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Everything posted by zob79

  1. How the f*ck does Emese Szasz never burn out and we see her, with the slow/boring style, competing every year?
  2. Looking at the T8, a final between Navarria and Popescu would be the logical thing to expect
  3. You're on weed, right?
  4. Yes, I'm watching right now
  5. I remember
  6. I was 3 in '82 If you ever have some spare time, maybe you can tell me what was fencing like before wiring...
  7. Kind of off-topic: do you remember the match-ups between Laura Badea and Vezzali or Trillini in the 90's? I think those were the best women foil bouts I've ever seen (especially Atlanta '96 )
  8. What's a world fencing contest without atletes from Congo, Botswana and Togo? I think the WCH should be stopped immediately
  9. is going well atm. PS: Ana Branza vs Rosella Fiamingo in second round; what a pity that one of these great fencers will be eliminated so early...
  10. TEAM ROMANIA: Marius Tic (22 yo, GK) Serban Abrudan (17 yo, GK) Tiberiu Negrean (29) Mihnea Gheorghe (24) Andrei Prioteasa (22) Tudor Fulea (21) Robert Gergelyfi (21) Nicolae Oanta (27) Vlad Georgescu (19) Victor Antipa (19) Alexandru Ghiban (32) Cosmin Radu (36) Mihnea Chioveanu (30)
  11. Usually there is livestream on FIE fencing channel (youtube)
  12. Is there any livestream available for Brazil-Argentina, pls?
  13. Sorry, i was so keen to post it that i just didn't check the topic
  14. I don't know if this has been posted before, but here are the new weight categories:
  15. Who's the best Brazilian female gymnast atm?
  16. Mighty Carp and Mihalachi: gold at C2-500, silver at C2-1000
  17. OK; tomorrow I'm gonna be in the stands... would you like me to wave to you?
  18. Wanna tell you what happened in 69 kg class? I was there
  19. European weightlifting championships?
  20. Sincraian is also a proved cheater, it's the second time he was caught.
  21. True what Romanian sources do you consult?
  22. This is not sport any more
  23. When Nistor was robbed by referees I was sure yoka will be olympic master puppet; everything was set up for him
  24. Unfortunately it was not just a bad Olympic; it's true we had bad luck on some particular events, but overall the disaster was predictable. After the fall of communism (1989) our country "managed" to develop a strange type of free-market economy. The state assets got robbed by wiseguys, and individual businessmen were interested only in short-term profits. On top of this, the sports infrastructure was getting old and non-competitive, but no one even thought of building new sports halls. Romania kept getting some results in major competitions due to athletes who were born and raised before 1989, thus the warning signs were ignored by the sports activists and the public. To sum it up, the major problems are: 1. lack of sports infrastructure 2. huge robberies of sports federations funds 3. lack of interest from old coaches to update their knowledge/training methods. I don't think these problems will be solved in the near future, especially the one mentioned at nr.2, which is crucial. Romanians still have the fascination of robbing money (mainly from state, but not only from state); as long as this habit is alive, sport doesn't have a chance to regain its former glory.
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