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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by dcro

  1. @heywoodu All I hear is crappy pop music. No sign of the Dutch band both today and yesterday.
  2. Yeah, you are missing a whole lot during those commercials/Kramer shots.
  3. I'm getting tired of this one sided crowd. Even London 2012 was less one sided.
  4. Very nice 53rd place for Crnković in his first ever skiathlon race. Our best Olympic skiathlon result since 1994.
  5. Already second clean sweep. Winter sports are becoming uncompetitive at a fast pace.
  6. This man stole the place from Bergsma, SHAME!
  7. That sounds very logical, meaning no way it's gonna happen.
  8. Crnković is going very nicely thus far. Nice redemtpion after failing to qualify in biathlon. Sadly, there are some let's say "challenged" people from skiing clubs who went all out because Crnković got selected in cross-country skiing. According to them biathletes shouldn't be allowed to compete in cross-country because they "already have their sport which they can't change".
  9. Meh, again we have a group at the front. Oh well, I can't wait for this event to be replaced by pursuit (not that pursuit is ideal, but still much better).
  10. Awwww, I'm already your fan, you didn't need to make classical stage of skiathlon interesting for the first time in history.
  11. Nope. She wins because of technical points, some of the judges still gave higher interpretation pts to Kostner (and usually all of them to that...).
  12. So many people disagree with that statement actually.
  13. That was beautiful from Buchanan. At the Euros last month she messed all of her jumps and scored 30. What an improvement! EDIT: Improved her PB from 2015!
  14. Even Australia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan finishing without medals is not impossible at all...
  15. And yet everyone is telling how Norway is going to have a private party.
  16. Picture broke midway, meaning we may not have seen the gold medal run.
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