League with a 4/5 club armada
  21. How can only 1 Italian team could qualify, when Napoli have already done so and Inter have clear advantage over Barca and will need only a win against dead last Plzen Even Milan with their even group have a very good chance, since their matches with the top dog Chelsea are over, regardless of their bad form and lots of injuries.
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